The Shocking Truth About the Gift of Speaking in Tongues

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What does the Bible teach about this gift of speaking in tongues? That’s what we are going to talk about today on the BEAT.
Hey what’s up everyone my name is Allen Parr and so today we are tackling the touchy subject of speaking in tongues. What is the gift of tongues? What are some misconceptions of tongues? How should it be used in the church?

What is the Gift of Tongues?

1) The gift of tongues originally was the supernatural ability to share the gospel in another known dialect without the speaker having previous knowledge of this language (like me speaking Japanese) – Acts 2:1-12
2) Some also believe it is the ability to speak and/or pray in an unknown language.

So What are some of the Misconceptions?

1) Everyone can learn to speak in tongues – The Bible teaches that tongues is a spiritual gift. It also teaches that the Holy Spirit is the one who distributes spiritual gifts to believers AS HE WILLS. So just like any other gift you cannot choose your gifts they are given to you. So I don’t how a Christian can learn to speak in tongues any more than they can learn to possess the gift of pastoring of healing or miracles.
2) The second misconception is…People who speak in tongues have more spiritual power than those that don’t – I don’t see anywhere in Scripture where a person who spoke/prayed in tongues was able to accomplish more spiritually than those that didn’t.
a. This type of mentality merely divides the church more than it already is into the haves and the have-nots and makes those that don’t have the gift feel inferior.

How should this Gift be used in the Church?

1) There must be an interpreter – So if you’re in church and everyone is speaking in tongues Paul says, what if someone who isn’t familiar with the gift or an unbeliever comes in? (Put yourself in their shoes) They will think they’ve just entered into a crazy place. (14:23) So the question is, “Why would you want to take a chance of offending, confusing or turning off an unbeliever from church simply because you feel the need to speak/pray in tongues in church?” Which is why Paul said, “I CAN speak in tongues but IN CHURCH I would rather speak in a language that EVERYONE can understand.” So even Paul said he doesn’t speak in tongues in church unless there is a KNOWN interpreter present.
2) Experience should never contradict Scripture – Sometimes people will say, “well I just felt the Spirit.” Saints, the same Spirit who empowers us to use our gifts is the same Spirit who inspired the writing of the Bible and He cannot contradict Himself by leading you to have an experience in church that goes against the writing of Scripture.

Finally, because a Christian’s view on this subject has nothing to do with salvation.

It is my prayer that your views and experiences with this will be based on scripture
Always remember to be sensitive to unbelievers when in a church…

Finally, be careful not to adopt the mentality that people who have the gift are more spiritual or more powerful than those that don’t.

I would love to know your experience with this as it relates to the church so please leave your comments below I’d love to hear them.

We should be focused more on exemplifying the fruit of the Spirit than we are with the gifts of the Spirit.

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Hey everyone, I really need to say something that is on my heart. It is after midnight here and this is heavy on my heart. As I am reading some of the comments on this thread it is becoming very clear to me that the enemy is using this topic to further divide the church. We must always remember that his goal is to get us to argue back and forth on these issues that really have nothing to do with our salvation and distract us from what we really should be unified about, which is sharing our faith and encouraging and edifying other believers. Please know that even though I disagree with some of these comments, it doesn't mean that I love each of you any less. Also hope that even though many of you disagree with the stance on this video that you respect me and know that we all love the Lord and we are all fighting against the same enemy. As you comment further, please keep this in mind, and please continue to respect others as you comment on this very controversial issue.Thank you,


