ASOIAF Discussions: Daenerys Is a God Figure

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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I'm just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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Daenerys: "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."


I love Dany. She's a mover. I don't doubt her ability to conquer but I do doubt her ability to rule. That's where she really needs to knock some heads together.


I need you to do a video on how ASOIAF will end, please


If I rewrote the story of ancient Rome, I'd either never introduce Christians or have the Romans drive them to extinction. Christianity killed what was possibly the most splendid empire in history.


I am not a fan of Dany. I think she's done great things and can do even more, but she's starting to become obsessed with the idea of ruling the seven kingdoms. "I was born to rule the seven kingdoms." There's all sorts of wrong in that statement.


Yes, even in the first book it's said that all Dothraki will one day return to the Mother (of Dragons) and be united into one Khalasar, which is what happens in season 6.


And this is the character that had the most pathetic death and became mad in the show. Makes me want to cry, more when I see people saying it was totally obvious she was always mad. I don't really know if she will or not become mad in the books, but I'm sure as hell it won't happen so easily and her death is gonna be epic


I get emotional when I think about what they did to her character..


Totally agree. I'm a history major/ancient history minor and I've always thought of the Targaryans as a metaphor of Ancient Rome. Rome didn't really fall, it transitioned into the Catholic Church a few hundred years post Christ. Since asoiaf is based in the Middle Ages, it would make sense for the Targaryans to transition from a political power into a religious power. I think the Red Priests are likely an example of something similar; R'hllor was likely based on a historical figure who, a few hundred years after his death, became a religious deity.


Yes I agree she is being set up as a god figure. Her story arc is very unlike the others in the show and it sets her apart. Some people complain that things are too easy for her, but I actually think that is the point. Her character is meant to be messianic. But we shall see... it could all come crumbling down.


Danny does have tons in common with Paul Atreides. Her family has been overthrown by rivals. She has to go live in the desert with a desert warrior people. She marries into this desert warrior people and becomes their leader. She likely will make these desert warrior people become some of the most powerful people ever. Ohh...and she rides a dragon like Paul rides a worm. Also there is a lot of prophecies playing into her becoming the leader and ruler of the desert people.


I really have no idea why people hate, even loathe, Daenerys so much. She's not boring, she's not weak, she's not a minor character. She's survived battles and assassins, is an incredibly strong ruler and conqueror and is one of the - if not the - major character in the books/show. A lot of people say she's self-obsessed, mad and has boring storylines. I think the show has a lot to do with people thinking she's self-obsessed because in the books, she's calls herself the Mother of Dragons and the Blood of the Dragon and the Breaker of Chains as a way to ground herself and remind herself of who is she (especially since she has made such a drastic transformation from sex slave to queen), but in the show, I guess it comes off as her stating all her titles to everyone in a form of narcissism. But that isn't the case. In the books, she's riddled with doubt about fulfilling the needs of her people - her children - and is conflicted between wanting to make her own legacy while having to deal with the repercussions of that of her father. She is aware of her family's past, and she wants to be different - you see that in her conversation with Barristan Selmy in the books and in her meeting with Asha in the show. I think a lot of people misunderstand Daenerys, which is a shame, because in the context of ASOIAF's magical component and overall story, her role cannot be more pivotal. As GRRM stated in an interview, Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons are the "fire" and the Others are the "ice" in the Song of Ice and Fire. (Plus, there's been absolutely no set up to her becoming the next "Mad Queen", in the books that set up has all been directed to Cersei)


she could even replace the Harpy, an ancient God Empress of Ghiscar


I'm surprised there aren't more things about Dany being a god figure. It's obvious it's what GRRM was going for, and knowing him, he's definitely planning something subversive with the motif.


They really did her dirty in the tv show…


Monarchs have often been viewed as religious figures. In Europe, there was the Divine Right of Kings. In China, there was the Mandate of Heaven. The Japanese royal family claims descent from the sun goddess and so forth.


She will become the new Aegon, the Dragon


Fast forward to season 8 disappointment...


Humans never stop looking for their parents to save them and tell them what's what. Missa makes a lot of sense as a god figure.


I know I’m 3 years late but Daenerys is pretty much a god figure to me personally.
