GUIDE: FIND OUT if you are a THERIAN + your THERIOTYPES! | Therianthropy

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A tip for younger/recently discovered therians with self-doubt: No one else can tell you if you are a therian or not. Therianthropy and otherkinity, and everything alterhuman in-between, is a very personal and unique experience for everyone. Your experiences are what determines if you are alterhuman, and no one but yourself truly knows your experiences. Trust yourself, and know that it is okay to be wrong♡


If the therian label doesn't 100% fit what you feel. Maybe check out otherkin, otherhearted or otherlink!


I remember watching this on the old channel! thank you for helping people find their theriotypes


I showed this to one of my friends to help her figure her theriotype out! As far as I'm aware she still has no idea, but she now has some guidance at least lol


Am i a therian?
1. I’ve had a strong connection with foxes ever since i was a kid. I used to do roleplays where i was a fox or a canine and do vocals and quads like one. I never knew what this could lead to.
2. I’ve felt my hands as paws many times, and quads are very comfortable to me, even though I am not the best at them.
3. I share many traits with a fox, for example, sensitive hearing, and a way more awake sense at night. I also get frightened very easily.
4. Nature is very calming to me, and I really feel free around it. It feels like home whenever I’m in nature.
5. When I scream most of the time, it sounds like a fox yipping. These are not staged, they just happen.
6. I feel trapped in the busy everyday of life. Like i need peace and need to run away.

I’m pretty sure I may be connected to therianthropy, I just need a confirmation.


I've never really explored therian or otherkin. But I'll tell you of a funny incident that happened when I was a teenager. I was at summer camp. The cabins we were in were up the hill, and turned so that we were not in direct line-of-sight to the camp office. This is important.
Evening came, and I had a strong urge to howl at the full moon... so I went out onto the balcony. This was on the other side from, and uphill from the camp office. I threw back my head and had a LOVELY howl. It felt SOOO good! Suddenly the camp intercom crackled to life, and the camp director's voice floated out over the air. "Sylvi! Go back to bed!" LOL! He KNEW it was me, even though he could not see me! So I barked a couple of times, and went back in to a storm of giggling campers!


It took me so long to find out what my theriotype was, and your videos helped me every step of the way. Thank you!


This guide was SUPER important to our self discovery, thank you !!


One of the first videos we found of you channel and it helped us confirm our cheetah theriotype! Thank you so much!💙💙🐆🐾


Hi! Before this video starts, this is my factors that I have:

-I think it’s a canine
- I VERY often have phantom ear- nearly daily, it’s annoying.
-I Often get phantom tail
-I feel that I have a long muzzle
-Barking/barking vocals often catches my attention, or triggers a mental shift
-I’ve had dreams where I could see black paws, or a black tail
-I tend to crave meat often
-I prefer the night over day, often staying up very late
-I catch myself doing very canine sounding vocals often
-I love my hair being touched or “pet”
-I get sudden bursts of energy
-I tend to be very aggressive/defensive during shifts, or phantom experiences
-I have not yet had a shift where I can picture scenes, or past lives. Only mental shifts.
-I feel as though I am a large animal
-I feel like a pack kind of animal
-I feel as though I could be a social animal

That’s all I can think of!


Based on these things, I think I am a pollytherian, I feel like I have sharp teeth or ears and a tail sometimes, when it comes to no-human experiences I have often wanted to climb or walk on all fours, sometimes I even wanna howl, I believe I may be a wolf and a forest cat therian, thank you for helping me on this!


Thank you sooo much for making this! This has been so helpful in my journey of awakening as a therian! I'm so glad you're on the internet Thorn!


border collie therian here :)
I do also feel like a wolf and fox therian, but border collie is differently the strongest feeling/connection I get


youre the best therian channel thank you for your work


Hello! I’m a recently awakened therian who is currently working on what theriotype I might be, please help me figure it out!
Behavior Towards Human: I mostly just say “hi” to someone I just met before going back to what I’m doing and pray that they go away, because it makes me nervous if someone just stays there and I can feel their presence. To people I’m very close to, I usually joke around and sometimes be clingy.
Non-Human Behaviors: Before I found out I was a therian, I would love to pretend I was a cat, crawling on all fours and doing vocals. I have a pet cat now, and I sometimes imitate her to feel more in place as a therian.
Environmental Factors
I feel the most calmest in waters, being in a forest is mid for me. I dislike hurting my hand while doing quads in the fields in my school. I also do not like the way the grass brushes around my hand. As for what I eat mostly, it’s meat. I don’t really like eating vegetables, but fruit is just fine for me, so I could be either an omnivore or carnivore. And I would be one of those animals who barely sleep, since I wake up VERY early in the morning and go to sleep VERY late. (Around 10:30 or 11:00) I’m a very group-kind of animal, although I sometimes need my personal space. My personality is mostly cheerful, although I can be quite snappy if I get riled up. I also feel sometimes sad that I am a human instead of an animal, because I don’t want to be cooped up in an entire world with a billion people I do not know.
Other Details That Could Help:
I have one tail I bought from Amazon, and I looked at your “Is my tail from a cruel fur farm?” video which I unfortunately saw when I bought it. It has no Asian lobster clamp (it’s a belt) and it isn’t quite fluffy, just pretty smooth. I’m scared that it could be a real tail since it sheds fur a lot and it doesn’t have just one color. (Its fur is white, then slowly turns to black until it’s pure black.) I haven’t tested the “set piece of fur on fire” test because I’m pretty sure nobody in my household would allow the youngest person in the family to burn something. I’ve chosen one type of cat to rest with until I find my true theriotype(s), and I am not sure if it could be a real theriotype for me or not. It’s a type of cat, called a Blue Lynx Ragdoll.

Thank you for reading this! It’s alright if you do not know what theriotype(s) I have, since I have no idea either TvT


Thank you for this, its the first ever video ive ever watched on your channel!! Again big thank you!


Thank you so so much for this video!! I just found out that my theriotypes are fennec fox and river otter! :D


i love you channel also question i feel phantom shifts/ limbs sometimes when i scared i feel animal ears lay flat like a feline/canine though i do always try research on community's i could possibly be a different community though my cat is also like a sister and i love nature and usually calm down hearing natural sounds i also love climbing like a cat i like kneading though i narrowed my kind of animalistic traits down to a cat and wolfdog though not sure if im either i love winter just without the cold and i also love playing tug ( im sure thats not the name but i'm not sure) and mud i sometimes dream of being a cat and a wolf dog though i want to be a reptile though i do dream of it so i'm uncertain also your vids are amazing (🐶🐺)(🐱)


Very helpful! Going to come back to this video if Im every questioning anything


Thanks so much this really helped on my journey to find my theriotypes! Loved this video! 😊😊
