Anakin Tells Mace Windu About Palpatine (Revenge of the Sith)

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Anakin informs Windu that Chancellor Palpatine is Darth Sidious.
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Windu: How do you know he's a sith lord?
Anakin: He has a red lightsaber.


When you realize Mace Windu made Anakin stay behind to test him. When Mace Windu would have returned Anakin would have been given the rank of Master.


"A Sith LORD?"
"...Nah, just a regular Sith tbh."
"Oh, okay."


"You will wait in the council chambers until we return, Master Skywalker." If Windu said that, Anakin probably wouldn't have fallen to the dark side.


Mace Windu: Anakin. If you stay in the Council Chambers, I'll grant you the rank of Master.
Anakin: Okay!
(Roll credits)


George Lucas: This is Jar Jar Binks, a character that I created for the sole purpose of comic relief.

Star Wars Fans: 0:16


If only Anakin had stayed where he was


Anakin: "He's been giving compliments to females online. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a simp lord."

Windu: "A simp lord?"

Anakin: "Yes, the one we've been looking for."

Windu: "How do you know this?"

Anakin: "He donates money to e-thots. He's been trained to use cashapp."


The fact that Anakin told Windu the truth was amazing I think. It puts Anakin as a highly trained Jedi knowing who to report when encountering a terrible truth.


It makes one wonder - had Mace given Anakin an important task as a better reason to stay behind, i.e. "You must protect the temple and the order, if we fail and do not return." something that confirmed to Anakin that Mace and the other masters really did value him despite Anakin's growing unrest with the council, would that have been enough for him to resist the temptation?


Anakin: "I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord."
Every other Jedi and Clone in the room: "huh."


Mace ordered Anakin to wait in the council chambers because that’s where he would have been given the rank of Master.


“We must move quickly if the Jedi order is to survive”.

Casually walks towards the ship.


Just to clarify, Mace Windu did not hate Anakin Skywalker. What people interpret as dislike, was actually fear. The reason Windu seemed so cold towards Anakin, was because he was afraid of what he could do. According to the Episode III novel, Windu believed that Anakin’s powers were growing far too quickly, and that he was not disciplined enough to control them. He could also sense how unbalanced Anakin was, and how powerful the Dark Side was within him. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, on top of all of this, Mace could see how strongly the fate of galaxy was tied to Anakin. Anakin was an immensely powerful Jedi, with enigmatic potential and severe imbalance, upon which the fate of the Republic and the Jedi, rested. Of course Windu had trepidations.

Believe it or not, Windu had always planned to bring Anakin with him when the Jedi finally found the illusive Darth Sidious. In fact he had literally been counting on him. The reason he changed his mind, was precisely because he was looking out for Anakin. So dislike had nothing to do with it. Ordinarily, they had a great deal of respect for each other. This is why I don’t like it when Mace is seen as the antagonist. He may have been harsh, but Windu always had Anakin’s best interest at heart.


Their biggest mistake was taking action immediately after learning the truth about Palpatine, instead of being smart and informing the order first. Palpatine could have initiated order 66 whenever he wanted during the war, but without probable cause he would have lost support of the senate and even his position, so he had to bait them into making the first move. The Jedi had time on their side to think about this but resorted to the old ways, completely ignorant of how the Sith evolved with the galaxy enough to forge the political web they were now caught in. As a result of facing Palpatine, they pulled on that one fatal thread he needed.


The moment Mace Windu could have averted the destruction of the entire order and bring balance to the force by gaining Anakin to the light, saved Padme and destroyed Palpatine. Had he listened to his Jedi.


If Anakin had just done his job and killed Palpatine the way Palpatine asked him to kill Dooku, this scene wouldn’t be needed.


"If what you told is me true you will have gained my trust" this right here is annoying, all throughout the war anakin has brought countless victories and saved many lives and yet mace doesn't trust him cause he was friends with the chancellor.


You can see how conflicted Anakin was here. He wanted to save Padme so much that little did he know he would be the one to cause her death. Separating Obi-Wan and Anakin was a big mistake and the Jedi Order paid for that dearly. They where effectively destroyed


I like this scene for some reason.
It makes anakin seem very responsible for at least a few minutes. It wasnt a case of boy who cried wolf, his accusation was true and windu believed him.
