Is this the real cause of ADHD?

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I've seen kids act up when they drink kool aid or eat candy, I always just assumed it was the sugar, never considered food coloring was an additional factor.


Yep. My 8 yr old son was “diagnosed adhd” and his father pushed to have him put on pharmaceutical drugs. His behavior only got worse and he had so many side effects from the drug. So many sleepless nights and many tears shed during that time. I fought this in court and I won since his dad did not get my authorization to put him on those drugs (we are not together). I’ve since then completely transformed my son’s diet, he eats the exact same diet as I do (at least when he’s in my care.) He has been drug FREE for a year and he’s doing SO much better! His dad has also gotten on board with me on this and also has changed his beliefs on pharmaceuticals drugs. I’m also now home schooling him, simultaneously working from home full time. As a parent, there’s absolutely nothing I won’t do or sacrifice for the betterment of my child. This has been a HUGE answer to prayer for my boy!! ❤


I have an 18 months old daughter. She has never, ever had anything packeted or processed. All of her food that isn’t my breast milk, is real whole foods in mostly the form of egg, red meats, fruits, honey, organ some raw and organic dairy and some vegetables (which she has never enjoyed) (I never force, she’s still instinctual being that young)
I suppose the only time she hasn’t eaten my food is perhaps twice when we had to go out for dinner for birthdays etc.
she has never had any issues with temper, aggresssion or anything. Sure, the occasional very short tantrum if I take something out of her hands that are deemed unsafe, but that’s it. She’s slept through the night since 6 weeks old, is always happy and thrives socially. Compared to her cousins that are fed absolute junk (insane amount of processed foods) she is so calm, so polite, so curious and so eager to be outside and explore. She is a joy of a child and everybody that meets her, comments on how happy she is always.


If your kids have got ADHD these foods make their behavior harder to handle so it's worth it for your sanity too


Interesting. Would be cool to see if the UK has less cases of ADHD


My mother in law told me red food dye used to make my husband act crazy when he was little. I've allowed a few different types of sugars and it does give them short busrts of extra energy that quickly dies off. I've fed my kids really clean from birth, but on certain occasions when I allowed rare exceptions due to pressure from family members, it was like night and day. Food dyes would affect their behavior and make them VIOLENT and have much less control of themselves and their attention span would be almost gone for DAYS. But don't bother trying to explain that to any of those same people who think that kind of behavior is just "kids being kids". I'm sorry, but my kids don't act like that 😂 it's not normal.


ban food dyes and close their production plants down stat


Thank you so much Dr Paul I totally appreciate all that you have done to help to raise awareness of so many different important topics for life health and longevity
You are a great blessing for all to realize.
The comments here are all so helpful as well


REQUEST: Hey, Paul! Please do a show with Robert Breedlove!


It’s not just don’t give them to your kids but don’t eat it while pregnant or at all.


"no significant change in cost"
I hope you're talking about the food makers because it's definitely a higher cost to us purchasers, when we're trying to buy decent organic non tainted food!


I grew up eating Whole Foods almost exclusively growing up and my brother and I both ended up with ADHD. It’s proving difficult to manage in adult life.


It's also because I drank sugary/fruit juices all the time full of inflammatory fructose instead of water. It was my dopamine drug. Now i have a bunch of food intolerances, and not even carnivore is enough and I need to water fast 4 days frequently to clear all the brain fog, damaged proteins, dead and inflamed brain cells to recycle them. For me it isn't even just ADHD anymore, but more like Anhedonia(no enthusiasm for anything and having a hard time being present). Only longer fasts make me feel more like myself and reduce the tension in my frontal lobe ><


I was diagnosed with adhd at 3. Until my brother once said it’s not real, then I realised young enough to relise what foods I was consuming that played a huge impact on my moods and behaviour. And now that a lot of my family have children and have a lot of behaviour issues it not hard to relise now that what they are eating is the reason why.


Even as an adult, I had problems paying attention and staying focused. After eating better, that changed significantly.


Of course it would help, but I have severe ADHD, and I was raised in the 80s on meat & three veg. We had McDonald's only twice a year and were only allowed to order one burger each. And soda, like Fanta, was for Christmas day only. We didn't even have birthday cakes.


I have noticed the difference since my husband and I have stopped eating processed foods. My asthma has been good


It’s called junk food for a reason 👀 I don’t have kids but if I did I wouldn’t feed them any of this stuff.

I guess I carried over my moms eating habits a bit 😅 I just look at the food on the shelves like video games when I was little can’t afford it I’ll ask for some toys instead .


I was told this in the 1990s when I as a pto president had a nutritionist come in to talk to parents. Many were supposed to be ban by 2000 they are still here and during covid shut down my grand got free meals from school we picked up sad to say they were sad. Mine and my grands can't eat these dyes without freeking out these are neurotoxins. I through most of these meals for free out. We haven't eaten colored cereal for years I wasn't going to start my grand snuck a box of trixs and couldn't focus all day. Schools need to wake up when it comes to meals in schools lunches were no better how about pink red 40 dyed strawberry flavored milk gross. I read all labels on the foods being fed gross and they wonder why kids act up in school


I’m 45 yo and just quit immature foods last year!!
