I Quit My Dreams To Be A Housewife At 23 | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

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LINDA, 23, met her husband Ricky, 27, at the gym where he was a health coach at the time. Ricky told Truly that there "was a pretty much instant connection". At the beginning of their relationship, Ricky didn't make much money, however, since becoming a successful investor in real estate, stocks and cryptocurrency, his wealth has skyrocketed. "In a month, I usually make around $100,000 or more," he said. While Linda interjected, "he’s being humble. [On] his biggest day, he’s made $100,000." Now the couple has a traditional marriage, where Ricky makes the money and Linda takes care of their home. "I believe modern relationships that do 50-50 are unhappy, it’s not natural," she said. "However much he’ll make that month, he’ll give me a percentage. I have never paid a bill in my life." Linda spends her days doing household chores, cooking Ricky meals and making TikTok videos. She has a big online following, showing off the couple's fabulous life, hopping between their homes in the US and Dubai. Since sharing her love of being a stay-at-home wife on social media she has received a barrage of criticism. "I get a lot of hate. People are really mean on social media, but I’ve gotten used to it." Commenters tell Linda "he’s going to leave you, he’s going to cheat on you, he’s going to abuse you." They call her "a spoiled brat" or say that she "brings nothing to the table" or say that she is "useless". The pair brush off the criticism, as their dynamic works well for them. But a loved one closer to home has also voiced concerns, "my dad wants me to do something with my life", Linda confessed. Her father Fouad explained that when Linda told him that she was going to be a housewife "it did not sit well with me, I always encouraged her to go to school." Admitting that he is "worried about power imbalance in the relationship." In this episode of Love Don't Judge Linda's father sits down with the couple to confront them on why he disagrees with their relationship setup.

Videographer: Clint Montgomery
Producers: Kate Moore, Kathryn Lewsey
Editor: Garry Sykes

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I'm starting to think these "Love Don't Judge" stories are just as much bragging about finances as they are talking about their relationships.


“I love being a stay at home woman” two breaths later “i hire a cleaning lady for most of it” 🤣


🙄. Yeah girl..most men don’t make 150k a month. Being a stay at home wife isn’t an option for most women


Oh please. If I could give up working and be a stay at home wife to a multi millionaire, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Even if he did leave me or whatever, it’s called a million dollar divorce settlement. I do find it interesting she said she grew up in a traditional family, but her father encourages her to be independent and fulfill her potential. He gives her a good dose of reality in case her husband can’t take care of her anymore. It doesn’t mean she has to stop being a stay at home wife.


Girl, you dad is amazing. And I hope she follows his advice.
Get a degree and if you never use it, then oh well. Education is the one thing that nobody can ever take away from you. And like her father said, if god for bid something were to happen to him, she needs to bed ready to work.


Nothing wrong with being a housewife but I can't stand the passive bragging. It says alot! Find something you like to do from home that you can make money for yourself not tik tok or follow what your dad is saying. Your dad is smart especially the way this economy is going


I grew up poor and I married up now being middle class with my hard working blue collar husband. I'm a housewife and blessed. I have more security than I could have ever given myself and I give my husband a way of life that makes us both happy.


The fact that she kept saying "he's so rich" means she's all about money


As the breadwinner of a household, I 100% support anyone who wants to be a housewife. 9-5 5 days a week worked when the wife was expected to stay at home and take care of everything else. But the work week hasn't updated to the standard of the wife having at least a part-time job. A 2 day weekend is simply not enough to get both the house AND your mental health in order.


Listen to your father. He's 100, % right. Don't be foolish. If the marriage doesn't pan out or your husband dies You will b screwed. Instead of buying channel bags. Use that money to finance a graduate degree...Now's the time.


She’s an influencer and these days it’s actually a career field, there’s no security in anything so might as well be happy and in love and at peace while you can ❤


There is nothing wrong with her being a stay at home wife, however think she should pursue her education and have a good working knowledge of her husband’s business even if she never uses it or never have to run his business, anything can happen to him at any time, can’t always trust managers and accountants to do the right thing it all can be stolen from her


There’s nothing wrong with this lifestyle but the bragging about all of the superficial things you possess and all of the money you have, especially in the times we’re living in, is truly classless, tacky and gross.


I've always enjoyed Love Don't Judge because it's everyone's life to live how they want in their relationship but she comes across as judgemental the moment she opened her mouth saying "modern relationships that are 50/50 seem unhappy and aren't natural" this seems a little naive, immature, and hypocritical especially when you don't want people to judge your relationship. Don't look down on other relationships when you don't want people looking down on yours. Is somewhat negates everything that comes after in the video.


I can see why the father is cautious. The husband's income seems to be, for the most part, not steady. What I mean is, while he makes a lot now, he's not bringing in the type of steady income a doctor or lawyer makes. Notice he "owns multiple businesses" but didn't detail what those businesses were. On top of that, they have 3 homes.


I'm glad their relationship works but saying 50-50 doesn't work is mad cringe.


Must say I admire the dad, that is a loving father.🖤


Different relationship dynamics work for different people. If you love it for you, I love it for you.


If you want to be a stay at home wife with a more traditional role, all the power to you. But piss off with implying any women who doesn't choose what you like, is unhappy.


Best advice I've ever received is " it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. "
