★Kidney Function Repair, Cleanser & Rejuvenator★ (Binaural Beats Healing Frequency Meditation Music)

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★Kidney Function Repair, Cleanser & Rejuvenator★




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We must learn to love/connect with every part of our physical anatomy including our kidneys. By connecting with your self you will ultimately develop a relationship with your organs and begin noticing when your organs are speaking to you/sending you messages. (Very Important)

The Kidneys produce and eliminate urine through a complex filtration network and reabsorption system comprising more than 2 million nephrons. The nephrons are composed of glomeruli and renal tubles that filter blood under high pressure, removing, salts, and other soluble wastes from the plasma and returning the purified filtrate to the blood.

More than 2500 pints of blood pass through the kidneys every day, entering the Kidneys through the renal arteries and leaving through the renal veins. All the blood in the body passes through the kidneys about 20 times every hour but only about one fifth of the plasma is filtered by the nephrons during that period.

The Kidneys remove water as urine and return water that has been filtered to the blood plasma, thus helping to maintain the water balance of the body.

Hormones, especially the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), produced by the pituitary gland, control the function of the kidneys in regulating the water content of the body. ADH reaches the renal tubules in the blood and stimulates the reabsorption of water from the filtrate into the blood.

If water intake is inadequate to compensate for the water lost in perspiration and in respiration, the change in concentration in the blood is detected by the brain and the pituitary gland releases more ADH, thus reducing the loss of water in the urine.

If the blood is too dilute, the pituitary gland reduces the secretion of ADH, producing a large flow of dilute urine to restore the water balance.

The Kidneys need to be cleansed periodically due to all the harm the Kidneys are taking from the host body.

Consumption of acidic, caustic, and corrosive causing products such as MEAT (animal flesh), DAIRY PRODUCTS, SUGAR, SALT, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, COFFEE, SODA POP BEVERAGES, and a host of other things.

Too much acid in the Kidneys causes Kidney disease and can lead to Kidney failure and ultimately death. Too much acid from an excessively acidic diet can cause a host of problems for the Kidneys including infectious, inflammatory, obstructive, vascular, and neoplastic disorders of the kidneys.

Severe pain in the kidneys can denote obstruction by a kidney stone; blood in the urine may denote renal carcinoma, proteinuria is generally a of disease in the glomerulus,or filtration unit of the kidneys; pyuria indicates infectious disease; and edema is characteristic of the nephritic syndrome.

When there is an inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes, concentrate urine, and conversely electrolyes, the condition is medically referred to as kidney or renal failure.

Whether you are currently suffering from or dealing with an adverse Kidney challenge or not, you need to cleanse your Kidneys at least once a year.

This Quadified Formula pushes to repair, rebuild, tone, strengthen, revitalize, cleanse, rejuvenate, fortify, and nourish the Kidneys and return the Kidneys to a state of optimal health and wellbeing.

The programmed Quadible Intention/energy along with universal subliminals /supraliminals within this formula all work to provide you with benefits such as Normal urination, Less acidic buildup in the kidneys, Dissolution of calculi in the kidneys, Unhealthy fluid in the tissues released, Uric acid buildup in the kidneys released, Puffy eyes syndrome, due to fluid retention, Better urinary tract health, healing of genital tract inflammation.

The concoction contains healing vibrations from Juniper Berries, Cornsilk, Uva Ursi, Asparagus, Buchu, Cranberry, Tribulis, Hydrangea, Cleavers, Lycopodium, Pelitory of the wall, Celery seed, Parsley Leaf, Gravel Root, Couchgrass, Pipsissewa, Horsetail, Nettle, Agrimony, Manjistha, Button Snake root, Goldenrod & Devil's Claw.

This Quadible Formula also Contains crystal/gemstone healing vibrations from Jasper, Amber, Bloodstone, Citrine, Aquamarine, Beryl, Calcite (orange),Hematite, Jadeite, Nephrite, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Carnelian, Peridot, Rutilated Quartz, and Unakite.

Drink plenty of PURE WATER to maximize the effects of the frequencies.
You can transition into a meditative state will listening for added benefits.


