If God created everything, how is it that God didn’t create evil?

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How do we account for the existence of evil, since God is the good Creator of all things? From our 2022 National Conference, Michael Reeves provides a biblical illustration to answer this important question.

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For so many years this question has been around my head and hearing so many answres from so many exceptional teachres this is the one that at last ease my mind. Thank you very much and so thankful to God beacuse of Dr. Reeves


It’s the answer that I knew in my spirit but could not utter, praise the Lord!


as mentioned in the video, this question assumes that evil is a thing. However, God did not create evil, but rather, evil is the absence or corruption of good. In other words, evil is the result of The rebellion of fallen men and angels against the perfectly holy law of God.

As a reformed Christian, I believe that God is completely sovereign and in control of all things, including our decisions. Therefore, in reference to the question of evil, I would respond by affirming that God created everything and ordained evil to exist for His own purposes, which are ultimately for His glory and the good of His people. We may not always understand why God allows evil to exist, but we trust that He is good and has an infallible plan that is working out for His glory and the ultimate good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). In this sense, The existence of evil can be seen as a means to the end that God has purposed from all eternity, rather than something that is opposed to His will. God has created everything in order to manifest His glory, and this includes using even the existence of evil to accomplish His purposes.


Evil isn’t a created thing, evil is the absence of good


(The most word for word style of translation commonly used is the NASB)

“I form light and create darkness;
I make well-being and create calamity;
I am the Lord, who does all these things.” (Isa 45:7 NASB)


Wow. The Light/Dark analogy was REALLY good. A created thing allows for the potential of differing states, aka darkness. But darkness itself is not a "thing." Very cool! This is why I'm comforted by my doubts. Because God is BIGGER than them!


So if darkness is the absence of light, evil the absence of good, doesn't Isaiah 45:7 mean that God created evil (darkness)?

It confuses me to see reformers talk in circles about this subject when the answer is obvious.


From John Frame's "The Doctrine of God, "
“While God is properly said to ordain, and thus be the ultimate cause of all things (Ephesians 1:11, Romans 11:36, James 4:13-15) —even evil— (cf. Revelation 17:17, 2 Samuel 12:11-12, 1 Kings 22:19-23 / 2 Chronicles 18:18-22) He is never the proximate, or efficient cause of evil, and scripture regards only the proximate or efficient cause of evil as the chargeable or blameworthy party.”


Hear Joe Boot in my mind saying "Direction, not form."


You have light, you're gonna have a shadow. No one created it. It's just there as a consequence of the light.


Very informative. A note to YouTube however, some of the closed captioning is off. For example, the @ 3:12, what is spoken as "so insubstantial" is written as, "so in substantial."


I think we can do our best to question, explain and try to understand where evil originated, and there have been many thoughtful and noble attempts made, yet I don’t need to know until the Lord himself reveals it and I think this can’t be understood or confirmed by mortal minds. We’ll understand when we are in Heaven, but until then I think we as Christian’s should rest/trust that God is above all, creator of all and in control of all and some things are beyond our ability to grasp now. They’re another level outside our dimension and capability. Thank God He has mercifully revealed the REMEDY for overcoming evil to his children and that is his beautiful plan of salvation through Jesus Christs death, buried and resurrection. Where it may seem to some that he didn’t create evil/or did, or where he isn’t in control/or is, or where he must not care/ or does etc. We need to simply retain childlike faith that there’s more to the story than we can grasp. There is more to God and his greatness, wisdom, love, power, plans etc. His ways are higher than we can grasp. Higher than the heavens above the earth so much higher is our God’s greatness and power and insight and plans etc. (insert adjective)than ours. ❤


Because evil really does not exist, it is the absence of good!


He is preaching. If evil is not a thing, then neither is goodness.


Hawayu Ligonier Ministries *& I Appreciate Pst. Michael Reeves 4 Answering This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Question of "If God Created Everything, How Is It That God Didn't Create evil ?"4 What Pst. Michael Reeves Has Said Is Ryt One 💯% 4 God Doesn't Create evil Althu God's Word Says That "I Form The Light & Create darkness: I Make Peace & Create evil: I The LORD Do All These Things" Written In Isaiah 45:7 Where Our Great Almighty God Doesn't Create evil 4 Our LORD Is The Light of The World As Written In John 8:12* & May Our Great Almighty God Bless Yu Pst. Michael Reeves & Ligonier Ministries So Much & Happy Easter 2 Yu Ligonier Ministries.🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️


“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7


God did create evil, and He created wickedness. The question you should ask is WHY did God create evil? Once you can answer that then understanding that God created evil becomes clearer.


Stunning video and GREAT Presentation. There's a theological proposition that explains "Where Did Evil Come From? God is Good, How Did Evil Enter the World?" It's called, "The Mystery of INIQUITY." Satan was never called, "Perfect." According to Ezekiel 28:15, he was "blameless in his ways." What that signifies is he exhibited no fault in his actions...UNTIL...Iniquity was found in his heart!

The "Mystery of Iniquity" speaks to how corruption incubated in the heart of THIS rouge spirit until he gave birth to LAWLESS & SIN. Because SIN corrupts, and infects exponentially, Satan convinced 1/3rd of the angelic host to follow him in an insurrection against the Throne of God. For this reason, God was forced to send Michael and his angels to make war against Satan's forces. They were consequently defeated and FLUNG to the physical Earth. That's how evil entered the physical realm.

I asked the question: "Why didn't God destroy Satan when He saw iniquity in his heart?" Couldn't He had prevented "evil" from entering the world? The answer was NO! Lawlessness (which is the result of SIN) can only be dealt with LEGALLY! There was no LAW that dealt with what was in Satan's heart! The LAW only condemns what one does...that's why God said, he was "blameless in his ways). Therefore, God had to get Satan under the LAW...for that reason He created Adam...We can talk ABOUT IT MORE...if you want the details of "WHY ARE WE HERE!"


🤔….well…just…🤔…WoW!!! Thank you so much! 🙏 God Bless you 💕


Evil (sin) is the absence of holiness.