I was one of the people who thought you were only filled with The Spirit if you had this gift. I remember praying to God for this gift when I first got baptized and saved. I even went as far as getting upset with The Lord because it had not happened like I saw it happen with other believers. I soon repented and told The Lord I wouldn't stop believing regardless of whether I received the gift of speaking in tongues or not.
About a week or two later I was cleaning for a local organization one night. I felt the Spirit so heavy to the point that I literally was asking God out loud "Yes Lord what is it?" My stomach kept knotting up and I just felt Him on me heavy. I fell to my knees and I can't describe what happened to my mouth but I tried to literally speak english and something TOTALLY different from what I ever heard was coming out. I am a GROWN MAN and I was weeping uncontrollably like a baby as this was happening to me. I have carried this experience with me every since that day. God didn't have to do that. And I'm tearing up right now typing this because honestly God doesn't have to do anything for us. Just BELIEVE in CHRIST, REPENT and don't get DISTRACTED by the gifts but focus on the GIFT GIVER. Yes I pray in tongues sometimes but that doesn't mean I'm anymore saved than you. I thought speaking in tongues was so important at one time. And yes it has it's place but let me tell you what's the most important gift The Spirit provides...LOVE! 1 Corinthians chapter 13 says you can possess all knowledge and have all these gifts but if you have not LOVE you have nothing at all. Stay FOCUSED on the right things y'all. He is returning soon.


Hello everyone. I don't speak in tongues and I have absolutely NO DOUBT that I am filled with the Holy Spirit. Just my 2c. God bless you all!


Speaking in tongues is basically prayer without your thoughts, words or doubt/unbelief getting in the way. And that the Holy Spirit actually prays on your behalf!


Thank you for alleviating that pressure that ALL Christians must speak in tongues. This thinking has never sat right with me ever since I got saved. I've always felt that my "tongues"was nothing more than jibberish and stopped "speaking" it all together for years because I felt I was forcing something I didn't have. Now I know that it's simply not my gift. Thank you again!


Some years ago, I was in a Filipino church with my friend and the church was singing praise and worshiping God. Then the room grew quiet and one lady was speaking loudly in another language. Immediately after she stopped, a man began to interpret what she said. That was the only time in my life I ever witnessed anything like that.


I feel that I need to say something about this, but I warn you, it's going to be long. About 40 years ago I was seriously influenced about the speaking in tongues advocates, and I read a book by Merlin Carruthers on the subject. He advocated just letting your mouth go and trusting in God if you really wanted the gift. I went along with it and felt an absolute fool as my mouth came out with all this gibberish. Then I felt this amazing warmth start at my feet and spread up my body until it reached my mouth. Then this all-new language came out my mouth that I was in no control of. I loved it.
Now, fast forward after 27 years of backsliding and trying to meet God on my terms. In all that time I "tested the waters" to see if that language was still with me, and it always was. Looking back, I believe that God gave it to me as a proof that I couldn't argue against throughout all this time of wandering away and the erosion of my belief. Now I use it to focus my worship on God, especially if I am tired in my morning quiet times. I find that it frees my mind to worship Him more. It IS a proper language with natural rhythms and cadences, and words that do recur. I have never spoken this language in front of others and nor do I intend to. I have listened to a lot of preachers and nay-sayers on this and have fervently prayed that, if it is not of God, that He take it away; He hasn't done that.
I do not consider myself "better" than other Christians - quite the reverse. I just feel very grateful that God has deemed me worthy to be given this gift. And no - I am not at all Pentecostal, Apostolic, Charismatic etc.


10 yrs ago while farming on a tractor praising God, the gift of tongues fell on me and I’ve never been the same again. I pray in words but there are many times the Holy Spirit will switch me to tongues. I pray in tongues everyday. I’m so thankful for this gift. I wish people could accept they too may also receive the gift some day but I think it had to do with my level of hunger and thirst for more of God’s presence.


1 Corinthians 14:2

2 For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit.

Looks to be a personal language to God also.


You said speaking in an unknown language is not a way of speaking in tongues 0:56 and is un-biblical. But 1Cor 14:2 says "For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries." This implies a language man cannot understand (an unknown language). Kindly expound. [Please let any reply be constructive and not insulting or demeaning. I am simply seeking answers]


Hello all, I am from a church that says speaking in tongues is a result of being spirit filled. So I would always pray for the Spirit to fill me up until i gave up and left it to God. One night in particular, I was having a spiritual attacks while I was praying, and then it happened before I could think about it, I was speaking in tongues. I was filled with so much joy in that moment and I knew God was with me right in battle I was in. I was in a my bedroom, all alone. No one needed to inteprete them but I believe tongues are a language from heaven. to express words to God that no man can know.

