2 KINDS of CALVINISTS - Reformed Theology 101 - Election & Reprobation

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Protestants, Monergism, Regeneration, pedobaptism, Election, Predestination, Sovereignty, Reprobation and the Catholic Reformed theology of Calvinism. 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, Synod of Dort, Martin Luther's 95 thesis are all Catholic heresy
T – Total depravity U – Unconditional election L – Limited atonement I – Irresistible grace P – Perseverance of the Saints
Sovereign Grace Heresy - Reprobate Calvinist vs John Calvin Follower #reformed #christian #preaching
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost
That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
Eph 1: 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
saved, unsaved, damned, positive, neutral, negative
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I have never heard that Calvinists don't believe in Jesus but Calvin. This is a misrepresentation of Calvinism.


Wow, what a poor unfortunate but dangerous man


He literally has no idea what Calvinism is. Why speak on it?


"We're born neutral – in the middle." - Adam Fannin
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." - Apostle Paul


I think you’re wrong. Doctrine of election is indeed biblical; Rom. 8:29-30, Eph. 1:4-5, Eph. 1:11, & 1Thess. 1:4 are a couple, of many, that speak specifically to this point.


All non Roman Catholic Christians are either Calvinist or Armenian. We could say the same thing to him. That man believes in the Gospel of Jacobus Arminius.


Can you trust a guy is telling you the truth if thinks it’s ok to put his pulpit in the middle of a lake?


Im a calvinist. And non of the two is existing.


How would you translate Eph 2 in regards to dead in trespasses and sin. If you are dead what power brought you to life? Your decision ? And you don’t have true free will it’s under sin .


Typical Calvinist response below, "He doesn't understand Calvinism" Baloney, it's easy, TULIP, Election, Predestination, Regeneration.


This is a very disappointing commentary. Personal, subjective opinions are expressed and the scripture is not properly exegeted.


This is idolatry. You’re making up a god you’re comfortable with.


This is wrong 100% no Calvinists says you are saved by works. Not one!


What a terribly false representation of Calvinism. Brothers and sisters, do not listen to this man, he is teaching nonsense. Nowhere in Scripture can you support the claim that Calvinists are not saved, this is blatantly false. I really hope this is not a Lords day "sermon".


I'm a gay guy. Westboro Baptist Church doesn't believe anyone can know if they're elect or reprobate so they try to serve God and hope they were elected.


Dr.Ralph Yankee Arnold is a great teacher/preacher!.Most born again Christians avoid calling the TULIP theology/doctrine a heresy (for fear of offending Presbyterians and Reformed Baptists ), not this pastor he goes right to the issue and call things the way they are!.To me the Jesus Christ and God the Father pictured and presented by Augustine of Hippo and John Calvin are another Jesus Christ and another God the Father from what the Holy Scriptures clearly shows and teach.Dr.Yankee is completely correct, here is an example of TULIP theology in action:

If 2 babies are born at the same hour and just minutes apart in the same hospital, how would the babies parents would know if those 2 babies are elected/chosen for salvation or if one is chosen/elected while the other is not?.

Then if one is chosen and the other is not, by God's decree and sovereignty, what would happen if the baby that was not elected died within days of been born?.If that baby was not elected, will he not be able to enter into the kingdom of heaven? .If not, then where will God send that baby that was not elected/chosen for salvation?.ALL THESE QUESTIONS NEED TO BE ANSWERED IF WE ARE TO CLAIM THAT GOD CHOOSE/ELECTS THOSE WHO WOULD BE SAVED FROM ETERNITY PAST AND WILLINGLY OVERLOOK/IGNORES ALL THOSE WHO ARE NOT CHOSEN/ELECTED !.

Would the God of Augustine of Hippo and John Calvin willingly send a non elected/non chosen new born baby who have just died to hell even though NO SIN CAN BE IMPUTED TO THE SWEET LITTLE BABY?.Without THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAW THERE CAN NOT BE NO TRANSGRESSION/SIN ( Roman 4:14-15), surely this "GIANT" of the Faith called John Calvin don't expect me to believe that a new born baby KNOWS THE LAW OF GOD GIVEN TO MOSES AND THE MEANING OF TRANSGRESSION/SIN.SORRY MR.Calvin but you have to do better than that if you expect me to believe that your MAN MADE AND NON INSPIRED BY THE HOLY GHOST doctrine of TULIP is based on the TRUE AND UNADULTERATED GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!.

Would the God of Calvinism have more mercy on a dog that has just died and just eliminates its soul/spirit without any further punishment and yet would allow a non elected new born baby, made in God's image who just died, to go TO HELL AND SUFFER FOR EVER AND EVER WITHOUT MERCY?. Folks, that is not the God the Father preached/taught and worshiped by Abraham, Moses, King David, Elijah, Jesus Christ and His 12 apostles!!!!.I have never known The God of Calvinism and don't wish to know anything connected to him any time soon. The God of Jesus Christ (God the Father), Abraham, Moses and the apostles, that is a God of MERCY, LOVE AND COMPASSION whom I love and worship with all my mind, spirit and soul!.

In plain words, Calvinism is another gospel just as the Jehovah Witnesses, Mormonism, 7th day Adventists and Catholicism ALL are another gospel.All are heresies which contradict the true and genuine Gospel presented, preached and taught by TRUE apostles of Jesus Christ like Paul, Peter, James and John!.

I agree 100% with Dr.Ralph Yankee.

J.McArthur, J.Piper, Dr.James White, Augustine of Hippo, John Calvin, Charles Tazel Russell, Joseph Smith, Ellen G.White, Oneness Pentecostals and Catholics, all are heretics preaching another gospel and another Jesus Christ!.
I would never call a heretic my brother in Christ because you can not be IN Christ while you preach, teach and practice another gospel and presents another Jesus Christ.You can not drink from the cup of God and from the cup of demons (doctrines of demons) and yet expect to be called a child of the ALL MIGHTY GOD!.
