How to Connect Emotionally to a Woman

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Emotional connection may seem like something that should be natural and easy. However, we must be taught - often by our parents - how to connect with others. If you grew up with poor role models or with people who teased you when you shared emotions, this skill may have been stunted. This video shares some tip for men who are trying to connect emotionally with their female partner.

Mary Jo Rapini, MEd, LPC is a psychotherapist, specializing in intimacy, parenting, body image, and relationships.

Reaction Reset is a self-help series that explains the psychology behind why we react negatively and how we can begin to make a positive change. Subscribe for a new episode every other Wednesday!

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After going through an abusive relationship, we tend to feel so alone, but finding other women who have experienced the same thing you have, can be very comforting.
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that is the best video I have seen in a long time, ,thankyou


I have a question. How do males and females bond with each other? I don't see how men and women can bond (especially romantically) with each other.

Women can build incredible friendships and become very close to each other in a way men can't bond, and science shows that women can bond very well with each other. Generally, women are even more social than men are. After something bad happens, a woman quickly rushes to talk to all of her female friends to get support, whereas a man can isolate himself and grief alone.

Women tend to be more emotional, more caring, more empathic, more compassionate, more affectionate, more loyal, more nurturing, more understanding, more sympathetic, more sensitive, more kind hearted, more peaceful, more calmer, more gentle, more expressive, more intuitive, and more outward than men are, and thus bond more with other women in a special way that they can’t with men. Men, on the other hand, are not that emotional, and thus can’t bond with other men in a special way.

Women are more comfortable being around with other women than they are with men. They have a type of bond that usually men with women won’t really have, or with men and men. Men are usually much lonelier than women are. Men don't often talk about their personal problems with their male friends like how women do with their female friends. Females produce a lot more oxytocin than males do. And that's a reason why women tend to hug a lot more and be a lot more physically affectionate than men do.


Thx for your advice miss.
I try to be the best version to not only myself but also her.


This Video made me like❤And Subscribe🎉to your channel..and hit the Notification video..#Mary Jo Rapini Oozing Wisdom.


How about how to emotionally connect with your husband?


First order business men…….. find you a traditional woman, who embraces her traditional history and lives it. Someone who is not “modern” in her way of thinking which is poisonous to society and family strength. Independence doesn’t mean you’re not needed, it means you are complimented. A woman’s desire is for her husband, but it’s more than being excited about a dream wedding, it’s about putting that same effort that was placed into the wedding into planning life together. The battle is against the forces that aim to destroy your relationship: someone’s friends, family, legislation, etc


This is the instruction manual for how to be put in the dreaded friendzone.


fuck this is SO bad in many ways... Our purpose in life is make a woman happy? what shit is this.. I hate to been told to put woman in a pedestal.. We men also have needs but we are not going to ask women to do that for us. .. Women are not babies we should learn to communicate.. That is the KEY


Dating in 2022:

Her: "So you gonna kiss me or what?"

*lawyer whispers in my ear*

Me: "Would you be willing to sign a few documents first?"


It is difficult to talk to a partner when that partner doesn't talk much at all; especially when she has autism, or aspbergers. Every word spoken is flat. There is no inflection in her voice. It is like living with an AI partner.


