Study: Women Are Happier When Single

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The research shows that women tend to do more of the emotional work in a relationship (2:49). WCCO Mid-Morning – Nov. 13, 2017
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I have not dated for the past 5 years and I have to say I don't remember being this happy and content in my life. I see couples walking around and I must say I don't envy those women at all. I know what they have to do to be in that relationship and my attitude is "no, thanks, I'm good."


I really don't see how marriage nowadays benefits women in any way. Women would have to do most of the emotional labor and the household labor, and not to mention that this is all without pay. Nowadays, women can be self sufficient without the baggage that comes with a relationship. I'm not surprised that single women are reportedly more happy


I have a theory. Guys are told being single is so much better than being in a relationship and end up disappointed when single life isn't what it's said to be. Women are constantly told being in a relationship is better than being single. Once they realise being in a relationship isn't all sunshine and roses we are pleasantly surprised when we find out single life is pretty dope. I think expectations are more to blame here😂


Being in a relationship dragged me down as a person, I lost focus on myself, stopped taking care of myself, wasted my time, lack of sleep, lack of my own priorities. I’ve been single for more than a year now and I changed to the better. I travel more often than ever, experiencing new places and trying new skills, I feel more alive and I now have better quality of time with my loved ones. I may not be singable forever but now that I’m single I’ll try to enjoy it as much as I can


I’m 33 and single, and it’s fine, the only thing that upsets me is that I know I don’t have society’s “approval.” Instead I have people’s pity for some reason. “Are you all right?” “Aren’t you lonely?” 🙄 Have you asked your married friends how they feel waking up next to someone they can’t stand? Whether they feel the walls closing in on them? Married people might feel more comfortable but I don’t think they’re more happy.


Most relationships are draining and depressing...


Most men think they want a woman until they actually get one, in which case they then get distant, lazy, uncommunicative, & adulterous 💁‍♀️


Single men aren't competing with other men. They're competing with the peace that solitude brings to women.


Agree that single women are much happier than married women.


I'm confused. Men are being told to side step relationships and to just enjoy being single so why can't women be single without people being angry?? It's strange


I have depression. And I think a relationship will just make it worse with the stress. I remember telling a friend that maybe could have a boyfriend but she told me that they will just bring more pain and suffering. My goal in life is to improve my mental health. A relationship is just stress.


I love being single because I get to be myself. I don't have to clean up after anyone. I don't worry about being criticized. I cook when I want to ( which is like almost every day) but, I cook what I want. I'm not co dependent on anyone. I'm not playing guessing games of what HE thinks about me. I do what I want. It's great!


I have been single for many years and im happy . I think that some people just feel incomplete when they are single sadly but im glad im not one of those people.


In my case I will rather stay single because I took care of my father 12 years, while taking care of my mother, my father had cancer, my mother had Alzheimers, while I balanced kids after 16 years, that both my mom and dad were gone and kids grew and I stayed alone, I love the freedom. I even learn to hate sex, it disgusts me. I took care of everyone and did for everyone and now it is my turn to be selfish and do all of that caregiving and love for myself.


I'm single woman and happy. Men or women can be happy without a relationship.


Why would I ever want to ruin my life by being a wife and having kids. What reason would I want to force myself into depression and sickness


Vibrators got a lot better over the years.


All these guys on the internet trying so desperately to shame single women and it turns out they are happier without men lol I love it 🤣


Stress causes BREAST CANCER and other CANCERS. I have two friends who were Married and had to have a mastectomy. Stress is no joke.


Yes, women are happier when single (as are men). Don't get married to find out if it's true. That would be a waste and a big mistake. The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. Stay single and avoid the plow and plantation.
