Find Out If You’re Really in Love

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When someone wants to find out if they’re really in love, it usually means they’re asking if the person they’re dating—or want to date—is the one they’re supposed to marry.

That’s where the distinction between the four types of love comes in: storge, philia, eros, and agape.

1. Storge is simply being fond of someone
2. Philia is the love one has for a good friend or sibling
3. Eros is having passion for someone
4. Agape is sacrificial love. Agape is the kind of love God has for us and the kind we ought to have for the one with whom we are in love.

It is agape that Jesus is referring to when he says, “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

Agape is what allows one to say, “I love you above myself.”

Some people are addicted to the feeling of love, but those feelings are very fleeting. In Love & Responsibility, Karol Wojtyla—the future Pope St. John Paul II—said love is an affirmation of the whole person or it is not love at all.

“The desire to use another person is fundamentally incompatible with love,” Wojtyla said.

If you’re wondering if you’re in love with someone, ask yourself: when there is no sexual chemistry, what’s left? Are you just in love with the feeling or the idea of the person, or are you in love with the whole person?

There should be passion, or what St. John Paul called the “raw sentiment of love”. But that’s just a starting point. When times get tough, that’s when real love takes root. In order for it to take root though, you will have to prune it, and that can be painful.

Above all, God loved us first. It is in realizing his love for us that we learn to love others authentically. So in order to find out if you’re really in love, find out if you’re willing to put the other person above yourself and love him or her as Jesus loves you.


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I wish I had a video like this when I was 21.

In my early 20s I confused lust with love. It of course led me down to a hedonistic path where I needed to lose my virginity outside of wedlock because it's "manly" and my environment promoted that. After many years of this hedonism, 9 months ago at the age of 26, I decided to walk into a Catholic church for my very first time and sign up for RCIA. My baptism has been postponed due to Corona.


Love is not a feeling, love is a commitment.

I sincerely believe true love never dies. It’s not only chemistry, it is about friendship and willingness to put the other person first and so much more ...


"The reality should be better than the romance." The very opposite of the modern world's obsession of sex without commitment.


Jackie: Aaand if you're asking this question, we're kind of assuming...
Me, as single as a pringle: Welp, idk why I'm here, but ok.


Love is willing the good of the other 💞


Hey jackie my name is Jasmine and I'm 15 and your very inspireing and funny. You helped me in my fall in faith and helped me get back up and trying after years! This channal is awsome ya'll are awsome! Thanks again so much!! God bless have an awsome day!!


Jackie is such a beautiful woman, her profile is so striking. As a young Catholic woman, I want to be more like her as I grow older. Thank you for this video.


I’ve been meaning to read CS Lewis’ book “the four loves” and this was the extra wink from God to do it! 😊


Wonderful advice and I couldn't agree more. There's a reason "love the Lord your God" comes before "love others as you love yourself". You cannot love others in the ways they need to be loved until Jesus' pure and perfect love teaches you how


The young people of our day and age need to hear this!


If u can laugh together, sweat together, cry together and then u can stay together


I need to see Father Mike on this topic


Is truly beautiful that as you're giving the talk, you look to one another... Those glances reveal the mutual support and the love you share. God Bless you


Love and responsibility is the book that makes me be so curious and makes me want to open my heart so much. I love that book so much.


I think the lack of purity in so many cultures has blurred the lines of philia and eros even for Christians, so that often expressions of love or admiration for a friend often get misinterpreted as sexual overtures. >_> or the reverse that agape is misconstrued for all other forms of love. In all cases but eros, love is a choice. Since one can have a strong feeling of love for those of the opposite sex but have neither any desire for intimacy or closer affiliation than friendship thereby choosing not to act upon it is philia, or even agape depending upon the disposition of that persons heart. Therefor eros is under the command of higher reason and is rendered null, ergo... LOVE is a CHOICE.


“Keep reading, this is good.” 😊. You guys are wonderful. Thank you for sharing your amazing insight!!!


a few years ago there was a survey that found that both Christians and non-Christians had the same rate of divorce. However.. those who prayed every day, meditating on the scriptures, had a divorce rate of 1:1000. Indeed, I am probably one of the worst husbands; i not good at communicating and all the things you're supposed to do; I'm too sensitive, but when you go to prayer, God invariably tells me that I'm being stupid and I should forgive and go back and ask for forgiveness. It's really quite amazing. For some reason, people keep asking if we are newlyweds, "i say, Yes, its only been 39 years.'"-- the feelings are just as intense as they were when we first got married, but, of course, there's


Wow, I love you more than myself. I like that litmus test. Thanks for clarifying that feelings flit and fly away; so much more to it than that. And the other core info. Great video!


Beautiful..thank you for explaining the different types of love. And reminding us God loved us first thats the kind of love we need.


This vid came out at the right time for me. Thank you
