How To Become Deeply 'Emotionally Attractive' To a Man

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Today I share how you can inspire emotional attraction in a man so that he can lower his guard, open his heart and finally fall in love with you.
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1 Raise your emotional state ignore things u don't like about yourself.
2 set boundaries about your time and energy so he invests in getting to know you so he'll value you more
3. Clarity make sure you want the same things
4 have a range of playfulness and seriousness
5 ask meaningful questions ie what they love hate aspire to which builds friendship which is essential for a relationship
6 shared vulnerability share things about your lives. investing by opening up
7 respectful stance and not be too ready for him by dating others too. Get him inspired to take the relationship to the next level. don't push it!


I like that your advice values beyond the physical attributes especially in this day and age where society seems more emotionally disconnected than ever. I truly hope your videos live on the internet forever.. ❤😊


Hey, I wanted to tell you I have watched many of your videos. Honestly, steps, stages, things to apply have been a great help to me. I am a widow of a little more than 2 a widower of 7 mos. I am 75, he is 77. We are having a wonderful time getting to know each other 5 mos. I have had a great need for all your advice and counseling I thought we were too old to have many of the challenges you talk about!!! Nope! not too old to have some dating at least we have years of "maturity" bahahahaha yeah. Anyway, I am very grateful for your wonderful talks. He and I are growing closer together and having a lot of fun! Thank you so much! He plans things for us to do, and I appreciate him, admire him and accept we have mutual respect. And I learned all my dating skills from BERN. 😳😍😊


I have been watching dating coaches for two years and I don't know if I appreciate mens inner workings 'towards dating' in specific. They are great with cars tho. Good luck all you ladies. You'll freaking need it.


I find it hard to believe any man wants to hear that a woman is dating other people. I totally agree with keepong options open until a man wants to step up. That has a whole energy to it that can inspire a man if you're valuable to him - but it's a vibe and not something you need to say. Just like I don't want a man to tell me he's dating other women if we haven't committed to each other. I assume he is and I don't give it another thought.


God knew it was my season to find my husband, and your videos help me to communicate with those I’m considering for relationships. One in particular I’m really fond of, but we are taking it slow.


Bernardo you are a breath of fresh of air. Your wife and your boys are blessed.


I've watched Bern's videos for three years plus now and I learn something new and beautiful each time, be blessed


The first thing I noticed was your charisma which is very attractive. Secondly, the content you put out is very valuable.


This video feels like the summary of your entire dating philosophy. It’s perfect. The only question I have is about the part where I keep my options open. How do I have this conversation without making them think I don’t see their value?


Love ur analogies!!!...Ur an amazing human being!!! Thank you for helping us!!!...🙏❤


I love the information in this video you are always on point. I thank you very much for sharing your knowledge & wisdom about men & relationship.


Elevate yr vibe energy, focus on attitude

Set yr boundaries

He want to be seen, validated, to be yr hero


Absolutely everything was right on spot on brother everything that a real woman wants in a man could’ve said it better. Thanks for doing this. Good luck and success to you.


I’m very open and outgoing person when it comes to relationship my uniqueness never shows up they never connect with me emotionally looks like I was the issue but they were also SO cold and growing up in a home where both parents were emotionally unavailable and it caused me to be uncomfortable to express myself now I’m learning. Thank you so much. No wonder why I’m single 🥺praying for a healthy love and a committal man for me


Awesome video!!! So many amazing gems! Thank you!💕


Thank you so much for all of your sage, advice, and guidance. I am getting back into the dating game, and your suggestions are very helpful


Love this! Thanks for offering meaningful insights. ❤


It’s crazy how basic this advice is and yet SO NEEDED nowadays! Women give it up too easy now because I mean, we want it too lol, but we are giving up our power! We have the luxury of saying when and where but when we are all giving it up easier and quicker now without any effort or work from them, they’re gone and on to the next “challenge” that will give it up. I love your car analogy. I remember my dad saying that’s exactly why we had to buy our own cars (even though he could afford to buy all 5 of us a car), because we “wouldn’t have any skin in the game” & take it for granted if he just handed us a car. And he was right. But when men can swipe on an app to find someone to have sex with now, it makes it difficult for the women that expect some effort before giving it up, since they can go home to their app to find someone else. this is why if I really need it and not dating anyone at the moment, I refuse to go on an app and instead I call someone already on the roster lol (an old ex that I know cares about me, previously put in the work, so it’s not meaningless but that I also know I won’t get attached to because been there, done that and it didn’t work lol) To sleep with anyone new, I have to see some effort and genuine feelings developing first!


I really enjoyed it. And I learnt alot too
