Why God Created Us (Part 1)

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To anyone reading these comments with doubt. Can you see the wind? No but you can see the effects it has. Do you see sound? No but you can see the effects it has. Can you see love? No. God actually shows us his love and let’s us feel his love. Whether you believe or not until you experience it you have no idea. If you believe our lives have no meaning and it all ends with a hearse ride, then I pray for you cause how can you enjoy life thinking that way.


If you have eyes to see, and ears to hear, praise the Maker. Let not your faith be shaken by amateur commentators, but rather, let your spirit be amplified in the face of adversity.


So basically it means that God create human beings to show his glory, to display his glory and we are just a means to show that glory. While this life is really hard and we need to fight everyday with this life, God's purpose was to show his glory.
Btw im not an atheist i believe in God but the answer to 'Why God create human beings?' is depressing.

Edit: After 1 year, i now know that this is not the life God wants to give us, his plan for us is ruined in the garden of eden, so God gave us his son to us so that we will have that life again after death.


When I die I be happy but I won't be happy when my family is sad and didn't want me to go I wish God was in earth and we could stay alive for ever


So many horrible comments here, but no love, no mercy, no nothing. "My people have forgotten me"... you didn't even understand what a powerful message this man had : You were created for His glory, but also to enjoy your life, to be happy, to have family and children and to live in peace and love every day of your life, to know that someone is in control of everything, that you do not have to be stressed out, depressed or angry but to reflect the peace and joy of Your Father. I hope every soul that is lost finds their peace in Jesus Christ, our saviour <3 "He who has ears, let him hear". Just remember that one day you will stay in front of the Lord and if all you did your life was to mock, destroy, discourage people you will pay for that indeed cause you reap what you sow, there's still time for you to be forgiven, Jesus forgives absolutely everything. Don't be ignorant cause one day you may regret that but it might be too late. God bless the man who did this inspiring video! <3


IF you believe in God, follow his teachings and in the end you will know why.
IF you DON'T believe in God, then just enjoy and do what you want in this life.

chose to believe, have faith in Him and find the answer after death
chose NOT to believe in him, enjoy what we can enjoy in this life and die not knowing the answers to questions nobody can explain.

He created us and gave the most important gift of all - TO CHOSE WHAT WE WANT. And for me that's the mystery of faith (English is not my first language so pardon me) ✌️


I came here because my dog died and I asked him why he did do this and I wondered why he put us on earth and I now know it was to test are faith and to show us he doesnt doit to make us mad but to show us that he gives and takes but in the end we will reunite with all we lost he just wants us to have faith


Okay, He created us for His glory. Why did He feel the need for glory if He had everything He needed to be complete before we were made? We HAVE to fulfill some kind of need or desire that God had before we were made, otherwise He'd have had no reason to create us at all. You say it's for His glory. Okay, why does He need glory? What exactly is glory? Why did he need us to participate or partake in it? What role do we fulfill that the angels didn't?


God knew what God can create. God created universe to experience his own creation.

The same way we create what we think we can create to experience the creation for e.g. poem, art, book or anything we create


I hate living. Life is horrible. I don't understand why God created me knowing that I would hate living and just kill myself anyway. I wish I didn't exist in the first place but sadley he decided to create me


God Created everything to show his love. God the father is the God of Love.


I think that this question is very hard for many people because it puts to doubt the arbitrarity of humans and creation in general. The question that happens on the Christian’s mind when this concept comes may be something like this: "Well, if God is infinite, immutable, all powerful... Then why would he even create... such a messy, intricate, and precise thing as are humans and everything surrounding us?".

My short answer to this question is that... He just did.
But I will express here my interpretation and answer of this question and the reasoning behind it, in case someone finds it helpful.

The world is messy. We are messy. I don't know how else to express it. The divine wholeness that God implicitly has, can just not be physically seen on your everyday life very easily. And when we are in front of this arbitrarity and try to understand why God would make it as such, it creates a lot of confusion.

Why do we have two legs and two arms? Why are we all a certain size, and not giants? Why are our languages so limited in the things they can express? Why are there so many different animals, and us humans are the special ones? How exactly are we "fit" to love God? Why didn't God just create some floating consciousness in empty space, that was able to love him and honour And so many other questions of this sort can arise.

So, what I believe as a Christian, and the way I answer this fundamental question is the following:

God created the universe and us humans exactly the way we are, because God wanted trueness. For God to actually be God, and rejoiced, and honoured, and good; it needs to have an arbitrary vessel, which he created the way he did well, because he wanted to. His creation had to be intricate, complex, messy, dynamic, and capable of free will, and therefore he created us humans. And he created us exactly the way we are because he had to choose something. And we can assume that he went with the best option, because it’s only what God could have done.

It had to be something specific and discrete, and it turns out that he created us, exactly the way we are, and making sure that we would be able to experience him as he is. Could he have made us in a different way? Well, maybe. But he went with the option that he wanted, and it is kind of that simple. And therefore, humans are exactly what god deemed as the necessary vessel for his kingdom. A true kingdom. A meaningful kingdom. A kingdom of dynamic, diverse, lively beings; that could have experiences and memories and thoughts and liberty. It is just what he wanted. That’s why he is a personal God.

And therefore, the ultimate goal we have is to honour God. Which I interpret as being with him in the broad sense of the expression. To follow his will, and not the will that can arise from our fleshy, messy, and arbitrary state which is sin. To accept that everything matters because it will be eternal in him. And to trust him with all our strength, and trust that everything in creation is just as he intended, for it can’t be any other way.


If God just created us for His glory, where does His love come into the picture?


I was created to be unhappy, jealous, envious of others, self loathing, hurt, alone, bitter, frustrated, etc. It seems the older I get, those feelings only intensify. Why oh why has this happened to me? Is this the reason why I was put on this Earth?


Can someone please get straight to the point in why god created us


Jesus always glorify the Father, Jesus lives by doing His father's will. Doing His (our) Father's will mean to be in agreement with everything the Father says. How do you glorify God?? 1st. By accepting His plan of salvation, living a life of obedience to God just like Jesus, when it says in everything you eat and drink it means follow His directions in obidience as of what you should and shouldn't eat. Glorifying God is to live in total obedience to His word, only then we will be showing His presences in our lives, not His Glory, the word of God says He does not share His glory with anyone, not even us. GBY


Loving god is like loving a dad
i heard about but never seen,
it might not seem like it,
but i love em,
And i know he's there.


Why would an all powerful being need to be glorified? that seems like an awefully petty human emotion for a god to have.


Glory? How would you answer the struggles ?


God must be Selfish, to Glorify his glory he Created humans and gave freedom to suffer in this material world.
