12 Signs You Were Raised By Emotionally Immature Parents

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Your emotional development or lack thereof, forms out of your relationship with your parents, which in effect, greatly impacts our mental health. But what about if your parents were emotionally immature? How do you even understand this and learn to heal? In understanding your upbringing, have you come to discover that your parents were emotionally immature? Today I want to share about 12 signs that you were raised by emotionally immature parents.

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"The worse part of growing up is finding out your parents never did."


"The worst part is when they vilify you for emotionally out growing them."


My mom is very judgmental and negative. It has taught me to be compassionate for people. If you don’t conform to her and hate people she’ll cut you off. I believe she has a personality disorder. All the literature I have read and therapy I put myself through, she fits in the NPD category. I love her and I always keep her in prayer. God delivered me from demons and I am utterly grateful!


this is my Dad to a T- he can't handle any perceived incompetence- he gets angry if food is slightly late in a restaurant and insults the waitstaff behind their backs, he gossips about other family members failings and refuses to acknowledge his mistakes when he insults people- he called one of his female managers incompetent TO HER FACE and wondered why she took it so personally. He has almost no regard for other people's feelings and it's been hard to live with the aftereffects of that kind of parenting


My parents are Baby Boomers and this video describes them in great detail.


I often feel guilty second guessing anything my parents did because of the whole "honor thy mother and father" thing. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by how I think about my parents in any critical way, and also for any coldness or separation I've allowed to creep in. I feel that they did the best they could given their own childhoods.


In her excellent book "Toxic Parents" Dr. Susan Forward defines what she calls The Inadequate Parent-"Constantly focusing on their own problems, they try to turn their children into mini-adults who take care of them."


bruh, this is so sad how basically all of the points you mentioned applied to my Dad. please pray for me and my father. he needs help fr.


My parents are the main reason why I've been stucked in life for years. I'm always trying to help them but they're inmature and incapable or take care of themselves


Yes, my mom was emotionally unavailable and still is, healing is a choice. Taking ownership and accountability is a major key with my mom. I had to set much needed boundaries with her and say goodbye. I am thankful for her taking on this sacrifice which has taught me the kind of woman, mother and person I am and want to be and I love her at a distance. I can’t wait for her to start her healing journey because it is beautiful and very rewarding. I am coming from a place of love.


I relate to this. My parents sheltered me a ton and made alot of decisions for me so that I guess to a small extent gave me control issues. I have a hard time surrendering to God my plans for the life that he's given me, because for a long time, I felt like I didn't have a choice, so surrendering again made it hard.


What was wonderful about my family? Nothing, and that breaks my heart as a 52 year-old woman. Both parents are emotionally immature. I went no contact with my dad 20 years ago, still stay in low-ish contact with my mom (they’ve been divorced 25 years, mom not remarried). We text, I call on major holidays, once-a-year short visits. All our conversations are superficial. Got back from our most recent visit a couple days ago and my husband for the first time (we’ve been married - happily, thankfully!! - 23 years) witnessed her gaslighting. She’s 75 now and is having more trouble “keeping up appearances” around him. I hate visiting her. She’s never been a maternal influence to me, and she’s not on the list of people I’d ever go to for advice. I’m an only child and to say I dread having to deal with her as she gets even older would be an understatement. We never had kids, because I saw the damage done to me and it wasn’t until it was too late that I realized I could move past my screwed-up psyche. The cycle was going to end with me.


Yes!!! Empathy is the key! Looking through the lense of empathy is what's missing! Connecting to another's pain and trying to understand how they might be feeling is empathy. I was not taught this growing up, this beautiful gift. I am now learning it and have found when I have empathy with myself it is much easier to have empathy with others. I really wish you would do a lesson on how empathy looks and acts. We really need this behavior as sons and daughters of God. Thanks Mark! I am so grateful for your teachings.


I just discovered your page. Wow this video really hits home, I experienced every single one of these things. My family does not see any of this and therefore I am the scapegoat by seeing the truth and setting healthy boundaries, and limiting contact with them. It’s sad but I’m also grateful that I’m not participating in the circus anymore. Thank you!


Depends on your age, because I know my parents got married at an early age and then started having children right away ( because that's what they were told to do ) all the while not being emotionally mature for any of it. Being the last of those multiple children I witnessed a lot of what you're talking about.


Some of these points are simply profoundly accurate.
I keep expecting my senior citizen parents to act their ages but it hasn't happened. How they "help" people but somehow make it about themselves is fun to witness.


my mother’s famous response when I was getting abused by my ex was oh I’m to old to hear about this she could care less narcissist my dad was passive= no love growing up so how do we heal from this childhood stuff?


All 12 of these I can relate too. 😢 I wished for my parents to be emotionally strong but they were both so immature. It’s so heartbreaking. Thank you so much Mr. DeJesus


I'm autistic and i do relatable stories back to people to let them know I understand.


Thank You, this really needs to be addressed in the Christian community
