How to Lose Belly Fat in ONE Week at Home with 3 Simple Steps

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"Famous" Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present How to Lose Belly Fat in ONE Week at Home with 3 Simple Steps

0:00 Intro song
0:09 Intro to video
0:23 Have healthy weight loss
1:16 Subscribe!
1:36 Bob and Brad's weight loss journey
2:12 Step 1
5:12 Drink water
6:02 Step 2
7:44 Bob's choice
8:43 Bob's next choice
9:19 How often/long should you exercise
9:54 Step 3
10:43 Brad's tip
11:55 Outro

***Update*** The Bob & Brad Workout Wall Anchors are currently available on our website. Order now and get a bonus anchor (for a total of 4)!

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Started watching a year ago and utilized tools given to get healthy. Lost almost 100 lbs to date. Still strengthening my core. Thanks Bob and Brad for the gifts of good healthy habits.


I heard a weight loss of 1-2 lbs is good. I went to zero carbs and my energy went through the roof! I dropped 8 lbs in a week. Yes, I drank a ton of water and avoided alcohol. Of course I was invited to an Italian dinner party that week. It was difficult but I stayed resolute. I probably could have ate whatever I wanted and ate good the rest of the week. I was “retraining” my brain, so I denied myself. My face lost weight first. I never saw my face structure before. I felt beautiful. I’m here because I spoiled myself for too long and got way off track!


Bob and Brad helped me in my recovery from 5 Traumatic Brain injuries. They are truly phenomenal people.


Its really good to watch two more mature guys talk to me as so many of the health and fitness videos are very young people. Im 60 so I appreciate the more calm and sensible approach. Thanks


These 2 guys helped me so so much with my severe SI joint pain that went down my leg. They give such practical simple advice. Hospital based PT did nothing to help my pain. Kudos to Bob & Brad!!


Just getting started again at 68 year old Retired Military needing to lose the spare tire I now have. I Just ordered your Pull Up Assist Bands Resistance Band set and your Resistance Bands Set for Workout Stackable Up to 125-150 lbs, with Door Anchor, ankle Straps, Handles. I should be getting them from Amazon on Monday and will start using them as well as your videos Monday as soon as I can.

It would be great if YOU would offer Military or senior discounts to help us get back in shape.


My mom had a lot of surgeries and the doctors told her that she was going to die and that she only had one percent on living and ninety nine percent of dying but now in twenty twenty she is still with me alive


This guy's helped me with a back pain I couldn't even get out of bed..a simple routine everything went back..thank you


Love your show. I went on a keto diet and went from 208 lbs to 169 in a couple months and it’s hard to stick to the diet but it works. Hardest part was stop eating sugar. I am 68 years old and 5 foot 8 inches tall.


"Your collar is up..Brad" Say no more Bob 😂. Most lovable PT pair out there!


Atkins has low carbs m&m and peanuts only has like 1 or 2 net carbs. I have them once in awhile because I'm on a 175 lbs weightloss journey. Started January 1st 2020 and I'm down 60 lbs so far.


Watched this first about a couple months ago (8-10 months ago) when i was around 165 lbs, I've lost almost 50 lbs now and I'm very grateful for this video, thanks bob and brad!


Cut down on refined sugar and carbs. Me nodding my head in agreement while shoving a Triscuit in my mouth.


I know these guys are like grown men but they’re literally adorable lol


Thank you Bob and Brad. I did it! Low glicemic index. Don’t eat anything “white” except cauliflower. Bye bye inner tube.


They remind me of Bert and Ernie somehow.


I lost 19 lbs within a months time.My Endocrinologist said my a1c was 5.7 so I cut out sugar, breads, rice, high fructose & red meat. I also walk a minimum of 5miles a day.I went from 167 to 148 & still going😊


Our heroes. Thanks, guys. Your suggestions are working for my year old bones and posture has improved, not such a struggle anymore. There’s gratitude here.


I’m a massage therapist I get so many tips from you guys! Thank you ☺️ and I absolutely love you both!


I just started watching these guys. I like how they explain things and they are actually fun to listen too. I just turned 70 ... you guys have another fan. I need to loose 20 pounds and stretch to recover from 1 hip replacement. Broke the same hip again a second time (harder now to regain the mobility) across my leg and hip.
