How to stick to a diet | how to Stick to your diet | NEVER FAIL Sticking to a diet again

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How to stick to a diet is a question that I was asked a few weeks ago, so i decided to make a video about it. Sticking to a diet is not as hard as it sounds when you have the right strategies and support systems in place. In this weeks video I explain how to stick to your diet, and give you many examples and strategies to do so flawlessly. As a fat loss expert, I have found these to be the most effective strategies.
Understand that there is a lot of confusion and misinformation when it comes to dieting. Complexity is the ultimate enemy of execution, so lets not over complicate things. Some experts say that you should not diet for a limited amount of time because this is considered crash dieting. They advocate only taking the lifetime approach to dieting. I agree that doing a diet program for life is much better than a weekend diet program. However, what do you do if you need to go on vacation or get married in the next couple weeks. People aren't always perfect with their planning.
Again we want to keep it simple, so if you are looking to do a short term 6 week diet plan that's fine. The important thing is that we don't start any diet, whether its a lifelong plan or temporary plan without knowing that we can complete it first. You can seriously mess up your metabolism that way. It is important to spend time after your diet re adjusting your metabolism back to regular levels before jumping back in on that bowl of ice cream.
A huge mistake that people make when dieting is they weigh themselves every single day. It's pretty hard to discover how to stick to a diet when your constantly sabotaging yourself. You see, your weight can increase up to 5 lbs between the days depending on water weight retention, muscle gain, and a number of hormonal factors. If you see that you gained 5 pounds you may lose it. This will lead to a cortisol release, which will slow results and may even cause you to eat like a pig. This could lead to you totally giving up and quitting. So don't weigh yourself daily. Once a week at most.
You want to know how to stick to your diet? Well did you plan your meals for the next 2-3 days? If not you are way less likely to stick to the diet plan because you will be tempted to reach for something simple and convenient.
Also be careful eating out. Eating healthy while eating out is very tricky. How to stick to a diet becomes and unanswerable question when eating out is involved. This is because you can never know just how much oil and other additives are added to your food behind the doors to the kitchen.
Working out with a partner is a huge help when it comes to sticking to your diet plan. This is somebody that gets the struggle and the grind that your going through. Also you guys can have a cheat day together. This way you guys keep on track and then reward yourselves with something that will not only help you make it on a psychological level, but will also help speed your metabolism back up.
Think about why you started. Remember your never going to be as motivated as when you first started the plan. Don't give up your plan for anybody. Your friends will be like crabs trying to pull you back down. Don't let them. Think of how you look and feel when other people are jaw dropped by your results.
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