Yoga for Pregnancy | 30 Min Prenatal Yoga Flow For Peace Of Mind

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A 30 minute prenatal yoga practice for pregnant mamas of all levels who need to relax, de-stress, and find peace of mind. Completely safe for Trimester 1 & 2!

Explore the entire three-trimester Boho Beautiful Yoga Prenatal Journey:

This prenatal trimester 1 & 2 yoga flow will stretch you in all the right places so you can let go of tension & worry. With just enough movement to boost your mood & energy, this prenatal yoga class was designed to reconnect you with your breath, rejuvenating your muscles, joints, & ligaments by delivering oxygen to every point in your body, including your beautiful baby growing within.

Props you'll need for this practice: 1 block & 1 bolster

Shot at the beautiful nexus yoga institute.

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Boho Beautiful is Juliana Spicoluk & Mark Spicoluk (mama & papa to Xavian Lionheart)

Boho Beautiful Yoga is a yoga fitness lifestyle channel that is creating positive content for your body, mind, and the earth. Yoga, Wanderlust, Fitness, Vegan food, Conscious Living, and Meditation!

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Don't forget... To learn about the entire 'Prenatal Journey Program' check it out here!!  


I'm not pregnant, but I always feel better after a practice. Thank you! I hope that every pregnant woman will have a peaceful and blissful pregnancy!


A shout out to all women everywhere- you are amazing and loved. It doesn’t matter if you are pregnant or not, a mother now/ before/ someday - you are perfect and strong and add so much magic to this world. ❤️


16 weeks and 4 days prego. Needed this today. Thank you, praying for a healthy strong baby for all.


Thank you so much for creating a prenatal video that feels challenging as a regular yoga practitioner. I’ve found most prenatal videos a little too easy for this point of my pregnancy!


Huge thank you! I’m now 26 weeks pregnant (third trimester), and I still do this flow with some little adjustments here and there. I love it. I send you all my love and light as well ❤


happy Mother's Day Juliana!! I admire and love the work you do, You are a blessing to this world.


I have a suggestion for a yoga video I and my fellow-subscribers can follow along to in the morning when I’m having an important appointment later that day. I have CFS and I tend to feel tense and exhausted just thinking about how the appointment is drawing near😔. I tend to feel so stressed and anxious that I’ll be misunderstood and not speaking up and I feel it in my whole body. I’m still quite new to yoga and I’ll sure things will get better as I’m working on myself, but it would feel so amazing to have that one go-to video one always can turn to ahead of appointments. Something calming and relaxing and also empowering. Words can’t describe how much I would truly truly appreciate it❤️


Hi Juliana I just want to say how much i love practicing with you been doing it since 2015… my baby is almost 2 years now and im restarting my practice with you now; hopefully you’ll release post natal practices too specially for diastasis recti that would be awesome 👍 congratulations on Xavian ! Hugs, love and light for you —beautiful parents !! Greetings from Yucatan Mexico


Love this flow! I've been desperate for prenatal yoga, and after finding zero studios offering it in my area, I turned to virtual classes. After several fails (why so many annoying teachers out there lol, or prenatal flows that are more intention/breathing and less flow), Juliana, you are by far my fav! This was the first virtual class I actually made it through. So thank you! Looking forward to your other prenatal classes <3


May your kindness and generosity return to you a hundredfold☀️You guys are such a wonderful blessing to many people💞🌟Love your family ♥️


I just made the cut at 6 months aha :P
Thanks for this nice mothers day gift so kind of you!


I’m in my first trimester, second child. I can’t wait too see the difference in this pregnancy compared to my first. The first time I wasn’t practicing yoga at all and this time I plan on staying on top of my practice the whole time. I was very lucky with my first delivery and pregnancy in general. Had her out after 17 minutes of pushing..but 27 hours of labor overall with induction 🙄 I hope I just naturally go into labor this time.

I really really appreciate all the practices Boho Beautiful puts out for all of us. Your always my go-to and favorite of all time! 🪬🫶🏻


Thank you for this beautiful practice! Loved it during first and second trimester, but with the size of my belly, not so suitable for third trimester. Love to you


So grateful for your practices!! Just entered the 12th week and loved doing this practice with you! Thank you 🙏🏾


I'm way past my child-bearing years, but this flow was perfect for "dia de la Madre". Muchas Gracias!


I'm not pregnant yet either, but girl I've been following you since you started this on YouTube, and I had thought to myself a few years in "i hope if she has a baby she does prenatal yoga for us", and when I heard (was it 2020?) You were expecting I was ecstatic for you, and when I saw your after pregnancy videos I thought "she must have done some prenatal for us" (not gonna lie, I was VERY curious about how your "bounce back" was going to go, and I know bounce back is not the right word here, but I also think you guys know what I mean), it's so great to see you stayed so healthy during pregnancy and really did make a routine for all of us for our journeys! I just recently finally talked to my SM about wanting to have my first (and probably only) little one. I wanna be really ready and have the best foundation for my baby and myself to be our best most healthy selves in. I have struggled wjth eating disorders too, so this is incredibly important to and for me, and my family. I always feel so much better after doing any of your videos and am so so so grateful you have this journey you can share with us, it makes my SM feel better too, knowing that I have someone I look up to who's gone thru such a beautiful journey and still maintained practice and healthy life style, before, during, and after.

I'll check in again sometime, but I hope you do see this and truly know how appreciated you are!

Much love from steph, andy, and maggie (for now.. maggie is our baby girl, shes a dog.)


This routine was so beautiful. Thank you so much @bohobeautiful 😍❤🙏🏼

Lovee your sessions 💖


Hi @bohobeautiful please do one like this for 3rd trimester, it made me feel amazing in my 1st and 2nd so relaxing but also eased my hip and lower back pain, thank you ❤❤


that was a quite hard yoga flow for a 33 weeks pregnant and I loved it ;)