However there are also prophetic tongues, such have to be interpreted because they carry a message to the church.


I've only had one experience speaking in tongues. A group of us were praying at church and when we were done, she asked if anyone had anything to share or if God revealed anything to them. All I know is, every time I tried to speak, my tongue felt like it was trying to say something in Spanish, but I don't speak it. When I spoke it was uncontrollable for a minute or two and after finished, another girl in the room said she saw the words I was saying coming together like a sentence and God was saying that He will do everything he promised.


I had a desire to speak in tongues. One night I pray to God that I need his baptism of the Holy Spirit and I need a gift of speaking in tongues. While I was praying and glorifying God, my tongue started to lose and words started to flow out of my mouth. It took more than three hrs and I was like drunk, laughing, and crying. It was an amazing experience and it gives me peace and joy and happiness. Now, I receive my prayer language and I want to glorify God for this amazing gift of the Holy Spirit.
I am also praying to God to bless me with an ability to interpret what has been spoken. Amen.


Was involved in Charismatic Renewal many years ago. Always felt “pressured” to pray in tongues. So much so that I faked it just to shut them up. We left the movement after about 6 years. I felt kind of lost and outcasted for awhile. Today, I believe I am more Spirit filled than ever before and I DO NOT pray in tongues, nor do I have the desire to. My friends call me the “Prayer Warrior”. To me, that is a gift and a blessing to be thought of in that way. I like your style Allen.


It is not often that we hear clear, balanced, scriptural and sane teaching on this controversial topic. Well done brother Allen. Your work is much appreciated.


My mom has this gift and it is amazing to see and hear. God is real and is inside of us.


I received this precious gift of tongues in 1984 and I am ecstatic as I would be with any gift from the Lord. It amazes me that believers are constantly fighting about biblical/spiritual gifts that are mentioned in scripture. Just as any gift, given by the Holy Spirit, let’s just appreciate its use and purpose. I am not being contentious but my praying in the spirit or speaking in tongues is NOT directed to man but to God and may He ever answer me in His own way!
I’ve grown to a place that these types of discussions regarding spiritual matters do not divide or separate me those seeking revelation may receive it from the LORD as well. Thanks!


FINALLY...A brother that Actually gets the tongues issue...Way to go brother...99% of the "church", is COMPLETELY lost on many issues, this being at the top...


I was saved in early 2021. I left my old church years ago bc I stopped growing. I was searching for God in so many awful places and got into trouble. But He has brought me out of it and I found a new church. I learned so many things I've never heard of before such as spiritual warfare, speaking in tongues, etc. Throughout the months of being a born again christian, I desired to speak in tongues.

I desired to speak His love language. I wanted to glorify Him in every way possible.
I know that speaking in tongues is a gift. But

In Matthew 21:22 “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer”.

I was fine if He decided not to bless me with it bc at the end of the day, He has the FINAL SAY! But I wanted it badly. So I continued to pray for them. After months of asking the Lord to release my tongues and waiting, One sunday, as I was praying, my mouth/teeth started chattering like I was lightly shivering. The Holy Spirit was
working in me and I knew exactly what it was!!! I was overwhelmed w happiness that I can speak His unknown language. He is gracious!!!!


I spoke in tongues twice as a teenager in the early 80's. My hands were in the air and tears of happiness were running down my cheeks. We didn't have an interpreter, but whatever language came out of my mouth was uncontrollable. It was AMAZING!

Later in life (early 2000's), I remembered a few of the words and decided to look them up online. From what I can recall, the translation was basically this; "God is great".

If you don't believe in God and think this is fake, think again! Science can't explain this gift.
