Jamie's Top 5 Healthy Tips | Quick & Easy | Jamie Oliver

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It is that time of year when we all get a little conscious of the waistline, and start joining gyms all across the country. These quick and healthy tips are free and take very little commitment except some simple swap outs! Give these a go and they might change your approach forever!

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Not gonna lie, after the brown bread, brown pasta and brown rice suggestions, I was fully expecting you'd recommend brown mayonnaise.


Would love it if Jamie did more informational videos. Problem in the UK is that many people opt for "light" or "diet" products thinking they are healthier. Light yoghurts, 0% yoghurts, diet hummus etc. When in reality a lot of these "light" products are more loaded with sugar and other stuff that isn't good for you. Would be good to see someone who has such strong voice and influence explain why regular hummus isn't bad and actually has a lot of good fat rather than the "low fat" hummus. Why regular yoghurt in sensible amounts is not unhealthy... and stuff like that.


This is great Jamie! Great to see celebrity chefs showing the public that carbs is not evil. And that there are healthier swap outs BUT we can choose depending on the dishes we cook. You're the best!


Great to have chefs promote healthy diet.


Jamie's test kitchen is nicer than everyone's normal kitchen. Loved the tips though, thanks bud!


Thanks for giving people options Jamie! It's always important that people understand there are alternatives to what we've been programmed to do. The amount of misinformation out here is incredible and people don't like being told that what they've been doing may not be the right thing for them, so thanks for being an informative and positive influence for as long as you have!


Thank you very mush for the tips i would love to see more of healthy meals


So basically just swap everything white to brown? 😅


I only ever eat multi-grain loaf and multi-grain sour dough and on the odd occasion I eat white bread I don't like it, and most of the others I already do like the pasta and rice it truly makes a difference :)


my health tip: set a goal, eat the same food as you do, but in less size and exercise regularly 2-3 times a week! BOOM you just started to lose weight and became healthier! as you starts to lose weight you will find out that its really fun, since you will have more energy during the day, you will see results on your body and clothes size. as you do this you will try to eat more and more healthier since you wanna get the best results to achieve your goal! people try to make it sound as complicated as possible so they can sell you speciall treatments, supplement and gamechanging tips! eat right and exercise and you will get there! it will take time yes, but its never to late become healthier!


Thanks for this video, loved the tips, I personally swapped to brown bread for about a year ago and it's amazing, could you please do another video about tips for making healthy desserts, or what to swap sugar with .thanks .


I also add chopped sage or rosemary to my olive oil. Great on wheat toast! Knew it all but the mayo thing... i'd Love to get recipes for the sour cream and yogurt...gotta research this now... Thanks Jamie!


I'm going to try to make the olive oil butter. I prefer the high quality olive oils, I just sampled a smoked olive oil, was very unique!


Bread is a killer for me! It just sits on my stomach lol. Well....that and the serious amounts of cheese I put on it. Thanks for the tips Jamie, hopefully they will help me shift this paunch! 😂😂


for us in Morocco olive oil is the Queen of breakfast


I just make these swaps without thinking now for feeding my family. I love these videos though I do click so fast when I see Jools cooking as I am a mum of 5 under 7 and love doing cooking videos on my channel. I'd love to see more on store cupboard essentials etc xx


I agree about using white noodles for delicate sauces. And some brown noodles are very heavy, so I mix them 50%-50% yum! I also like the multi colored, green/spinach, orange/tomato, white pasta and will mix half whole wheat bread pasta to increase the fiber. Many blessings from sunny Arizona. 78/46f 🌞 today.


Thanks for taking the initiative to recommend healthier alternatives to everyday food and pointing out that they can taste JUST as delicious!


really well presented. lots of information in a very pleasant way. thank you


Thank you Jamie for you fantastic Food and best regards from Poland
