How To Discipline A Teenager Who Doesn’t Care About Consequences

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Disciplining your children definitely becomes more difficult as they grow older, especially when they hit their teen years. Get my advice on how to discipline a teenager who doesn't care about consequences by watching this video!

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Nicholeen Peck
Teaching Self-Government

Key Moments in this Episode
00:00 Intro & Summary
01:21 What Troubled Teens Really Need
05:44 What Is Self-Government?
07:29 Important Tonal Elements In A Home
09:57 How To Teach Teens To Accept Consequences
12:09 How To Do Proper Corrections
13:59 Get The Calm Parenting Toolkit

What To Watch Next
The Not-So-Known Secret To Parenting Success (Full Class)

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About Nicholeen Peck
Despite your best efforts at raising children, is your family dysfunctional? Do your children set the rules and have control of your home instead of you? Are you looking for parenting skills that will help you create a united, happy family?

Then meet Nicholeen Peck, one of the world’s most effective parenting experts. Whether you want to fix child behavioral issues, create more unity in the home, or simply strengthen your family relationships, her proven system — Teaching Self-Government — can help you turn chaos into calm.

"People are starving for help to save their families," says Nicholeen.

Since 1999, her seminars, workshops, one-on-one training sessions, parenting videos and books have helped thousands of families worldwide regain peace, be happy and maintain unity in their home. The secret? Learning how to use effective family systems based on parenting that’s deliberate and pro-active (instead of reactive). It all starts with the principles of self-government. If you’re a family of faith, you’ll especially love how your faith and values can be woven into her parenting system.

Nicholeen Peck’s Accomplishments

* Author of “Parenting: A House United,” “Popular Parenting Methods: Are They Really Working?,” “Roles: The Secret to Family, Business, and Social Success” and many other books and magazine articles.
* President of The Worldwide Organization for Women (WOW).
* Nicholeen regularly speaks at the United Nations and other congresses around the world as an advocate for strengthening families and motherhood.
* In 2009 her family was featured on the BBC reality show, “The World’s Strictest Parents.
* Trained as a foster parent for Utah Youth Village.
* Has parented many troubled foster children.
* Successfully raised (and raising) four children of her own.

“Her loving parenting techniques work with ALL children.”

“Thank you for your insights and solutions. They have helped my family so much.”

“My husband and I have started implementing some of your techniques, and our house has been so different!”

“I feel that my children respect me more. I will be eternally grateful for what I have learned from Nicholeen Peck.”
Michelle Baker

“If you want to forge the strongest family bonds possible, to repair damaged relationships, and redeem a child that seems completely lost, then this program IS for you.”

Nate Woodbury - YouTube Producer

Рекомендации по теме

Wow I'm studying you so hard before my kids turn into teens this is FANTASTIC 🙏💖❣️


As a team leader youth worker, who looks after 10 troubled teens. This is a great start. It’s so true. Build a rapport with them, engage with them, get to know them. Always have a calm tone but stern when need to be, because cause this tactic doesn’t work over night like she said


Yes, I feel like all we do is discipline . . . Consequences, consequences, consequences. It is miserable and kids and parents are not liking each other very much


I'm so grateful my husband found this video. I wish we had found this program earlier. I'm excited to check out the start program and register for the full one. We need help with our teen.


Omg 😱 and showing calmness I have been failing on my tone of voice 😩


Thinking through how these principles apply to our 3 young ones under 6 years old. I took your free course this week and hope to take your full course in the near future. 🙏


tone of trust!!! This is very good I'm even trying this on my 5 and 10 yr old !❣️


Hey Nicholeen, great content. Great advice. But more importantly, you truly deserve a compliment for your transformation. Great job


My daughter is a deceptive liar and her mom does not enforce a high standard. She does not give her extra choirs. She is soft on correction. As a result, the father gets to discipline. And we aren’t talking small infractions, we are talking big life changing lies and actions she is taking. And associating with unwise people. I have two excellent behaved boys and one completely undisciplined daughter. (In some ways, like her mother). Help!!!


This is very broad. It is not usually a given especially with teenagers with PDA to connect. Add autism into the mix and it’s even more complicated. This is a decent start with a regular rebellious teenager however won’t work on more difficult cases that are anxiety based.


This title sure caught my eye!!! Whooohoooo!


Thank you! You are amazing 😊 I’m grateful that I came across your channel


Looking amazing Nicholleen😘thank you for sharing


So valuable!!!! Thank you SO MUCH for this video!


So how do I do these things with someone who is also manipulating meaning she can go anywhere with anyone (but me) and does what she’s supposed to or act respectful but when it’s around me she actually hates me so she chooses to do everything but what I have set for rules mind you this is a sister who became my child


Hi! I would like to sign up for the TSG Parenting Course. Where can I purchase the class?


Any suggestions for teaching calmness to high strung/anxious reactive preteens and parents with panic disorders/ADHD?


After using these new skills will intrinsic motivation begin to emerge??


Hi do you have a video about illicit drugs? What to do


0:44 Was this woman now. I used to have patience, but it’s gotten to be so much as he’s gotten older and now scary.
