Why I left the Mormon LDS Church 😢

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For anyone struggling with anything similar ❤️ #exmo #exmormon
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Keep going sister, it will get better. I left the church in 2003. My whole family continued. It was difficult for a while, but there is a whole world of truth out there. I just spoke to my sister and found out all the stuff I didn't know, and now I finally feel liberated, instead of inactive. Make your own sacred space and take it one day at a time. It will get better. Thanks for sharing🎉


It was so nice to hear about your experience, as I greatly relate to it. I did not go on a mission, but I was married in the temple 13 years ago and finally realized the church wasn't true last year. It was a long time coming, but it took me months to get the courage to sit my husband down and tell him. It was the hardest conversation we've ever had. He was devastated. I felt horrible. I also believed he would divorce me over it. So far, that hasn't happened. At first, he would tell me that I never truly believed and didn't have enough faith. He still believes that, but I've told him he can't say things like that to me anymore. I was all in at certain times in my life. I had so much faith. But once I actually looked at the church closely, I didn't like the foundation of it or the history. We have two kids, and things are in limbo as to how we raise them. But I love how you brought up how you had to look at your morals and figure out what those are now. I've had to look at everything I believe – whether cultural or political – and come to my own conclusions on them. The church influenced every aspect of what I had believed about how to live and view the world. At times I feel lost, and it's terrifying not having the church to fall back on. But I keep going and just try to find joy where I can. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It resonated with me so much. Lots of love!


Totally understand and empathize with mourning what’s been lost. That’s real. Leaving the church can be one of the most challenging things you’ll do. And then you have to question so many things. It’s a struggle! But it can also be powerful. You have so much power over yourself and life right now. Wish you the best!


just last month i had this movie called provo recommended to me and now i'm getting this in my youtube recommendations
as someone who doesn't know a thing about mormonism i'm not sure why i'm getting ex-mormon content but i'm not mad
happy you found yourself❣️


It's been a full year of deconstructing and I was so scared that my wife would go through the pain and anguish I went through when I learned that it was all made up. But now I can say that my marriage and relationship with my kids is much richer and amazing than it has ever been in the 22+ years I was a church member. It feels like I have my life back and can enjoy it with my amazing family! Thank you for sharing your story!


Your story was very relatable. For me on my mission, it was reading in an old 1993 ensign article that Joseph Smith used a rock in a hat. I felt so lied to and betrayed. Thank you for sharing your experience.


You had the strength to finish your mission, while I don’t think I could with what I knew now that I didn’t know then. Thanks for coming out. You were awesome no matter what.


So proud of you!!! How faithful you were when we met showed me your integrity and that integrity is still there... Doing what you believe is right - despite what people will think 🦾❤


You had this conversation a few weeks ago?!?! Your at the beginning of a very exciting, surprising, heart-wrenching journey.

Posting to the world was such a good thing. You are so not alone in this, whatever your experience or reasons or challenges, and you never need to go through this alone.


The truth is painful but will set you free!


Thank you for sharing your story, it’s so helpful having videos like this that help me not feel so alone on this journey ❤


So honest and real. I think you expressed very well what many people are going through. Thank you for sharing. A truly lived life should be an adventure of discovery and defining. Good luck with it all!


I love your story. I had exactly the same experience of slowly becoming aware. Then one day while praying about a huge struggle, I was made aware of everything slammed together. What I saw is Deception is the core of the church! It hit me like Mack Truck. Seeing each issue individually was easier to dismiss. But everything stacked up on a single scale was WAY TO MUCH to dismiss.


Next stage is Anger. Brace yourself. When you realize that these leaders know what they are doing to followers, and the condescendition. And that the people you love the most are all duped and the damage it really is doing.


This is so real and vulnerable, thank you so much for sharing your story 💗🎀💖


What a beautiful young woman. You did such a wonderful job expressing yourself. I'm 74 and have been out of the church for years. I'm still effected by the fact that I was scammed.


Rachel I enjoyed your video! Our experiences are very similar with the sequence of events except I am in my 40s and have kids. I hope you and your husband are still pusing through and figuring things out for yoursleves.


I had a very similar feeling when I left the Catholic Church. I often wish that I could still live blissfully in that community, raise my kids with similar morals and a Sunday church service, etc. but ultimately I didn't believe the doctrine and knew that for myself, I had to leave. Even though I didn't talk loudly about it, I still found friendships drift and had to really reassess my time, energy, community, and many other things to move forward. Sending you lots of love as you continue this journey. It's been about 14 years for me now and I'm feeling a lot more established but still have those thoughts that I miss the certainty that my religion has given me. At the same time, I feel free to really dive deep and think about life, meaning, and ethics in a way that feels right deep inside me.


Our parents and grandparents were wrong. It’s ok. We can just walk away and start a new honest life full of discovery and learning. When you are Mormon, you have all the right answers given to you when you are 18-19 years old. No more curiosity. No more self discovery. Just conformity. Endure to the end 🤮


Thanks for sharing your experience. Keep learning about yourself, I left five years ago. It gets easier. I have read tons of different theology books and I have so much respect for different traditions and sacred writings and just nature in general, it’s been fun seeing “God” and all those experiences. Authors like Amy Jill Levine, Richard Rohr, Karen Armstrong, Spong etc
