Expert Attorney Warns Men To Avoid Marriages With Higher Earning Women | The Coffee Pod

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Overall the key is to be a productive and competitive man no matter the type of woman you're dealing with & what she earns. The truth is most women will respect a man who puts in the work. RP Awareness, Game & Self improvement are the keys to success TODAY. Do it for you. Not for any woman.


My late husband ended up disabled and I became the sole breadwinner. He stepped up and took care of home as much as he could and I worked and did what I could (my health was and is in decline).

Our marriage stayed solid. We had no problems with egos. We were happy the bills were paid and his medical care was well covered.

It takes two who make each other the priority to make it work.


For every six figure girl boss, there’s a decent looking barista with a good heart that makes minimum wage that will compliment your peace of mind.


Don't get married, period.

It is the worst deal you can ever get into.


"Only women, children and dogs get unconditional love. Men have to provide something of value" Chris Rock


I made more than my husband when I met him. I had a house, 2 vehicles, 2 businesses and a job. When we got married, I had no issues with falling back to take care of the house and kids. People nowadays just simply aren’t willing to make compromises, sacrifices and/or adjustments.


She is not wrong, when women earn higher than men, they want to be the boss at home.


I dated a chick that made really good money and was just coming out of a divorce.... Her ex worked for her and she never really respected him... Complained about paying the majority of the bills....Cheated on him with his friend (and i guess she thought telling me that wouldn't effect my perception of her lol)... She tried manipulating me by asking for me to do things during sex clapped them cheeks a few months and skkkkrt.... Stay woke fellas


When the woman is the provider it doesn't matter at all what the man is or isn't doing in the home. He could be a rock star with the house and the kids, she will still look at that man as dead weight.


The relationship that has the male being the bread winner has the highest chance of working.


What man doesn’t work lmao 😂. A stay at home husband isn’t the move. As long as you work and are on your purpose and masculine frame it doesn’t matter. No woman is going to like a lazy man.


She’s explaining DOUBLE STANDARDS. This have nothing to do with marriage and divorce.


A man with less money still has value. They are needed for protection. Men are the voice of reason and help emotional women like myself think logically before overreacting. They are needed as fathers. They are needed as lovers. Everything in life is not all about money. If he is not financially doing well, these other positive attributes should not stop.


Thanks for this video.
I dodged this like Neo dodging bullets 3 years ago. She is even older than I am.
Thank God.


This is less about men's insecurities and more about feminist hypocrisy.
They said we're =
So it shouldn't matter, right.


When I met my husband, I was a single Mom, in school, and working full time. He told me he was in school, so I thought great we can build together. He lied about going to school, but being young, I supported him while he “found” himself. Through the years, two kids later, having to sometimes work 2 jobs, he still hasn’t found himself. I stayed to not break up our kids life, but when you’re breastfeeding a kid, doing school work and then going to your full time job, while he’s finding himself…it builds resentment. Now years have passed, my options in dating are less, and you feel stuck…more resentment.


If a women doesn't respect you do yourself a huge favor and leave her first guys.


Most high earning women will use their financial gain as a weapon. You cut those women off when you see it. Then there are some women that will respect you regardless of income.


I've found that nothing makes a woman angrier than a man sitting on a couch and smiling.


I worked and had a great job, made more money than my girl. When kid(s) come along, it all went downhill for me. I had no choice but to leave my job and stay home with the kids due to our schedules, she had started to out earn me and it was the only choice we had ultimately. It was very hard on me giving up my great job that I had worked so hard for over many years! But she became bossy and uncaring about my situation and feelings, I even had to have a talk with her about giving those kids love and attention after coming home from work when all she wanted to do was park her ass on the sofa and ignore them😠 I wasn't having that! I never really knew or cared about how much money she made or would make, but I learned my lesson there, but honestly a man can't win either way he goes, if the girl doesn't have money and she starts burning through yours, that's a problem, if she makes more than you, she doesn't respect you as a man more than likely. So we're fooked in more ways than one most of the time!☹
