Guided Astral Projection: A Beginner's Guide

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Welcome to this astral projection guided meditation for beginners. This meditation will help you with techniques for astral projection & out of body experience.

This guided meditation for astral projection will aid you to the astral realm. Beginner or experienced traveller, this meditation is for everyone.

I advise you to use this for 30 days, there is no guarantee that this will help you into the zone the first time listening to it. Make sure you will not be disturbed while listening to this, so you can be fully immersed in this adventure.

The background music is tuned to the 432Hz frequency and infused with 4.5Hz Isochronic tones. Read more below about the benefits of frequency and tone.

We are ALWAYS open for requests, please feel free to leave requests in our comment section.


When listening to binaural beats headphones are required to get the best possible result. However, while listening to isochronic you can perfectly listen to it on your speaker.

Isochronic tones are single tones that come on and off at regular, evenly spaced intervals. This interval is typically brief, creating a beat that’s like a rhythmic pulse. They’re often embedded in other sounds, such as music or nature sounds.


Theta brainwaves occur most often in sleep but are also dominant in deep meditation. Theta is our gateway to learning, memory, and intuition.
In theta, our senses are withdrawn from the external world and focused on signals originating from within. It is that twilight state which we normally only experience fleetingly as we wake or drift off to sleep.

In theta, we are in a dream; vivid imagery, intuition and information beyond our normal conscious awareness. It’s where we hold our ‘stuff’, our fears, troubled history, and nightmares.


432 Hz resonates with the frequency of 8 Hz.

Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside your body, releases emotional blockages, and expands consciousness. 432Hz music allows you to tune into the knowledge of the universe around us in a more intuitive way.

The music tuned to 432Hz automatically becomes more calm and soothing. Those positive vibrations and healing energy for 432Hz music help in aligning our energy, our vibrations to that of earth and nature.


When you astral project you are consciously aware of things you encounter while out of your physical body.

Some people can astral project naturally. Others are afraid to remove their consciousness from the physical body and never learn to astral project.

Astral projection (or astral travel) is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. People who say they experience astral projection often say that their spirit or astral body has left their physical body and moves in another dimension known as the spirit world or astral plane.


Lucid Power Mind is eager to provide you with the best possible content for astral projection, lucid dreaming, insomnia and meditation. Our main focus is solfeggio frequencies blended with binaural beats to give you the best results regarding lucidity and sleep.

The content you will find here will most likely give you a head start on your lucid dreaming adventure, we strive to make the best possible music to help people achieve this. The gateway to enter lucid dreaming or astral projection is most often enhanced when listening to solfeggio frequencies infused with binaural beats.

We will also make music that will calm your body and beat insomnia that you are struggling with.

We hope you will join us on this journey. If you want to be part of something, please join us. Our purpose is also to create a relaxed and good community that everyone can call "their second home".

NOTE: This description contains affiliate links that support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!
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Good evening everyone! Hope you'll enjoy this profound crafted guided meditation for astral projection. Please do let me know in the comment section if there is anything I can do for you.

I also want to send out much love to all of you out there. We are all in a sad situation right now, lets hope this suffering will stop soon.

“Tolerence ought to be humanities community and knowledge should be an individuals goal.” - Clarrissa Lee Moon.

Best regards, Lucid Power Mind.


Hey I just want to say it’s really cool reading these comments and seeing people complain about the ads and you guys listened and took them away. Most creators wouldn’t listen to the comments and take the money. Thank you!


I get to the vibration stage but when I imagine myself moving it slowly turns into these huge muscle spasms that wake me up


Dude I listened to 20 minutes of this and had the weirdesttt dreammmm everrrr I’m doing it again tn


Progress update: so it’s starting to become an almost daily thing now. I feel great and I haven’t had a negative experience! I’m slowly starting to not need a guide like this. I can almost do it on my own. This time I didn’t meet a loved one. It sounds crazy but I was surrounded by wolves, it wasn’t threatening it felt welcoming. Like I was part of the pack. No clue what this means but I’m intrigued


i can only be relaxed/calm while listening to this woman’s voice lol, none of the other guides can come close 💀


this is only my second day listening to this- first time i fell asleep- this time i stayed away nd listened, i didnt get to the vibration stage but holy i meditated well!!


Can’t listen to storms river nature sounds cause I get so excited I wanna undress and howl at the 🌚 🌝
So these talk downs are perfect for me !!!


I got to 18:25 minutes. I did not astral project but I could clearly feel my energy in my whole body. This alone makes this video worth listening (practicing) to everyday.

