How to Make Cultured Butter at Home

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Something I've been meaning to make for a long time but couldn't find a good source of pure cream. Thanks to Inglenook Dairy for providing the best cream I've ever used, and I turned it into cultured butter using the Mad Millie Cultured Butter Kit.

• 500 ml / 16 fl oz Pure Cream (35% fat)
• 1/32 tsp Mesophilic DVI culture
• 1/4 - 3/8 tsp of non-iodised Salt

My cheese making Audio Podcast;

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Did you notice the absence of a long backing track for this butter video? It's a divergence from my normal video production. What do you think? Sound track or no sound track?


When I was about 12 years old my mother sent me to the corner store to get some whipping cream which is about 33% fat. The store was about 15 minutes walk from our apartment. As I was walking home from the store with the 250 ml of cream in a plastic bag I was swinging the bag as I walked. When mother went to make the whip cream for our dessert the cream had turned to butter. Today I make butter in a kitchenaid using the same whipping cream. Once the butter breaks I will throw some ice cubes into the mixer and let it mix a bit, this solidifies the butter and the butter milk drops out.


My nanny(Grandmother) had wooden paddles, for butter making. They had small channels riged into the wood. The paddles would help squeeze out the butter milk, not heating up the butter with your body heat, and later you'd squeeze the butter in the ice water and not freeze your hands. She would always have 3 changes of water. She never used salt. We kids, would happily churn the cream, for the butter, but also for the heavenly corn bread she would make with the butter milk.


Gavin, you're a global treasure.


I lived on a farm and my Mum made wonderful butter and cottage cheese. You can put the butter in cheese cloth twist it to squeeze out the buttermilk and hang it for awhile to allow any remaining milk. I often make yogurt and now you're inspiring me to make butter again. Sweet butter. Yummy.


Not sure if you read the comments, but I wish you a wonderful day Gavin. A wonderful day to all who view as well.


I really respect that use of the spatula, good job.


To keep from warming the butter while you're kneading, try using two bench scrapers. My mother talked about using two wooden paddles when she was taught to make butter. Enjoyed your video.


Honestly I like no music better because you explain everything so well.


I just did a cultured butter last week.
I used a tamarind pod to curdle the cream, then followed the same technique, even using the blender bottle wisk ball.


Can’t tell you how happy you made my ocd monster when you scraped the cream from the sides of the measuring cup.


Yay, another cheese/butter/milk/cream video. Very relaxing to watch these videos.


You only need a good mixer to churn butter to cream whether you use the cultured method or not. The salt is mainly for washing the butter till the water runs clear.


Wow, that wire ball is magic! I too have childhood memories of endlessly churning butter. If you’re going to do this again, you might see if you get some wooden pats - easier on the hands and the butter.


I remember my mother useing a big wood bowl over 2 feet in diameter and about 8-9: deep. She had a paddle of wood about 5"x5" plus a handle to work the butter.
She let gallons of cream sit until she got around to churn. She had an electric churn much like a mixer with a wooden agitator.
She froz the excess butter for use later in the year when the cow gave less and was dried for the next season.


Holy cow! I was literally making cultured butter at home at almost the exact same time here in the US (good Friday right?). I made mine differently (using kefir for the bacteria) and let it culture for 2 days then used a kitchen aid to churn. Same great result!


I made butter as a kid by putting whole milk in a small jar and shaking it until it separates. No cultures and no salt. I made it about 2 tbs of butter at a time so it was perfect for my breakfast.


Salt helps cleans the butter of milk residue. I put my salt in beginning, then after butter clean in water and water itself runs clean, I taste to see if additional salt needed.


I took a butter churn to the granddaughter’s daycare class. Years later, the kids still remember that day and remind me when I see them around town.


Brilliant! I always thought making butter was hours of stirring, even with a Kitchen-Aide. That was really quick except for the overnight standing and that takes no effort. Great way to whip up a few tablespoons of butter. I would do two batches - one salted for bread and one unsalted for cooking.
