How Much Omega 3 Do We Really Need Per Day? (The Real Dose)

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In this video you'll find out how much omega 3 you need to take per day for best results.

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Disclaimer: Before taking any supplements please consult with your physician, this video just includes general recommendations.

Key points:

The nutrition label on your omega 3 fish oil supplement can be misleading if you're not sure what you're looking for.

The two main compounds we're looking for are EPA and DHA. They stand for for eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.

And the standard capsule of an Omega 3 supplement has only about 300 mg of these 2 combined.

The effective dose for total EPA/DHA intake is 1.8-3.0 grams per day. That's between 6 to 10 of standard capsules, and the nutrition label will often say that you only need 1 or 2 per day.

Higher concentration supplements are also available, and they usually come at a higher price point.

The dosage would be split at least morning and evening (taken with meals).

Why take omega 3?

"If there is a single nutrient that is almost impossible to achieve adequate amounts of with the modern diet (outside of the handful of people who eat a lot of fatty fish), it’s the w-3 fish oils. In a very real sense, fish oils ‘do everything’ and impact on not only overall health but help to control inflammation, promote fat oxidation, inhibit fat storage and a host of others. It’s a list of benefits that seems almost too good to be true but the research is there.

Due to their general unavailability in the food supply, supplementation is almost necessary and both pills (containing varying amounts of the active EPA/DHA) and liquids are available.
Both are acceptable and some people simply prefer the liquids (which can be used on salads or in blender drinks) to pills (which often cause burps)."

Omega 3 as a fat burning supplement:
"Of all the types of dietary fat, it is the omega-3 class that has the greatest effect on enhancing lipolysis.

The primary way in which omega-3s exert these effects is by acting as metabolic fuel partitioners, upregulating lipid oxidation. and downregulating lipid sythesis (5).

This is accomplished on several different fronts: First, omega-3s increase the fluidity of cell membranes (1).

Cell membranes serve a critical function by regulating the passage of nutrients, hormones, and chemical signals into and out of cells.

When cell membranes are fluid, they b allow substancesto readily penetrate into the cytoplasm.

This has wide-ranging effects, from increasing muscle protein synthesis to enhancing glycogen storage to improving insulin sensitivity to boosting leptin production, factors that can have a tangible effect on lipolysis."

Further resources:

Talk soon, Mario

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Music Used:
Jim Yosef - Firefly [NCS Release]

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Рекомендации по теме

this year I started taking 3x triple strength tablets each day and Man! the difference is amazing I can train alot harder and I recover much faster. Its a big change I'd recommend it to everyone. great video Mario


4 grams per day (4000 mg) of combined DHA and EPA is the optimum to feel good health effects based on the most recent scientific studies. Lower dosages are not as effective, they're a bare minimum and won't produce noticeable benefits. Ever since I started taking 4 grams (4000 mg) daily, I feel a huge difference. And remember, read the labels carefully. 4000mg refers to DHA and EPA combined, and not to the weight of the fish oil itself.


One of the most complete videos I found about Omega 3, EPA and DHA


5 Benefits of Taking Omega-3 Oils
-Decreased risk of heart disease and cancer
-Improvements in brain function and mood
-Reduced inflammation in joints
-Lowering triglycerides and increasing HDL (good cholesterol)
-Helps control insulin


I have always been confused about the whole omega-3 issue, especially in terms of supplements and I am not great with taking supplements in general. Thank you for your common sense.


One thing worth mentioning in my opinion is to try and get the best quality Omega 3 supplement possible. If the fishoil is of lower quality (meaning already oxidized/rancid due to exposure to heat, light or bad processing), then you get the exact opposite effects of what you're taking them for - causing an increase in inflammation instead of decreasing it. Anyway, great work as always Mario!


Nice! Thanks for that! The ratio of EPA and DHA is very important too as they have very different functions within the body...


thanks man ! wasn't paying attention to my O3 intake and it was 900mg of supp' so definitivly go to 1500mg :)


Thanks for this video man, I was wondering about this just a few days ago :)
Odličan kanal btw!


Sharp camera image wow! Very clear and defined resolution.


Thank you very much for sharing this vital info. I take 1 Omega 3 daily and I can feel the difference.


Thanx man, very informative video, if you take a specific amount of any other supplement such as D3 would be awesome to hear your thoughts on it in the future. Peace ;)


Thank you for the video! What specific Omega-3 supplement do you take? :)


Svaka cast za video ovo dosad nisam znao koliko je stvarno o3 potrebno za rezultate, hvala puno si pomogao samo nastavi :D


That good ol' Alan Aragon recommendation. Have you seen Jeff Nipard's recent interview with Kamal Patel? They touch on omega3's quite a bit. There are annotations in the description to jump right to the topic too.


7 serdines a week provides you with enough omega-3 for 1 week. That said by my ichthyology professor in university


Mario do you recommend taking the 3G all at once or divide it in 2?


I take fish oil daily for joint pain and I find I need six a day and it usually is the best kind with the most Dha and epa in it.


Great video Mario! I've been searching how much omega 3 is optimal and couldn't find any info. I also want to share my experience, maybe it will be helpful for someone. I was taking cod liver fish oil, which is high in vitamin A. In combination with my multivitamin, I problably had Hypervitaminosis. I had skin irritation and dry skin. After reducing the intake to 1 dose every third day, the symptomps dissappeared. Anyway, thanks to your video, I found out my cod liver fish oil has pretty low values of EPA and DHA. Time to throw it away and buy a better quality fish oil.


OK I have a question but first I really enjoy the video I learned a lot more about omega-3 then what I’ve actually known but mine capsule also recommends that I take one gel capsule and the EPA is 242 mg and the DHA is 226 mg in one capsule and I just wanted to know is that optimal? or if I continue to take it daily overtime will I see results?
