3 Undeniable Reasons the Rapture is Pre-Trib | Tipping Point | Jimmy Evans

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Will believers experience the tribulation? Is the idea of a pre-tribulation rapture just fantasy? Today on Tipping Point, I present 3 undeniable reasons the second coming is pre-trib.

In the subscriber-only portion, I'm answering your questions about prophecy and the timing of the rapture.


Jimmy Evans is a long-time pastor, Bible teacher, and best-selling author. He is the
Founder and President of XO Marriage, a ministry devoted to helping couples
thrive in strong and fulfilling marriages.

For 30 years, Jimmy ministered as Senior Pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church in
Amarillo, Texas, where he now serves as Apostolic Elder. During his time as senior
pastor the church grew from 900 to over 10,000 members. Jimmy loves mentoring
pastors and helping local churches grow to reach their potential. He is a popular
speaker at churches and leadership conferences across America.

Jimmy has written more than 18 books including Marriage on the Rock, The Four
Laws of Love, 21 Day Inner Healing Journey, and Tipping Point.

Jimmy and Karen have been married for 50 years and have two married children
and five grandchildren.
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Shalom brothers and sisters. I don't usually leave comments, but I feel like I should. I'm a 49 year old truck driver from Texas. I surrendered my life to Christ several years ago, after a series of unfortunate events. A few months ago, I had a dream, where I was suddenly flying up through the air, going really fast, through clouds, and a blue sky. There were lots of other people going up also. It was so real, that my stomach even got that feeling that you get in an elevator, or on a roller coaster. The bride of Christ has gone through her own tribulation in this wicked world....and our redemption draws nigh! The rapture will happen sooner than we think. The Lord Bless you all, In The Name of Yeshua Hamashiach! Maranatha.


Thank you. A lot of people are scared. We should be comforting each other with these words. We are going home family! 🎉


One thing for WE ARE all going to find out pretty soon..


I loved it when you said "the Tribulation is God pouring out his WRATH and that he is not MAD at us believers" Thank you for this very clear teaching of a PRE-Trib RAPTURE!🥰


When I was younger I was so afraid of the end times and the rapture but now that I’m in my 40’s I’m so excited for the return of Jesus Christ! This message was very encouraging to support pretribulation. I never knew where I stood on when the rapture would occur because I couldn’t tell from reading Revelation for myself but you explained it so well from scripture. Thank you Jimmy!


I feel compelled to comment. In January 2022. I prayed and asked the Lord to show me that the rapture is real and that it will happen. Jesus showed me in a dream He came as the brightest blinding light on a cloud from Heaven EVERYONE SAW HIM. People froze in fear and the ones left behind will see people simultaneously combust into thin air. It will be madness. I was left behind I cried and cried and cried clawing at the ground begging Jesus to take me and he said IT IS TOO LATE. I never ever want to hear those words again and I pray many will repent. The dream was so vivid and real I cried from the depths of my belly, I woke up crying. Please people repent. JESUS IS COMING SOONER THAN ANYONE THINKS just like he said LIKE A THEIF IN THE NIGHT. Gotta have your lamps filled with oil to meet the Bridegroom. Lord I thank you for the dream ❤


“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
- Luke 21:36


It is a complete comfort to know Pastor Evans word straight from the Bible. I completely agree with what was just taught to us. Amen!


I am with you 100% about the proof of a pretrib rapture!! Praise God 🙌🙌🙌


Yes Pastor Jimmy! Hallelujah thank You Jesus for Your Gracious Merciful Love and Holiness and Word of Truth! Maranatha! We long to be with You our Redeemer Savior Gracious Loving Lord!


Please come soon Dear God!!! In Jesus name. Amen and Amen ✝️


Thank you so much! That makes so much sense. Whenever I think of mid or post tribulation, I feel my hope is taken away...but Jesus coming anytime? Wow, what incredible hope that brings! That spurs me on as a believer! We have so much to look forward to. Praise the Lord!


I 💯 agree with you. Our church teaches on this and we share with the little ones that one day they will see Jesus. We're seeing all the signs now.


Bless you Pastor Jimmy. My wife and I read all of the " Left Behind " series written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. Those books led me to the Bible, reading all about prophecy. Thank you Tim and Jerry for opening my eyes and what is too come. Thank you Pastor Jimmy for helping me along the way. From Windsor Ontario Canada 🇨🇦. A big hug to you my brother in Christ.


One of the greatest arguments for Pre-tribulation rapture I've ever heard; blessings to you and your family!!


This podcast is truly inspiring. Healing comes from God and His alone for His glory. Thank you, Pastor Hibbs


Peace and Blessings Jimmy! It's also 70for me and 50 for me and my loving wife too. Just in recent months, I have finally learned so much, and with your teaching today, and for me this has been the most clearly explained pure Biblical Prophecy teaching that I have seen, and we who are watching and reading this are truly Blessed.... Hallelujah! All Glory to GOD Almighty! Praised Be YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST... Hallelujah! I will share this Blessing over and over. Hallelujah!


I pray that we all remain strong. Somethings are not revealed to us. We must have faith in God and keep our lamps full.


Pastor Jimmy, I really enjoy watching your end times talks. I really want my none christian friends and relatives to come to know the Lord before the terrifying 7 days tribulation


Thank you so much for this teaching! No matter what anyone says, the Church WILL be raptured and we’re getting out of here! The tribulation period is for the wicked! When people say that us, the church, will go through tribulation, they’re trying to take away our blessed hope!! But I will hold on to our blessed hope. God bless you!❤
