Housewives who would rather stay home than work | 60 Minutes Australia

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The life of a domestic housewife is common in many households. Cooking, cleaning and caring for the family is part of the job description. However, some women want to return to the workplace and set-out a career for themselves.

In this 2009 story, 60 Minutes looks at the life of a stay-at-home mum and the 1950s conventional lifestyle that has many women on opposing sides.

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Self worth comes from Being proud and good at what you do. No matter what it is.


To each their own; we didn't come to this earth to have a shared experience; I applaud these women.


I worked as a full time nurse. What I’ve learned is that you can be passionate and pour your heart out at work, but at the end of the day, you are dispensable. However, your family will forever be grateful for everything you’ve sacrificed for them. ❤


I was a SAHM for 20 years and have zero regret. Focusing on raising my children was the best...and most important...thing I'll do. I went back to work when they were older and grown and now have a successful and lucrative career working in healthcare. Women can have it all...but doesn't have to be at the same time.


I'm a 37 year old American who got married at 21 and have been living the fairytale life of being a homemaker and homeschooling Mom of 5 for over 15 years. I LOVE it. I truly love maintaining my home, raising the kids and nurturing my husband and our marriage.
My life is fairly low stress, kids are happy and our marriage is awesome.
I'm glad to see the doors opening again to allow other women to enjoy this lifestyle too.


As a person who worked non-stop for 10-some years, I never thought of giving up my career until I had my little girl. Unlike the companies that let you go in a heartbeat, you mean the world to your children when they are young. Being a SAHM rocks! 😊


For those criticising it: you think it’s oppressive to stay home, take care of the kids and be provided for, but will happily be overworked and most times underpaid by a boss/company who would replace you the next day if you dropped dead? 😂


This only works when it is done the way my parents did it. Mom knew where the money was and dad walked the crying baby up and down the hall to give her a break. True partners who respected and cared for each other.


I’ve thoroughly loved being a stay at home mum I raised 5 children took care of my elderly parents and couldn’t think of a better way of life ❤


I stayed home for 10 years with my children. It was never about being a wife it was because my husband made more money than I did at the time. Don't kid yourself it's hard work! I Also was responsible for every aspect of family life, I cooked and cleaned, I paid the bills, I ran our budget, I dealt with all appointments (even my husband's), I did homework with the kids and volunteered at their school and our church. My day started at 7 am and ended at 9 pm. No way could my husband pay someone enough for that job, and he knew it. Oh, and I gardened and grew most of our fresh produce in the summer and canned food for winter. Feminism is about choice women getting to chose what they want to be.


So many raw feelings for me. I was born in 1986 in a conservative religious home in ca, raised with a traditional gender roles with a business-owner father, and a SAHM.
My sister and I were taught that men would love and appreciate the fact that we were learning to be housewives, and that we could cook and clean etc.
I expected to meet the kind of man that my sister did, and that my brother grew into: a husband who would support me if I stayed at home *or* decided to work full or part time.
Every man I’ve ever met since, has made me feel shame for ever even expecting that, and expecting that kind of joint, but different forces within the family. I’m expected to take much better care of myself than he ever would, stay fit and trim and healthy and beautiful and have my hair and nails done, raise the kids and make just as much as he does, with separate incomes.

I love my work and don’t want to stay home, but I would actually look up to and respect a man much more if he was willing to support me at home. It was easier to just be single because I can’t respect a man who wants me to do all the things a wife and mother does, AND work just like he does.

Honestly, it’s easier without a man like this. If I’m going to work, but also in heels and make up every day, and if I’m going to parent the same children, but also carry them, give birth them and nurse them, then what does he really offer?

If he wants me to do it all without him, I will. And I am.

I’m now happier than ever as a single mom with a demanding career, and raising my 5 year old son full-time alone by myself. The only thing a man would bring me right now is the added stress of a relationship, and the risk of upheaval to my son. If the relationship becomes strained, or he decided to leave or cheat, there would be a lot of repercussions for us.

Unless someone really had something to offer, our life is too peaceful right now without a man to make a change and take that risk.


Good on these women they'll never regret the precious 'time' they gave their children, being that vital person supporting their children's well being, education and growth.
It's a full time career in itself.


I’ve been a stay at home mom and mother of 5 for 30 years. I’m almost 50 now and absolutely love my life. I still have two kids at home, the youngest being 10. I can’t imagine going back to work now. Nor do I want to. I’m very fortunate. I have a wonderful hard working husband that has every evening and weekend off and we make a wonderful team. ♥️


My mother had to work as 2 wages were needed to pay bills and feed a family with 3 children.
Mum did all the housework and cooking and worked full-time.
Without her earning we would have been cold in winter without wood or a freezer full of food.
It wasn't a choice to work it was a necessity to pay the bills.


I'm a housewife and I'm so grateful for the ability to homeschool my kids and be there for my family all day. I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Nothing wrong with that. Some want to work; some want to make a home. Some do both. What’s great is every couple can choose what works for their family.


I've done it all, homemaker, part time worker, full time worker, home based business owner and now back to being a homemaker. It makes me so happy. As a parent to children with special needs I have been able to be available to help them through various things. Am I great homemaker no but I try my best and then I share on You Tube for others to see that we don't have to have it all perfect and I have a great little community x


Ya and the hubby on the couch with the remote, while she prances with cleaning LMAO, he would be out the door ASAP.


I am so thankful to be a homeschooling mom-I am convinced my kids benefit tremendously by the stability and strong sense of family.


I work full time in the corporate, and I run a house, shared equal responsibility with my partner. I love my career, I am confident of who I am, and I am proud of what I have achieved. I get to travel on the weekend with my daughter, because I get to do whatever I want with the money I made. And I get to spoil my partner and my child. I applaud these women of what the give up outside of their home. I have a much crazier life, but I love it.
