Why do young Hong Kong people feel hopeless? What should be done to help them?

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Do young generation feel hopeless in Hong Kong? A youth organization released a study report on June 3, 2022, “Young Hongkongers’ Vision for Hong Kong’s Future.” The results show what young Hongkongers expect the new government can do for them. Solving youth housing is the most urgent at 45 percent, followed by, listening to youth voices at 35.3 percent, and mending its relationship with the young people of Hong Kong.

00:00 Intro
00:26 Who are you?
00:53 What problems are Hong Kong young people facing?
04:21 What should be done to help young people?

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Without the chances of ever owning a piece of land here, they won't ever get the sense of belonging to Hong Kong. Will always feel like you are just a temporary resident trying to survive head above water.


IF young Hong Kong people feel live in Hong Kong made they feel hopeless, I subject them go to the country that they feel most hopeful, they should not stay in Hong Kong any more time


Everything turn to hopeless after China government declared martial law in Hong Kong


Yeah, good luck on being allowed to “express yourself” to the gov, you get a “go straight to jail card” for that now.


They want HK to be independent from China. Just like Spain's Catalonia people will feel hopeless when they failed to get independent from Spain.

All separatists in the world will feel depressed and hopeless when they can't get what they want


Its is my perspective! Its up to you to decide your own fate ! As the saying goes “ the world is your oyster” . The world is your oyster’ saying is often said to young people about to embark on adult life. It simply means that everything is open to one, and if one is lucky they could encounter something special.

The metaphor that informs the saying is that if you have an oyster there is a chance that there may be a pearl in it. A nice fresh oyster can be hard to open, but once opened it’s good. And perhaps it may have a pearl in it, which would be a valuable addition to one’s life. So when we set out to seek our fortune, the pearl is the good luck we may have. If we’re lucky we will find it. But luck is part of the equation and it’s a tiny part, the rest is up to “ YOU” So stop stressing, complaining and start initiating – get your act together – I often lecture at university to young people today by saying this – one does not plan to fail but most do fail to plan ! People spend more time planning on trivial things like vacation than they do on their future ! I faced similar problems when I was young and today is no different! It doesn’t matter when you live – we live in a global competitive environment. Stop blame others like “ Mainland Chinese are taking over our opportunities in Hong Kong. Its all self denial! You will have competition everywhere so get used to it ! I am not where I am by sitting and complaining – As NIKE stated in their famous ad “ JUST DO IT “


rent in a tiny studio is the same as the first salary of the average Bachelor’s graduate


Dude at the end says what now!? Stricter social distancing rules? He must be out of his mind thinking more rules can solve whatever the hell HK people are going through. The most pressing thing the government should do is to reconnect with the world, remove quarantine. Time is of essence here, do it now or don’t bother at all


Basically the problem in hk is threefold:

1. Housing / Property is too expensive.
2. The future intergration with China
3. What to do with existing ties with other international countries

For problem 1, you cant make housing too affordable till the point that housing becomes a depreciating asset. Housing must always be an appreciating asset so that hk people want to continue to invest in real estate. So what can be done is policy changes to make it much harder for foreigners to purchase property and make it easier for hk locals to buy property. Further for businesses to thrive, rental is just way too high that only big time players can afford it. This is why mum and pap shops are closing in this recession.


I am your fan watching videos on look great video to share experience in Hong Kong 👍👍👍💚💚💚 keep in touch


Aww... I didnt buy my first property until I was 34yo. Im not even HK form 3 graduated from secondary school. I lost everything during the financial tsunami 2008. These young ppl should learn more abwt how the world runs. No pain no gain. The other hand, the gov should do a better enviroment for the ppl in HK. Been yrs, I foresaw that HK might turn another guangzhou in the coming 10 yrs. Now its accelerating. Go abroad try yr fortune mate. lol


These issues in HK has been going on for long time! Is not going to get better and now that China controls HK is going to be worst! It's sad to see what has become to HK!


We over here in are also very stressed and depressed. We are threathened by so many foreign talents especially from China and India. These nationals are also drawing the same salary as us, the locals. Unlike other developed countries which take care of their citizens first, sadly to say it is not the case for us. We feel hopeless as well.


But for the foreigner those who are in hong kong they have a Big opportunities to work & earn a lots off money.
Every thing whatever facilities foreigner are getting from hong kong government is Enough for them (us).
Even Lucky to have hkid card and opportunities to work & earn lot off money.
we will never forget to hk government or people of hong kong for giving us a Big opportunity to Earn some money for our good future.
thanks again & again.


Yep, you're all doomed. Move abroad now before you end up in a cage home in retirement.


It’s been like this for young people for 20 years . Leave the country versus whine ?


Hong Kong is too expensive and with some addiction its way hard to live a normal life


Life is so hard really if u don't have your piece own of land, own backyard and
Own house.. you're money is just for renting house..


They should not feel that way as support care and amenities with food clothing and shelter actioned to keep them warm safe dry and feeling needed sent immediately and covered all areas
AFFA angels never die nffn HMS council


Revolt the cruel elite bullies now or it will get worse slaves
