The Pentecostal Shamala Hamala of Speaking in Tongues | Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur

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The Pentecostal Shamala Hamala of Speaking in Tongues | Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur.
Is Speaking in Tongues a Learned Behavior in our Churches Today?
Today, we are caught up with all kinds of teachings and doctrines on tongue speaking and some people are claiming that you are not saved until you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost (implying speaking in tongues). There is a divided interpretation to this in the body of Christ today.
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Peeps go back and forth on this topic ad nauseum. What I've never liked is that this gift seems more "ME" centered than "HE" centered.


People please let's get real here. The Bible is very clear on speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues simply mean talking in different languages, but the Bible says you must have an interpreter. 1 Corinthians 14 verse 27 and 28 says if you speak in tongues you must have an interpreter.


What I’ve noticed is that the “tongues” used by almost all I’ve heard just repeat the same sounds over & over. Like repeating the same sentence over & over, each time they pray in tongues. It’s ridiculous to say that if someone does not speak in tongues they don’t have the Holy Spirit. The reason is because the scriptures clearly say we all have differing gifts. Some are gifted speakers, some gifted teachers, some hospitality, some mercy, some encouragement etc.


The Holy Spirit is not a Spirit of confusion. Where there is confusion then the Spirit of Truth is NOT there.


I grew up in the Pentecostal church. I believed in speaking in tongues. I never claimed to be able to do it. However, a few times in my life where I had reached desperation and was deep in prayer pleading with God, an uncontrollable sound started coming out of my mouth. I wasn't thinking about it, and I wasn't trying to do it. It just flowed and was something I couldn't try to repeat or replicate even if I tried. When it happened, it was so easy and natural. It couldn't be held back. So yes, I believe in tongues. Is it always genuine every time you hear someone do it? No. But can it be real? Yes, definitely.


So many forget to tell the rest of the story of speaking in tongues. 1 Cor 14:9 If you speak in tongues to believers let there be an interpreter. So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air. If you speak in tongues in the church and to believers, you must have an interpreter or better keep silent.


I have never commented on line before but am compelled to do so on this topic of speaking in tongues. I am 73 years old and I experienced the so called Jesus movement in the late sixties. I knew absolutely nothing about the bible and I had no idea who Christ was and what he did for mankind. In all my ignorance I was speaking in a nonsense tongue as dozens of other teenagers were, while we engaged in our sin filled lives . It all sounds the same today. Not for a minute did I believe this dialect was anything but utter nonsense. In fact it actually stumbled me greatly in my search for God. I turned away from the Christian church and sought god elsewhere. It took this many years to find my way back to JESUS CHRIST. I want to warn truth seekers to be very cautious about the deceptive spirit that has infiltrated true Christianity and to always do as the Beoreans did, read Gods word for yourself, constantly pray for discernment, because deception in the last days before the return of CHRIST will abound and very few will enter the narrow path. The demonic forces are like a roaring lion seeking to devour the unwary. Pray for the Holy Spirit to protect you from evil and to open your eyes and heart to only the truth. ❤


Misunderstanding about tongues comes from a lack of biblical teaching. 🙏✍ An amazing story...


I used to go to pentecostal churches and the closest I ever seen to real tongues was one Sunday the ' holy spirit made a visit ' and caused someone to speak in other language. Later the pastor announced that a fellow visiting from Africa told him the person speaking in the spirit was speaking in an African language only spoken by a few tribes.
He was from one of them.
The rest of the time it just seems like someone yelling out about 10 different words repeated, then the translation is about 10 minutes long.
I also noticed that the ' tongues ' episodes in that church sounded like a woman's voice about 90% of the time.
The man screaming in this video, all I can say is he could be screaming out blasphemous and horrible things about the Lord, and we don't know that.


Growing up going to church I never understood the gospel I don’t blame my parents they tried their best. Pastor and our youth pastor also tried their best. I didn’t understand how Jesus died for my sins. I couldn’t understand it. At 37 yrs old I finally came to understand. How ? I called on the name of JESUS and He delivered me from a meth addiction in an instant. He payed the price for my sins. He took everything up on that cross. From that moment I gave my life to Him. I was baptized in JESUS name. Acts 2:38. I received the Holy Spirit a month later after service I was still worshiping the Lord after service. I know some churches force it on people. Not in my case. I thank you Lord for filling me with the Holy Spirit speaking in tongue’s. GLORY BE TO GOD 🙏


And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Acts 2:3‭-‬4 KJV


You have Voddie Baucham in the title but he's not in the video 🙁


To anyone whos new to the faith and is genuinely seeking God.. if you are invited to a church and you go because you are seeking God in truth.. and you get there.. and you see people dropping to the floor, shaking, speaking in ''tongues'', pastor going around dropping people by touching them, RUN out of there because you WILL be misguided. People say denomination is not a deal breaker.. I say it is EVERYTHING. Anyone whos been around enough churches and different denominations KNOWS for a fact the message of the Gospel and the Jesus preached varies significantly to the point where it is no longer the Biblical Jesus.


"there are millions of people across the planet caught up in this movement who have no idea what the gospel is.." 😔


Some are going so far to say that if you do not speak in tongues you do not have the Spirit at all.


I think many charismatics are attempting to validate their Salvation by all their "Holy Ghost" experiences, such as tongues, being slain in the Spirit, etc. This is very sad.


A perverse generation requires a heard that said? I attended a Pentecostal service once and the preacher walked over to me while I was in prayer with my eyes closed, he placed his hand on my head and started shouting for the Holy Spirit to descend on me that I may speak in tongues so I can be saved. Well several years prior to attending that service, I was saved and the Holy Spirit has been with me every since that day. Then I and informed that according to Pentecostals, you are not saved unless you have the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues is the only evidence "sign" that you have received the Holy Spirit. I, of course do believe in speaking in other languages, many people speak more than one language but it IS PERVERSE TO REQUIRE SIGNS!


I have studied 10 languages, I speak 5, all of them have taken me a lot of hard work...I have never heard any "tongue speaker" speak any of them...ever!!! It's ecstatic speech...that's it. Hysterical and crazy stuff.


I wonder what Paul meant when he said „I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you.“ (1 Cor. 14:18)? Surely he knew and practiced every kind of prayer in every situation he found himself! And just as surely did he not need to explain himself to the anyone as to how the Holy Spirit led him in communicating with the Godhead!
Whenever the two „intellectuals“ bring up „their“ f. subject, I tremble…….. Approx. 2+ years ago I heard the two intelligent thinkers tear the „Charismatic Movement“ apart, time and again, repeatedly showing extreme ugly scenes on old videos, yes, even having read „Strange Fire“, watched conferences and interviews etc., they eventually convinced me of „their“ power of persuasion. Result?
My prayer-life virtually came to a stand-still. Not for a few days! It has taken me months to discover the root of the problem; until Paul reminded me that his message and his preaching were not with wise and persuasive words of men, but with a demonstration of the Spirit‘s power, so that my faith might not rest on men‘s wisdom, but on God‘s power! (1 Cor. 2….)
Whichever way the Holy Spirit leads in intercessory prayer, I am fully confident HE IS IN CONTROL!


Whether we believe in tongues because of some experience we had doesn't make tongues real. Once the mind allows in the possibility of tongues it's quite easy for the imagination in the mind to let loose and babble anything you can imagine. And as the video showed tongues are typically just a repeat in staccato and similar phrases of people they've heard before them. It's all manufactured today
