The Job Market Is Hopelessly Broken.

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The job market is hopelessly broken. Here's how you can find a job faster.
In this video I share how I'd hunt for a job even when employers do not make it easy to apply, interview and land a new job.






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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve got a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

As a corporate recruiter with over 20 years of experience hiring thousands of employees at all levels into major corporations, I’m going to spill the beans on how to get noticed by recruiters, start getting more interviews, navigate through each step of the hiring process, and ultimately land the dream job you deserve.

But that’s not all - I firmly believe that to truly experience career success, you need to think bigger. Multiple streams of income and budgeting are crucial to forming a layoff-free lifestyle and helping you achieve your goals.

If these are things you’re struggling with, that’s what I specialize in. I’ve got a website called A Life After Layoff. It’s loaded with tips and tricks for getting noticed, interviewed, and hired by your dream company. Make sure you check it out!

I’ve got weekly videos coming at you, so make sure to subscribe. You won’t want to miss a post. Join me as we explore these things, all from an insider’s perspective!
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Not broken, but working exactly as designed. They like seeing the peasants on their toes, jumping through hoops, and mentally exhausted. Makes for more submissive, easily exploitable employees.


Having to set up an account just to fill out an online application is insane.


It’s not about who is the most competent person, it’s about who can fit in most with the company culture (read be a walking mat)


I'm overwhelmed, burnt out, under paid, and constantly having crisis after crisis thrown at me, both personally and professionally. Reaction is survival at this point


Entry level now requires 3-5 years experience. We value employees is the biggest lie its such a joke.


A lot of jobs I'm finding are 'ghost jobs'.... jobs their advertising their hiring for, but don't ever acknowledge applicants or even give answers when called about said jobs.


A lot of employers actually seem to want people to be a jack of all trades so they can get you to do free work instead of hiring a second person.


I'm not a pet in a pet shop! Employment is a contract for exclusive services, nothing more. The employment system is broken because the people in these companies want 'Buddies' and playmates because they are all in cult mind-set and have no life outside of the company/cult.

This idea that 'I have to be your perfect cult recruit' is absurd. A job is a job, but a cult is a lifestyle that is very selective in who they let in.

Do you get it now! I hope so.


The job Market isn’t broken this is how they want it. They want the highest quality candidate that they can exploit for peanuts in pay. Keeping a skeleton crew where employees will be doing multiple job positions while getting paid for one job position. When employees complain about hiring new people they put job ads out to show employees they put job ads out but, never hire no one.


I don't mind being ghosted after the initial interview but once I make it through the 2nd and 3rd round (speak with 5+ people on separate Teams video calls) and then the employer disappears. At that point, it is unprofessional and rude!


When the economy sucks, it's all about who you know.


The issue is even if you apply to jobs you are highly qualified for the job they will never make it to the interview process. The ATS system has been the worse thing that ever happened it allows lazy hiring managers to be even more lazy.


I wouldn’t have said ‘hopelessly broken, ’ I would’ve said completely and utterly fucked, lol. But that’s not so YT-friendly! 🤣


*The employers are the problem.*

*It's an ugly truth that we don't want to admit.*

*They've turned the online job hunt into online dating in ALL the worst ways possible.*

*And of course, people would rather gaslight job seekers than to admit it.*


And employers cry that we do bare minimum. What a joke


Having a job is rocket science, the joke is now true. Having to tailor your resume with surgical precision, networking with the right people, and specializing in something while you have been unemployed for 1 year, broke, and depressed sounds AMAZING🙌🏼 nice.


Soon it will be easier to build a million dollar revenue business from zero than get hired for minimum wage office job.


10 months and 32 different opportunities later I was offered a job.
24 Days PTO
10% 401K yearly contribution
100% medical insurance contribution
40 hour week never work past 5PM
Fridays work from home.

All I had to do was spend most my savings and face the void and nearly drown.

Some say don’t quit without another job lined up. They are right. Hard to enjoy time off when you can’t turn off existential anxiety of becoming homeless.

When you stick the landing though…

40 hours a week for the rest of your life. Congratulations!


Happened to me before. Spent around 30 mins filling out the application and answered their questionnaire. Then got rejected. What a waste of time.


This ball has been rolling for about the last 20 years or so but seems to have picked up steam in the last 10- where even entry or mid level positions require mulitple rounds of interviews. The truth is, no amount of interviewing is going to absolutely guarantee a fit, especially in a process where both parties are just trying to present their best version of themsevles, and not necessarily who they are. I know as an employee. for example, that the interveiw process tells me absolutely nothing about what my actual working environment will be like daily. It's like trying to tell how good a movie will be by watching the trailer- of course they just show the good parts. The interview may go well and you may feel comfortable with the people you talked to you, but half of the time those are people who you will almost never seen again or at least won't be working on a daily basis. If after two interviews you can't figure it out, you're massively overcomplicating the process. It's almost seems like it's HR people trying to justify their positions by making it seem like it takes 6-7 interviews per candidate for a position that pays 50k a year.
