The Case for Pre-Trib Rapture, 4 Winds and 4 Horses

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A review of scripture that supports pre-tribulation rapture and a fresh take on the four winds from which the elect are gathered.

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Listening to you I realize we who look for the Rapture are receiving a deeper understanding in order to strengthen faith and give a stronger belief in this thing we call pre tribulation Rapture. I'm excited about the catching away, but have a certain amount of anxiety, like when I landed in Vietnam, the not knowing what to expect. All I can say is Come Lord Jesus!


Excellent Study Daniel. I enjoy how you tie the OT accounts in with the timeline of Revelation. This is something very new and its like a breath of fresh air. We will be reviewing all of these multiple times.


I'm here in NY (Upstate) where the Lord would have me caring for Mom. I didn't know the timing, but I knew from a dream that there would be an event here. Thanks Daniel. I'm always eager to learn.


Thank you Daniel for presenting your studies, we are really enjoying them. God bless you brother from your forever sisters in Australia.


I am a pre-tribulation. I know God will come for the church before the great tribulation.


excellent study, brother. See you there. All glory to Jesus Christ!


Thank you! That was a really good study.


I wonder how the ancient saints understood the Bible without the modern tools ?? Faith is given by God in and for His plan and purpose !! Back in the day most couldnt read ot write, yet thier Faith was great according to God's grace. Wisdom, knowledge, decernment all the gifts are subject the the great Gift of Faith. If the Holy Word was taken from us true believers real Faith in our Lord would be enough, if or when the tribulation is upon us the Bible won't save anyone ignorant of its wisdom rather thier faith in God will be the real subject of our deliverence. I study God's Word daily but just like you brother I am only flesh and only by His Holy Spirit can hope to understand. Many YouTubers out here. As it says in the Bible in this age we will see many giving thier opinions. I say no matter what happens Oct. 2024 we must be prepared for His comming if we follow Him, love Him first, depend on Him no matter the tribulation we will live with Him forever more one great day!! GLORY HALLALUJAH AMEN God bless you always LYLJ


The vast majority of the church already "escaped" the Great Tribulation. Why? Because they DIED before the tribulation for the last may centuries before that great & terrible day of the Lord. So since all dead believers escape, how does it make any sense that the Lord would subject His relatively few remaining living believers of the Fig Tree generation to the tribulation saved just for them to endure along with the Christ rejecting masses?


Rev 3:10 is the pretrib rapture. Rejecting this Truth has dire consequences. Why? Because in Rev 22 Jesus states "18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Imagine that: Removed from the Book of Life for refuting any part of Revelation which includes the pretrib rapture in Rev 3:10. " Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth."


What if there are multiple raptures/ascensions, 3, 4 in the book of Revelation?


This must be the Holy Spirit speaking to me now! I was thinking the same thing a few days ago. I randomly thought about whether God takes us at the same time or different times? Definitely the Holy Spirit is speaking to me


Sometime this summer The fig tree generation is going to be 76 and 1/2 years old and 76 and 1/2 + 76 and 1/2 is 153 and God does everything with numbers and that's just part of the puzzle he has put together before the rapture and that is just one little piece of all these numbers


Also the word “Ye” means that He is talking to everyone not just the person He is directly speaking to.


I'm wondering if the Last Trump is the last trump of the moedim on the last great day, 8th day of Sukkot?


The book of Revelation is definitely a relational database.


I appreciate your work. I have a kind suggestion. When someone doesnt agree with your understanding, dont accuse them of a lack of faith. Believers that dont know when the rapture is for sure, dont lack faith. God doesnt command us to know it. Not knowing? The Lord doesnt know. The weddings in His day were that way. Only the groom's father knows the day & time. Invitations go out. Those that want to attend, must be ready when the trumpet blows. Those that arent ready, will be turned away. You seem very defensive. Tell your truth. Let the Holy Spirit convict those He chooses. The spirit convicts, not you. Keep up the good work.


I stumbled upon your channel and I'm finding it to be quite interesting. You mentioned the Allegory Paul spoke about in Galatians 4. I'm not actually sure what the purpose of an allegory is. Paul begins saying, " Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law?"
Throughout his epistles Paul wishes to emphasize that in Christ, we are no longer under the Law. See verses such as Romans 3:28, 7:6-7. Ephesians 2:8-9, Gal 5:1 . In Gal.4 he uses an allegory to drive this concept home, saying Abraham had 2 sons. One by a bondwoman; which was Hagar or Agar, who bore Ishmael; born after the flesh.
The other by a freewoman; which was Sarah, who bore Isaac, by a promise.
Paul then adds" which things are an allegory: for these are the 2 covenants.
I find two major problems with this allegory.
1st problem is that the torah specifically tells us that there is only one covenant, not two. The covenant was made through Abraham's son Isaac, and definately not with Ishmael, as was clearly established in Gen.17:19-21.
The second problem, is that while the covenant is being established through Isaac, we know the seed of this covenant was planted originally in God's PROMISE to Abraham; Isaac's father.
Yet when the covenant was actually confirmed, it was established by circumcision of the flesh- Gen 17:10-11. 23-27. As a token between God and Abraham, and his subsequient offspring.Therefore, this single covenant originated by a promise, but was later confirmed through the flesh. Paul's allegory, attributes the covenant by flesh with Ishmael; but as we have seen, there was never a covenant of any kind, established with Ishmael.
Paul continues in Gal 4:24, differentiating the. " two allegorical covenants" pointing out that one of these covenants is from Mt Sinai. Mt Sinai is associated with Moses, and the recieving of the 10 commandments/ the Law, This is the Law Paul was referencing back to in Gal. 4:21.The law the Jews desired to remain under. Consider Sarah's linage and how it eventually leads to Moses/ and the law given to Israel from Mt Sinai.Sarah bore Isaac, Isaac bore Jacob, Jacob's name would later be changed to Israel. Israel.had 12 sons, who would become the 12 tribes of Israel. One of Jacobs/ Israel's 12 sons was named Levi, we can associate Levi with the Levitical priesthood, as it would be established exclusively through the tribe of Levi. Aaron was a descendant of the tribe of Levi. He was annointed as Israel's first High Priest. Aarons younger brother; Moses who was also a levite; became associated with Sinai and the 10 comnandments. In conclusion, Sarah, the freewoman, is the woman associated with Sinai through her offspring, not Hagar the bondwoman. Why then does Paul connect Mt Sinai with Hagar, and bondage. Paul says, "Hagar is Mt Sinai" -Gal. 4:25. In saying this, he is drawing his readers into following an erroneous belief. In Gal 4:30 Paul drives his point home; saying, " Nevertheless what sayeth the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son" In other words, Paul is planting a new seed in the mind of his reader. He wants us to believe we are suppose to cast away the bondwoman/ cast away Sinai, cast away the law. Jesus said, "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the Prophets, I came not to abolish but to fulfill. Jesus did not fulfill the law by abolishing it, The law was given to Israel, as a way to set them apart from all the other nations of the world. A special people to God, He gave them his law, which he intended for them to obey, In so doing,
God could pour out abundant blessings upon them, or curses if they failed to obey. God never intended for his law to be cast away as the bondeoman and her child had been, but rather he intended through our obedience to his law, that it would give his people, those wholove him the ability to live free from the bondage of sin and death. What is your take on this topic.I'd be interested to hear your opinion.


Didn't a lot of Jewish ppl come out of USSR/Russia around 1990?


The rapture is for the rest of the 144, 000 (the little flock) who are still here to be caught up before the day of Jehovah and then enter the final phase together with Jesus. We, the great flock, will remain on earth - until it is finally cleansed.
