My Husband Pays Me To Be His Housewife | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

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ALYSSA, 28, encourages women to pursue a 'housewife lifestyle' for their own happiness. She met her husband Tom, 51, at work in the military. When they began dating Alyssa was still working and studying but once they became engaged she suggested to Tom that she could stay home instead. "I thought that he was wanting a little bit more attention to the house, to the home and also to himself. So I had a sneaking suspicion that it might benefit our relationship if I stayed home," she explained. Her partner hadn't considered this dynamic as something he'd wanted in previous relationships: "I honestly thought I wanted a physicist triathlete, that was my mindset," he said. "Until I got into a relationship with Aly I didn’t even know how wonderful having a traditional relationship with gender separations is." The benefits of their arrangement have been that Tom is able to live a more stress-free, healthier life and Alyssa sees it as a better alternative to relying on a corporation that doesn't care. "I earn more now, married, than I did when I was in the military and it’s the best job I’ve ever had," she said. "I would probably be considered on his bankroll, he pays for my living, and there’s a health insurance plan." Alyssa has a presence on social media, where some of her more controversial views have been criticised. "There are feminists on Reddit who hate me, most of which are single, over the age of 30," she explained. "I wouldn’t say that I’m a feminist at all. I think feminism was all bad, men love women so much that I think they would have liberated us after they were fully liberated anyway." Adding: "I am just of the opinion that feminism was completely unnecessary and that it’s a female supremacy movement." She has been accused of being a golddigger, which Tom refutes: "She asks for a hundred dollars a week! What kind of gold digger wants that?" Despite the negativity, Alyssa believes that spreading her message is important: "There’s a lot of positive comments from women who feel like they’ve finally been seen because there is a lot of stay-at-home wives and moms who feel useless like they’ve wasted their potential because that’s the messaging that we have out there. It’s the positive comments I get from women in that context that really let me know that I’m doing the right thing."

Follow Alyssa here -

Videographer: Benny Ontiveros
Producers: Kate Moore
Editor: Garry Sykes

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"He pays for my living"
lmao ok and her youtube channel doesn't bring in an income does it? She still works, she just works from home.


She is lying, she spends a lot of time on her youtube channel and works as a content creator.


🚨The TRUTH is that her first husband, Aly & this current husband were ALL in the military; her CURRENT HUSBAND was her husband’s SUPERIOR in the army & she knew that this was going to be a SERIOUS FINANCIAL UPGRADE.She pursued her her current husband while still married to her first husband (of 5 years)… and she was discharged. THE END


I just find it ironic that this is on love don’t judge and she’s literally judging everyone who has a relationship different than hers 😂


My dear God. I cannot believe she said that “feminism was completely unnecessary.”
Did she forget that marital rape was legal until a few decades ago? That women couldn’t have their own bank account til the 70s? That you would have to stay with an abusive and cheating husband until you found another man to save you?
If she wants to be a homemaker that’s fine but she should think before glorifying it as the only option.


“My husband is not going to fire me tomorrow”🥴 * cues all of those divorce stats she and Pearl love to rattle off *


This the same woman who divorced her husband and went after his major in the army while she was in the army? Isnt that called fraternization????


You know what’s so hilarious is that a bunch of men really like her because she is a red pill YouTuber. It’s so funny to think of how her audience must have reacted to seeing how her husband looks like.


Feminism is about equality and the right to choice. You’re choosing to be a stay at home wife and not work so you can take more care of your family.


She should at least have her own bank account and savings. Financial freedom is very important.


I was ok for the most part until the last part where she just spitted out rough judgements about women who don’t live her lifestyle and then casually putting the words “love don’t judge” next to them. Ngl laughed out loud.


Crazy how she sees her marriage as a career.. Being a wife is alot of work but they do it out of love for there man not for a allowance


Easy to brag when you're in the early stages of being a housewife. Do an update in 20 years and we'll see if shes still wants to glorify her life choices.


“I’m just trying to save these women, these ungrateful women.”

Yikes, it’s almost like not every woman is the same or has the same goals in life or something 👀


This woman seems to validate her relationship choices by pointing fingers at other women....she is the perfect example that proves why only women are the enemy of other women.


She married a senior citizen ain’t nothing alpha about him.


She seems pretty smug about her relationship status. I hope they work out - for the sake of that child's financial future. It's a precarious position to be totally reliant on someone like Alyssa is


The biggest red flag is that she closed all of her accts and now it's all in his name and he can see all she spends. That's just a little weird to me. I tried to do the whole house wife thing, and it didn't work out at all. I was talked down to because I didn't work. Even after I did work, I was still expected to do everything. Nope. Now, I have an amazing partner who works from home and he will still help me with the house. I'm a stay at home mom, and he understands that being a stay at home mom is not easy, it's just as much of a job. I am so much happier.


I did/do that too. I’ve been with him for 15 years. Wait till he switches it up on you. And adds some rules you are not ok with. We have a 5 yr old. And I scheduled our first date nite in over 5 years. Arranged child care, etc. He then decided to have his mom and sister visit that day and evening. I’m embarrassed at how little he thinks of me and my feelings. After I’ve done everything I can do for him, cook, clean, stay fit and looking good at 43. And it still not enough to secure myself a date with my own husband. When I confronted him about why he did this he looked at me like I was crazy and said they could go out with us if they wanted too😂. Yes they can and I can choose to walk away and finally am.


That she was able to chose how she lives her life is litterly feminism!
