Are Bananas Healthy - Should You Be Eating Bananas

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Today on The Chopping Block, our special guest is the banana. One of the most common questions I get from people is: Are bananas good for me? While bananas have great health benefits, they do have a higher sugar content compared to other fruits. Bananas are teetering on the edge of the chopping block.

Negatives of Bananas:
1. Bananas contain a lot of sugar, very little protein, and no healthy fat.
-1 medium-sized banana contains 27 grams of carbohydrates—14 grams of which are sugar—only 1 gram of protein, and 0 grams of fat.
-Bananas, when eaten alone, may affect blood sugar levels.
-Bananas are higher on the glycemic index, so they tend to affect insulin and blood sugar more than other fruits, such as berries.

Benefits of Bananas:
1. Bananas are one of the most potassium-rich foods in the world.
2. Bananas are rich in electrolytes to help fuel the cells.
-1 banana contains 500 milligrams of potassium and 32 milligrams of magnesium.
3. Bananas are lower on the glycemic index and have a lower amount of carbohydrates than whole grains.
4. Bananas are a great source of fiber.
5. Bananas are real food—unprocessed and unhybridized.

-For people who are trying to lose weight or have digestive issues or sensitive blood sugar, bananas are not the best option but still better than whole grains.
-For people who are athletic, lean, and healthy, bananas are a great option.

*This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Josh Axe, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Axe nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
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Today on the chopping block, our guest is The Banana... Have you ever wondered how healthy bananas are? Well all your questions are being answered! Are Bananas Healthy - Should you be eating Bananas
#foodismedicine #eatrealfood #nutrition  


I just heard on the radio the other day, about a guy who got into the Guiness Book as being the oldest man, he just died at 112. When they interviewed him a few weeks earlier, he said that he believes he has lived so long and so totally healthy by eating a banana for breakfast every day. But he did not say what he ate the rest of the day.


There is nothing wrong with eating bananas. I eat the organic ones and they are delicious. It's a better choice than a twinkie or a snickers bar.


Bananas 🍌 have helped me throughout my life not only nutritionally but academically. I won a 2nd grade spelling bee with that word. 🏆🏁📚


I ate banana smoothies everyday for breakfast for years and lost a lot of weight


I’m regurgitating a comment I saw on another video. “How many fat people do you know who have eaten too much fruit” I don’t know of any. You’d think it would be common sense. Ever since I started eating 3-4 bananas a day, I’ve never felt better. I’ve maintained my weight and my digestion is night and day different.


Now we have heard of some of the great health benefits of bananas, but a lot of people worry about the sugar content. I will tell you, bananas are teetering on the edge of the Chopping Block. Let us talk about the pros and cons of bananas...
#healthyliving #foodbenefits #tuesday  


I got rid of wheat, pasta, white rice, and sweets. So I now eat a banana with organic no sugar peanut butter as my sweets substitute. Also I love oranges with pistachios and pecans for a desert, and blueberries heated a tiny bit to get soft with pecans or cashews has been my treats since going mostly no sugar or Low sugar impact. I felt awesome in just a week. It's been just over 2 weeks now and I will not give in to sugary foods or junky processed food. YES to Bannanas! 110% for me because I don't eat junk sweets or bread anymore.


banana is good for you its natural worry about the dam processed foods


I'm over here wondering wether I am athletic enough to have a banana....


Bananas have fructose, those are transformed in glucose by the liver, which makes them great for a pre-workout.


Dr. Axe, how do you not know that the Banana is NOT the highest dose of Potassium "on the planet." An average baked sweet potato with skin provides 542mg (15% DV) of potassium; while the Potassium in an Average Banana is
358mg (10% DV) . Shine-On! :-)


I'm sorry but you can not get fat by eating bananas, it's all natural non added sugar with zero fat, so eat as many as you want! They are high in carbs, and carbs are very good at storing energy


I feel really sorry for someone who worries if a couple of bananas a day would be harmful.


my auntie is 90 yrs old now. she strong and healthy with this banana diet.


Thank you for sharing! We are fruitarians with lots of greens of course and we ate lots of bananas every single day, we NEVER EVER experienced high blood sugar levels neither anyone that we know! To regulate blood sugar levels you need to eliminate animal protein and excess fat to keep it around 10% and even diabetic patients heal from this disease... By the way the banana on this video is not ripe! it can obviously cause some digestive problems.
It's not to argue with it's just to share our experience as well.
Sacred Raw Food


OMG ... please don't worry about sugar from fruit.
It's totally natural. The body wants natural elements.


*shrug* I've lost over 200 pounds in 2 1/2 years and bananas are almost always a daily food, as are white potatoes (with skin). However, fruit juice, soda, candy, standard cookies, etc., were mostly cut from my daily diet. All about common-sense. Don't intake too much of any energy source, whether it be carbs, fats or proteins. Balance it out, eat proper portions, move more, and wallah, weight loss. The only notation I agree with is if someone has serious blood sugar issues, then, yes, bananas are probably not wise to consume often.


Actually bananas 🍌 have 3 grams of protein one of the highest protein containing fruit. So banana is very healthy.


banana contains both protein and omega 3 fat. there is nothing wrong with the banana 