All sounds are the copyright of Quadible Integrity
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I'm here as I had Breakthrough yesterday and learned all accumulated fear, guilt and shame resides in the kidneys. This caused me discomfort often and I need to wee a lot like few times within an hour. I never knew this was the reason.
🌼My kidneys are balanced and free of low vibrations. I am proud of who I am. I am worthy of abundance and acceptance 💛


Kidney, colon, and liver listen 2-3 times daily…incredible healing


I've been up until 5 am with kidney pain, when I started listening to this, the pain eased almost instantly! I can't thank you enough!


I had UTI for 4-5 days after listening this with drinking more lot water 2-4 lt, UTI is gone usually my UTI gone after 2 months but this only lasted 3 days after listening this! And my urine flow is improving mostly normal and my overactive bladder soon will gone thanks to creator!


I want to thank you for all you do for us. All these great frequencies. If it wasn't for you guy's a lot us us wouldn't be here, thank you I accept.


Okay so I was diagnosed with kidney stones and one of them was stuck in the lower pole, obstructive. I listened to this twice a day for a week or so and the stone has come down and will pass soon. Thankyou so much for this❤


update my kidneys are operating at normal no more kidney pain no more kidney stones thank you 🙏


Thank you, Quadible Integrity! My back/side was hurting since I woke up and after lunch I began feeling nauseous. After work I looped this and a couple hours later the pain and nausea were all gone.


I am playing this audio through speaker 3 x day for my Sasha (GSD) and myself. It has been almost a week since listening and we are both feeling so much better already! The constant pains in my lower back have pretty much gone I am very happy to say. For Sasha the excessive thirst for drinking water followed by Increased urination, has stopped as well.
I have been doing much research online about kidney issues for dogs and these two symptoms were related to kidney trouble for dogs. Quadible Integrity in much appreciation for helping us to heal!


Wow!! It works I was on the way to kidney failure I've listened to this for about 1 month once a day for 20 minutes my kidney pain is gone I've had no kidney stones and my urine is a healthy color n small again I feel great I go to Dr in a month and get kidney labs done ill post the results here I've also been listening to stem cell regeneration frequency music thank you so much for this blessings 🙌 to you all


My back pain is 80% gone only one listening. This is nice


Sitting here smiling for no reason except it feels good. Really just in the moment with this sound. The organs are healthy and playing in harmony .


The whole time I thought it was my liver. The moment I started playing this, something started dissolving in my pelvic and abdomen.


I hope this will be helpful for my feline companion of 20 years Who is in kidney disease failure. We’re doing acupuncture, we go and have laser frequency therapy done, I converted our spare bedroom to a sanctuary room for her where it’s quiet and visually peaceful. We’re doing everything we can that we know exists. Medication in the form of pills is not possible at this time. It stresses her out too much. And the slightest alteration to her food is picked up on immediately and she is quite upset when I do that. And we need her to eat. I’m letting this tone play while she rests. I understand that when the soul is ready to go, the body will honor that and so will I (with her). It is my hope that I can continue to find ways to comfort her as she progresses forward to the decision her animal soul wants.


Thank you!! I woke up this morning in excruciating pain across both kidney areas. I have this on loop and the pain is lessening


I looped this video and will listen as I sleep tonight. Have listened to others and was helped.. Have kidney failure, heart 4x bypass from early CV in 1-'20. Lungs and liver too. Am healing by Rife, (we had an early Black box Rife machine ) and your combos. Dad was a Naturopath,
I SO appreciate what you do!!


This audio definitely also acts on the adrenal glands.
After listening to a field for the endocrine system from another author, my glands became hyperactive, my cortisol and adrenaline levels got so high to such a point that I didn't even have an appetite, I woke up every day in panic and with diarrhea.
After trying to solve it with different formulas this saved me, in just one night I returned to normal after living hell for a week.
Totally unexpected and incredible 🙏🏻 🙌🏻


Love this one! Noticeable effect within a few hours. Thank you :)
One day, please could you make one to restore liver health and its detox pathways?
Love and light to you 🌙⭐️


Hello I can only say that this subliminal is wonderful and it really works My kidney pain miraculously got better
