Palpatine's Point of View Anakin Skywalker (CANON)

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In the Secrets of the Sith book which is canon (and from Star Wars episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker), Palpatine's point of view covers many topics, characters, and worlds.
Today, we're going to talk about the chosen one and how Palpatine felt about Anakin Skywalker who then later became Darth Vader. He goes into great detail about his thoughts from first meeting Anakin to becoming Vader and then again, rising as Anakin (or in his view, falling as Anakin in the end).

Make sure to check out yesterday's video regarding Matt Smith confirming the Star Wars Episode 9 Rise of Skywalker rumors were true regarding him being part of it. As to what his role was...I don't know, and he didn't say...but he said it would have changed the history of Star Wars.
Maybe he was a young Palpatine in a flashback against Plagueis, where Plagueis took over his body, and Palpatine this whole time was actually Plagueis. Just a theory...a...Star Wars Theory

All parts of this book are canon information.

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I like how his point of view about Anakin killing him is the perfect summary of how episode 9 butchered and completely undermined the weight of Anakin's sacrifice. He's basically saying it out loud: "the fool died for nothing because i was going to return, he didn't destroy the sith". So much for the prophecy.


Palpatine says that he's anakin's equal because it's from his POV; his hubris clearly shows


“Killing the younglings, HIS idea. Thanks”



It’s ironic, a lot of time premonitions were a warning of the future, and that you can prevent it before it happens, in Anakin’s case he did not have to do anything and if he ignored the premonition his wife would not have died.



Palpatine to Anakin: “YOU killed ME in ROTJ!?! Did NOT see that coming.”


One thing I keep considering, and because I was of that generation, is the advantages and disadvantages of Luke and his father. In the realm of Nature versus Nurture, Luke had more ingredients to go very Right. Anakin was skiing uphill from his slave origins on up. Everything that could be thrown his way was. Luke, in contrast, was a kid with promise in a fairly basic upbringing. For Modesto. Lot of Lucas in Luke. His life was sleepy, waiting to be woken up. Anakin was awake from day one. Trauma is the difference.


We need a Palpatine series of his rise in the dark side and becoming a sith. Make it a darker series because we know how ruthless he was. It would be awesome to see the darker side of Star Wars (pun intended)


If this is Sidious’ point of view. As a dark sider he is simply being arrogant when stating anakin is his rival, instead of admitting he will be more powerful


Interesting. Here’s my take on this book, of which I will explain using this book as it is (allegedly) made in-universe, similar to Luke Skywalker’s Secrets of the Jedi (and other Legends books such as The Jedi Path and Book of Sith respectively made in universe)

While there’s no doubt some contradictions in this book, don’t forget: this is a book made by the Sith for the Sith. Deception, manipulation, and treachery are amongst the most powerful traits a Sith could have. Whereas Force Lightning could eradicate a dozen or so adversaries unfortunate enough to be caught in its deadly arcs, a Sith is able to subjugate an entire populace through deeds that aren’t always out and center.

Point is Sidious is the ultimate master of subterfuge and a skilled manipulator. To believe everything he says as gospel is to be taken with an entire salt mine from Crait. While Plagueis understood the concept and prefers immortality through physical/scientific means (ie manipulate midichlorians), Sidious has come across this knowledge (in legends from Cronal, aka Blackhole from early Marvel comics; currently unknown in canon) of transferring his Essence to a different host.

In regards to Skywalker, he was Palpatine’s favorite tool to manipulate: by acting as a kind fatherly figure that rivals (and then supersedes) Obi-Wan Kenobi, he has done much (with seemingly so little resources) to not only groom the Chosen One to become his next apprentice, but one that is worthy to carry on his legacy. Hence why he told Yoda “Lord Vader will become more powerful than EITHER of US”. What better way to depose of your greatest rival in the Force than conversion to one’s cause? It’s a tactic that both Jedi and Sith has used over millennia in one instance or another.

And again, Palpatine isn’t known for his stark honesty, nor does he believe that he should ever be replaced (with the exception being Vader pre-Mustafar), hence why when he teaches his apprentices (and other acolytes) it is given in bits and pieces, never a complete package, one that shouldn’t be taken as gospel.
Even his gatekeeper of a few Holocrons (like the famed Telos Holocron) isn’t above manipulation and deception with his point of view.

So whatever Palpatine says in the book Secrets of the Sith that seems contradictory, that’s his deceitful nature coming to the forefront.


Anakin/Vader while he was dying, was ready to learn how to become a force ghost. The Force regardless alignment is about understanding your emotions and willingness to embrace those emotions and willingness to learn that force ability.


The light that never left Vader, in my opinion this is the real reason why Vader was never able to achieve his full power. Not from damage to the flesh, but damage in the heart and mind. He never embraced the Dark Side like Palpatine. It’s a mindset Vader was evil but not as much as Sidious, that guy was a complete psycho.
I believe that’s why Sidious wanted to replace Vader with Luke, he is Anakin’s son, he inherited a lot of power from his father but he doesn’t have Vader’s personality issues so he might just be able to fully embrace the Dark Side unlike his father.
Annnnd, NOPE!!!
Anakin destroyed the Sith and that old evil was gone for good, Ultimate Balance is returned to the Force. Hurrah!!!
Though is Palpatine were to return as a threat, they should do it in a way similar to Reverse Flash from Suicide Squad Hell to Pay. In which he is already dead but running on fumes to try to keep his consciousness attached to his dead corpse in a desperate attempt to find a way to cheat death and return only to fail in the end.


Palpatine when he’s all alone with Yoda: You will not stop me. Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of us! (Being Honest).
Palpatine when writing his memoirs to the Galaxy: So… yeah. No no guys Vader and me are rivals. He’s not more powerful. Why would I ever say his potential dwarfs mine. Nothing can beat the Sena- oh wait, I mean Darth Sidious!


"I've been trained in your Count Dooku by Jedi arts"


Honestly, I'm really getting tired of Disney messing up the mythos and lore of Star Wars but I love when you do these videos. I still love your videos and enjoy hearing your lectures. lol
You should do more of Legends continuity, Theory


Considering it's Palpatine's point of view it could also be skewed to his perspective as well. He considered him a rival, though Anakin had the potential to be stronger than him might mean he knew how to manipulate him thus making him also weaker in his eyes. The omitting of any meeting in the Kenobi show could be explained as "it was just written before that decision was made" or that it wasn't as significant to Palpatine as Obi-wan's death.


Anakin was hitting up his DMT at the end, he had plenty of time to learn how to become a force ghost. Time doesn't matter when you step into another realm, even if only momentarily


I played Vader‘s Immoral and it was so fun I am so glad that you brought it up in this video


Just wanted to say I think you have the best Star Wars channel on Youtube. I really enjoy your creativity, your different perspectives and your passion. You do a great job bringing to life the various stories from books, comics and other sources. Unlike many other channels you narrate your videos very smoothly and naturally. Your total presentation is really fantastic. Thanks so much for all your efforts.


i always felt like anakin became a force ghost because he is the chosen one so and he could pretty much do anything, but this is probably more accurate lmao


it'd like to see a show in a parallel univers, where Vader doesnt get crippled, tries to overthrow the emperor, but fails and now the emperor is on a hunt for him and he has to team up with yoda and obiwan or stuff
