Why I Left The Mormon Church

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In this video, I share my personal journey and reasons for leaving the Mormon Church. Join me as I discuss the experiences, challenges, and revelations that led to this significant life decision.

If you're curious about the church or seeking support in your own spiritual journey, I hope my story can provide insight and understanding.

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Eric you’re a great guy. Do not ever think that you aren’t. You are loved and appreciated.


Then the next week I did it again.
I Leave the Mormon church every week trying to do it right.
As the say "Practice makes Perfect".


Eric, thank you for sharing your story…this is Mario. I’m glad I had the opportunity to meet you when you were serving in Lenexa. I’m thankful I had the opportunity to break bread with you and your companion while you were here. As you remember I am not a member of LDS whereas my wife had grown up in the church but is not serving.

I remember the y’all coming to take leaves and do anything else you could to serve us and it was appreciated but I always wanted to reciprocate…providing a meal or anything else y’all needed. I remember offering money to help with food and being told y’all had to give the money to the bishop and he would decide where that money went…I didn’t like that but respected your position as a servant at the time.

I’m proud to have met you and have been with you along your journey. God bless you and your family young man.


I spent months talking with a couple of young men from "the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." The first time they came to our house was during the small amount of time when my husband was working from home. I came to realize a few things: 1) they depended way too much on their feelings; the Bible says that the heart is decietful above all things. 2)They have been well taught to counter Christians' questions about their beliefs. 3) They were more anxious to please the person who they answered to than they were to please God.
The Only way that I wasn't sucked in was because i didnt follow their rules-- instead, I prayed and asked God to guide me; I read the parts of my Bible (and the parts of the Book of Mormon) that He led me to (rather than what they told me to), and I found that, even though they always had a logical counter for my queries, God always had a rebuttle for their misunderstandings. God Always Won. Not the "god" of the Book of Mormon-- the God of the Bible. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God who loves us so much, that He gave His only begotten Son, to die for our sins, and to be raised again.
Our Bible doesn't have contradictions, but you have to pray for God's guidance, and allow Him to actually guide you in your understanding, in order to understand the underlying nuances of meaning, the true interpretations, the actual meaning of the words.
Shortly before they first stopped by, I had wished that I could go spread the gospel in the Middle East (it was shortly after 9/11)... but I knew that I couldnt, because I was a new mother, and had a small child and a nursing toddler depending on me. Then they knocked on my door, and one of them said that God led them to my house. Months later, God gave me a prophesy for each of them. The one who had said that God led them was the one with the more favorable prophesy. Before I could see them again, he was reassigned. I hope and trust that God had them send him to spread the gospel in the Middle East. I pray God kept him safe, wherever he ended up. The other one was jealous and had a lot of angry questions. He was reassigned a short while later. Then the two new gentlemen stopped by to try to find out what had happened. 🤷‍♀️What could I say? You pray for guidance, you read the Bible (only!), and you trust God and do as He says. I dont remember what I told them, but I remember what God said to me, when I was on my face praying on my kitchen floor for guidance for the umpteenth time: God's voice, like thunder, "YOUR SALVATION DOES NOT DEPEND UPON THAT BOOK!" (the book of Mormon). That's all I needed to know. Case closed. So I told them to quit wasting their time. I love Jesus, I fear God, and the devil's in the details in their book. The good bits were already written. Read the Bible. ✝️✝️✝️


Eric, I remember you from the YSA ward in Kansas, my wife and I are currently in the same ward as the Hegviks. I'm glad you have found peace in your life and hope and pray for the well being of your entire family. Though we have chosen different paths, I still consider you a brother and wish you the best.


❤ Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. Glad you got out and have found love and peace. We left in 2022. The journey is awesome!


As a converted I quickly learned that being "born and raised the church" is just half a baptism, many converts across the globe are experiencing the visions of blessings of old, they're experiencing the baptism of fire which is a promised blessing of receiving the doctrine of Christ / the gospel.

"Baptism by water is but half a baptism, and is good for nothing without the other half—that is, the baptism of the Holy Ghost."


Enjoyed you're perspective and hearing your experiences, Hope you're doing well Brotha.


Thanks for sharing this part of your journey, Eric! 🤙🏽


This made me feel like I was smoking essential oils


I was raised Mormon too. I’ve dabbled into the psychedelics as well. I can honestly say that those were some of the most happy times of my life, but on the contrary when I’ve had bad trips they have been some of the most miserable points of my life. I find hope in Christ. He is the bread of life. He will give us bread that will never perish. I’m currently in the process of becoming Roman Catholic.


7:24 "Intelligent design doesn't mean there wasn't some catastrophically powerful super event that brought the universe into being."

That isn't what Nelson said. He didn't say there was no Big Bang. You're proffering a straw man argument.


thanks for sharing from your perspective. it seems you are happy now which is good. it's good to be free


That moment you describe of longing for the good feelings of the Spirit and not getting them reminds me of how I felt on my mission. Soon after I was set apart as a full-time missionary but before leaving for my mission area, I remember a moment when I was with my mom in a local Wal-Mart and for some reason I just started to feel bad. I thought maybe it was because of the "secular" music playing on the PA but my mom said I shouldn't worry about music in public places. Anyway, long story short, the good feelings I had before that never came back. I worked hard, I prayed, I fasted, I gave generous fast offerings, etc. but I never got back to feeling the good things I did before. I think that was the decisive moment that opened me up to pay attention to all the problems with church doctrines and history.


Brother you’re in your spiritual journey just like many of us…the church is like a preschool in the spiritual journey… God doesn’t have a religion…the message of The Son of God is Love and do as you will.. that is the message for all humanity.


Thank you for your honesty! So very few straight white Mormon males ever admit that they were buoyantly embraced by Mormonism precisely for being straight and white. Thank you!


So glad you found your truth, it takes courage…💫


Praying is meditating.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding (Prov. 3:5).

Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered (Prov. 28:26).

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? (Jer. 17:9).


A question: what exactly were you expecting from God when you prayed all day long? An angel to stand in front if you and say that you're loved? A warm feeling in your heart?

Just because God didn't answer your prayer in YOUR time or in YOUR way doesnt mean it wasnt answered. You were too blind to see that you had always been loved and very fortunate to have so many people around you who love you. Jesus Christ was sent to earth to die for you. If that isn't love and comfort, i dont know what is.


Don't take this as an attack, but I will share my thoughts as a Christian, NOT a Mormon. You were in a non-Christian religion (that lies about God and scripture) before you left it for an anti-Christian religion you got from pop culture and started practicing, and THEN you wondered why you felt disconnected from God? You tell God you have been faithful while practicing a different religion, which is forbidden in scripture? Then you threaten to turn your back on him as blackmail? I think you missed something in scripture and your previous faith. There is plenty in scripture that should have taught you how ridiculous that is. It would not even occur to be like this to someone deep in scripture, but perhaps you were deep in the organization and not quite scripture itself. People do have experiences in all sorts of things, but if it is not from God then it is demonic. Anyway, only you can choose. I wish the best for you, but know that this means I wish for you to become Christian. Beautiful family btw, congrats.
