How To Find Out If Someone Blocked You On YouTube In 2024

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In this video I will show you how to find out if someone blocked you on YouTube!

YouTube does not inform the blocked person is he has been blocked by someone. However, if you suspect that someone just blocked you on YouTube, you can check that by using a simple method.

Just follow these steps:

1. Open up YouTube app and login to your profile if you haven’t already;
2. Find one of the videos uploaded by the person which you suspect in blocking you;
3. Scroll down and comment under his video;
4. Now log out of your account;
5. Go back to that video and check the comment section whether your comment is visible or not. If it is not visible it means that you have been blocked by this person as your comment has been ghosted.

You see, blocking works the same as comment ghosting. When someone blocks you, then your comments will be ghosted – your comments will be visible to you but not for others. That’s why you need to log out of your YouTube account while checking whether your comment has been ghosted.

So, if you don’t see your comment, it means that you have been blocked by this YouTube user. This is the only way to find out if someone blocked you on YouTube.

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Please like this video if it was helpful! Thanks <3


i'm not that concerned. If they have blocked me, I don't need that channel.


It is misleading for youtube to not notify a person when they are blocked. I just realized I have been blocked by 3 youtubers that I frequently comment, like and clicked the bell. I unsubscribed to them now.


I had a suspicion about a channel because I could see my posts, but never got any likes, or replies. I also could not see any other posts by others after my posts. As soon as I followed your directions, I do not see my posts, but I do see dozens of posts after the date of my post. Gave nothing but good solid advice. Evidently, they did not want. well what do you know, blocked, glad I know now. No more making money off my views. I do not like being used. Thanks much for the directions.


They should inform you if you are blocked


I ve been blocked by my favorite youtuber 😭😭 I've been supporting him so much..


I think sometimes youtube personally hides your comment while the creator is perfectly fine with you saying whatever you want.


I hate that I have to do this, whenever I start to think it's odd that nobody responds to, or even acknowledges, a comment that I've left in an otherwise active comment thread.

Comment ghosting is repulsive and cowardly, and the fact that it's baked into the youtube comment system is absolutely heinous. Chalk it up it to insufferable hipsters working at big tech companies, who think it's a great way to "combat trolling", when in reality it's just platform-wide gaslighting of the entire user base.


I find it ridiculous that these huge creators mute/hide you (even when you are totally polite) and YouTube doesn't even tell you, so you keep giving the creator views and ad revenue.
I'm cool with you muting me. However, I'm not cool with you muting me and still making money from my views on your videos because I had no idea until my comments wouldn't show up on your channel.
If you choose not to hear what I have to say, I should be left with the option of not viewing your content anymore and deciding not to let you keep further profiting off the revenue.


Man thats so annoying to find out I've been blocked not because I was being a troll but because I said something that the channel overlord didn't agree with and it offended them.


There is also the possibility that the comment needs to be moderated by the channel, before being published.
Because as a channel you have the option to check ALL comments, before any are published.
But even with the standard setup, you can end up in the spam filter when your comment looks like spam to the system and most channels have activated this option against spamming.


I thinks its an act of cowardness and censorship to block somebody just because they disagree with your ideas, I can see it useful if people are using foul language and insulting others but for just making a comment with a different point of view it's not acceptable. Democracy needs different points of views, people only learn new truths when exposed to new ideas, if you only see, hear, watch and read things that you agree then you are being manipulated or brainwashed. Intelligent people are open minded and enjoy to be exposed to different ideas even if they don't agree with them. Some Youtube channels are more like cults.


I got blocked because I was just stating a fact about what happens in prison. I guess some users do not like the truth.


Thank you. I hate it when I get blocked for respectful criticism. I've had 2 YouTubers I supported for a LONG time all of the sudden block me after I respectfully disagreed with them via comment. Like, what?


Actually, you don't necessarily have to be blocked by that specific youtuber, but anyone submitting a report about you being abusive or harassing anyone, even a different channel, that will ghost your comments.


Thankyou so much! I just found out that I was a long time supporter of someone who clearly doesn't like me and blocked me. The first time I commented on her video I felt something was strange. So I did what you suggested in this video and would you look at that! Blocked lol.


I feel like YouTube blocks me from channels for no reason. I literally have been friends with this guy on YouTube for months and now he can’t see my comments. He also literally sent me merch for winning a contest so I know he doesn’t hate me. I’m hoping my comments are just being held for review.


*The weird thing is sometimes big youtubers block you even if your comment was positive and not offending them. It happened to me.* 🤷🏻


YouTube is so glitchy that in mobile sometimes your comments just won’t appear when they should. They will also usually get automatically deleted if you include a url in your comment. It’s hard to tell if you are blocked or just bugged.


I feel like youtube should notify you and let you comment one more time on someone else’s channel after a user blocks you so that you can apologize for your rude or threatening comments, because everyone deserves to have a second chance. And then it’s up to them to forgive and unblock you or not.
