Interpretation of Tongues during announcement! (This is how a Spirit Led church do church) BOTT 2022

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BOTT 2022 | POA
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I was praying one evening and started preying in tongues. I have never done that before and haven't since. It is when your spirit is truly praying in the spirit.


Tongues and interpretation is an extremely powerful gift! It is highly persecuted in the American church. God bless this church for allowing the Holy Spirit to move how He desires! 💕


Thats the sound of the spirit of the Lord crying out to the people.


I love how God uses his people to edify his church! O, Lord please use me as a willing vessel. Amen.


I don't know if speaking in tongues is real or not. I just hope people like this aren't lying because that is a horrible sin to commit and they will be judged harshly


I am extremely shy and won't openly interpret Tongues. I received the gift and am so thankful I received it but idk why me. I am scared and happy at the same time. I keep searching and learning and testing if it is real because I do not want to interpret God's words in the wrong way. It comes to me like a vision or words that are hard to understand and describe.

I interpret the same thing as the interpreter in this video, but mine is in Indonesian


That is so encouraging to see proper use of prophetic tongues and then a prophetic interpretation that flowed from it. If we were to ask the one who got the tongue if that was like their prayer language they would say no...and that its quite different Likewise if we were to ask the one who had the interpretation if that was something they thought of? Again they would say no, but rather it flowed from the Holy Spirit.

I am sure some may view this as disorderly but the opposite is true, if there you would sense God's presence and have a sense of encouragement and being built up. Yes it comes out a little rough and ready (for me that is a little indication that its the Holy Spirit speaking).

This is evidently a mature congregation that follows scripture specifically 1 Cor 12-14 and is open to God and His scriptures.

Allelulia, the Holy Spirit is on the Move!


Hallelujah!!! Thank you Holy Spirit! 🕊️🔥


Ummm, this sounds like a guy just repeating the same 7- 10 syllables for 30 seconds as a “plant” in the audience followed by some dude’s so called translation in order to try to create some validation for this weird practice. Don’t get me wrong, i believe in God too but this felt scripted like the final act in a magic show or something. I’d believe this if real Hebrew or Latin or any real language could be verified from someone who did not know that language but sha- ba-lalala is not going to do it.


"And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop." 1 Corinthians 14:30... there's nothing wrong that the man speaking in tongues is doing, and to be honest I'd rather obey God and edify his church rather than worry that someone might find it 'angry' or 'disturbing' I'm sure someone desperately needed to hear that word. The Pharisees were also concerned that Jesus healed someone on a sabbath rather than rejoice that a human was healed, why is speaking into a microphone so important that the fact that people received edification?


Hallelujah!! Praise YWH! Glory!!! Yes God!!!


I thank God that it's a body of mature believers.. .


The tongue speaking took 40 seconds and the interpretation 20 seconds. Wonder if the interpreter left something out!


Praise the LORD GOD 🙏 Blessed be the Lord 🙏


I doubt very much Jesus would be shouting out in the middle of a talk in that manner - if you read the scriptures he was humble and had no need to behave like that - people just knew his Spirit. The message is hardly a revelation.


Listen to me. There is nothing left at this level. Check the bereftness of your souls. See
/acknowledge your emptiness, to let it be filled by God. There are still many demons here that you do not see! And God wants to help you see! There are so many more blessings in store to which you are blind! Do not only praise up! Investigate inwardly to find the hardness of yourselves. Only then you will pass through the gates. You have not yet reached the extent of my kingdom or seen the extent of my glory, prepare and seek for further and deeper revelation.

This is my interpretation.


I actually heard 2 words follow me I heard it twice and when the interpreter said it twice in the sentence I freaked out.


What’s the difference between what this guy said and gibberish?


Scripture says that when speak in tongues, we are speaking to God. His interpetations sounded as if God was speaking to the church. How does that work? 1Cor. 14: 1, 2 " Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. (2) For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries."


When you hear it you just feel the Holy Spirit. Brings tears to my eyes