Let's see if the energy will get thicker everyday. (more vivid with more practice.)

I can only say thanks for such A wonderfull video! So thanks.


This was probably the most amazing exirence I've ever had, I am going to practice more and more


Thank you for the video!! I've tried astral projection a few times, but this is the first time I can focus for a long time, plus I can also start to see my surroundings better


THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH FOR THIS!!! I battle with severe combat PTSD and I have involved in martial arts since the age of 8 but had stopped meditating, you have give me a very precious and most beautiful gift with your beginners Astral projection videos! FINALLY I CAN SLIP AWAY FROM THE HORROR OF IT ALL! Pretty sure I be was close to walking around Saturn’s rings last night! My whole body was vibrating with an intense light and calming energy that I no problem at all rising above and out of my body! It gave my brain the time it needed to reboot and allowed me to become more grounded than I have been in over 27 years! My friend YOU HAVE SAVED A LIFE LAST NIGHT! I have new hope in this beautiful awesome technique! I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR THIS!!!
Be blessed! You’re voice truly soothed the savage beast in my spirit! Send Light, Peace, Love and Comfort to you blessed one!
Blessed Be! God bless


Hi! First, great video! This is one of the best I’ve found on YouTube. I want to astral project SO BAD! I’m definitely a beginner. I have been hardcore practicing for about a year now. Mostly, I listen to a lot of guided meditations online. I have reached the “vibrational stage” 5 or 6 times, and to this date have had 1 successful OBE. My problem is, Im having trouble reaching this stage while listening to the videos. What has been happening with me so far, is that I will “wake up” from sleep and find myself in the vibrational stage. For a while I had trouble getting past the vibrational stage. My recent breakthrough was realizing that when I find myself in the vibrational stage, all I have to do it “sit up.” The last time I woke in this state, I simply sat up in bed, and it felt like my body was actually sitting up. I popped right out of my body.

I am a very dramatic person by nature. It’s hard for me to control my emotions. Learning to remain calm is a challenge for me, especially when I want it so bad. As soon as I popped out, I began yelling for my late husband who recently past away. His death was unexpected and fast, at age 38, from a gran mal seizure. I desperately want to find him again in some way. Anyway, I managed to call out his name about one time before I was sent right back to my body. This may have only lasted a few seconds, but has been huge progress for me and really makes me want to try harder. Any advice or suggestions are so appreciated. Thanks for reading.


WOW! I stumbled upon your channel through your most popular guided ap, and it's very cool to see a creator that is actually active in their community, and gives useful advice! That guided ap also almost got me out finally! Thank you for the work you put in to expand peoples horzons!


at about 25-30 minutes when you said to imagine the rope, I felt my astral hands try to reach for it! This is the farthest I think I’ve progressed with AP, gonna try again tomorrow morning :)


It seems quite a few people here are going through sleep paralysis and if you don’t know what’s going on when that happens it can cause a lot of anxiety. Laying on your back during sleep paralysis is what typically causes a tightness or feeling like someone may be pushing on your chest or throat, or if you open your eyes during it you may see figures because your brain is panicking. Best advice is to lay on your stomach or side and keep your eyes closed during this meditation, remember that you are in control and that your body falling asleep during this is NORMAL and that it WILL wake back up. If you want to break out of it I don’t recommend moving anything major because you very well might not be able to and it would cause more panic. Try moving a finger or a toe until you feel the sensation of movement and then slowly move other limbs until you’re free.


I could see the girl I love most, distance has kept us apart, but so hard her brother, and I could see them all, she was asleep and so was he, I could feel my energy going into him to heal his anger, and her energy sensing mine, it was magical, I could see only my energy, I could feel chance being made in his consciousness, I could feel her feel my gentle kiss in her forehead, I will do this every night until I can change his mind about separating us, thank you so much ❤️


Found you on the ap sub Reddit while i was struggling to sleep tonight. Thank you for positive content during an anxious and terrible time. It gives me a chance to escape to places and times that remind me that this too shall pass. Much love from delaware.


Thank you for making this video. It is a great help to me. I want very badly to astral travel or project. I know fear is not holding me back. For some reason I cannot release from my physical body. This guided meditation is the closest I have came to actually leaving my body. Just cannot make that last jump, that moment of detachment happen. Will keep trying because I know there is so much more than this existence, this physical form.


The vibrations got so heavy it felt like an earthquake. My entire body started doing waves, and then I woke up because I thought it was an earthquake, but all my dogs around me were sleeping. I'm so disappointed in myself for waking up😔
