Windows 11 24H2 Recall feature users unhappy of its strict minimum requirements

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Recall feature requirements are creating some criticism from many Windows users
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You do not want to know what I think about Recall. It is not only intrusive, but it may also be hacked and then Everything you look at is compromised. This is outrageous.


not one person i've seen online is happy with this. that alone shows how bad Microsoft has gone. this is the most out of touch Microsoft has gotten.


windows 10 had something similar till they removed it


If these requirements are so strict I would hope Microsoft will have code built into the installation protocol that checks your system specs before installing and knows what version of Windows your system can handle. It hasn’t been made very clear whether that’s the case here so I would look out for something like that. But the feature that concerns me most here is the swapping out technology Microsoft is supposedly going to unveil when this operating system upgrade comes out in the fall. Because this will be the first time Microsoft’s installation procedure will literally grab your old operating system and rip it from your system and "swap" it for the new one in place. Supposedly this technique is being used to make the installation of this OS faster and more seamless. But strangely enough I’m not seeing alot of channels discussing this detail and it should be talked about alot more to make them aware of this. Now this technique is currently used with iOS on iPhones and iPads…but this is the first time this will be tried on Windows.


I don’t want to use recall! It needs to be recalled 😂😮


I am concerned that MS is cramming too many new features into 24H2 and will skimp on testing.


Windows has determined that only a very few are worthy of their new OS. I have moved on to Zorin OS and will not be using Microsoft any longer.


As a long-time PC enthusiast, I would like to play around with it. But I'm not going out and spending money I don't need to spend on a new PC just to have this or any other AI features. I will download 24H2 when it becomes available this fall (maybe). I will try to install it on my unsupported PC. If that works fine I will use what I get from 24H2. If it doesn't, I will just keep using what I have for as long as it works. All this AI stuff as cool as Microsoft, and other sources try to make it sound is just not a big deal to me personally. I use my PC a certain way. I haven't needed AI in all these years and I've done just fine. Could AI make my PC experience Better? I'm sure it probably could. But as I said I'm not going out and buying a new PC just for it. I don't think Microsoft is going to see very big numbers when 24H2 comes out. But we will see.


i dont have co pilot i completey removed it with script also was wondering can i run it on a i7 7500u cpu


Doesn't Recall mean take it back and fix it!😆


Hello. Well, Microsoft that it again. You would think they would learn from the dumb system requirements from 11 like you said, but it seems like they don’t give a you know what. I mean if it were me, I would’ve learned a lesson from Windows 11s unsupported PC thing. But I guess I don’t know but the only thing I can think of is I mean recall does sound kind of neat but I’m perfectly happy just using straight regular windows at this point at least for another 10 years or so. I mean, I know that we’re talking about APC is being a thing in the next. What was it 5 to 7 to 10 years or something like that. So by then, I would be ready to be playing with stuff like recall. But I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves way too fast. I have no problem with the feature itself. I think it would be really neat in next generation artificial intelligence ready PCs but I don’t feel we’re there yet. OK the audio editor that I use called Gold wave I think is going to get some cool AI implementations but they’re doing it properly. I think they’re using something called whisper. I’m not exactly sure but I think that’s the name of it. So it’s kind of neat. It’s a beginning introductory to AI. So I’m gonna be playing with that. But just require all that power and all the NPU stuff. I don’t need this stuff yet. Personally I mean, it does sound cool and if somebody did have a PC that had it I would definitely wanna play with it and maybe I’ll change my mind and say OK I’m ready but I think it’s bad that they’re leaving old people computers I should say old computers behind. I worry that if there’s to be a windows 12, or windows 1125 or 26 H2 that they’re going to make you do a normal processing unit for all of it. Now, a neural processing unit may be good in the future, but I am not happy that Microsoft wants to not learn from their mistakes and continue to push things and continue to force people to buy new computers. A lot of us are on low income. And that is not good for us. We get shut out. There are screen readers that work with the arm PC so I can download a version of my screen reader, that will work with our machines. And that’s great. But I hope and maybe you could answer this in another video later. Is arm going to replace X 86, 64 bit processors. Or are we still gonna have those alongside the arm. No I have no problem of course with new technology. But don’t leave behind the old computers. I mean, I have machines that are working just fine. They could probably go on for another five years. So as long as they can support these machines for a few more years, then fine but it’s gonna be a long time I think until everybody has machines they can use these features. Maybe Microsoft will hold back on this recall for a bit. But you know Microsoft my prediction is that there’s going to be more stuff that’s on this channel that you report that people are gonna be happy with so I’m braced for that anyway take care everybody.


computers already have a history feature that has a toggle on off -- a second history is not needed - in my opinion anyway - what for ? running out of ideas over there ?


Few people want this "AI" stuff!
Even fewer people asked for it to be introduced into Windows!


How to take over from AMD and Intel, in PC processors? Make a minimum requirement in Windows!


Windows 10 had a Timeline, and it is still part of 11, but useless. It was synched with Mobile and then Microsoft Launcher. It worked with every PC. I can see, they want to tell us "This is the new thing! Buy it!" I don´t care.


When i first heard about the recall feature I thought: this must be some kind of joke.
I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks this is actually a good idea. It sounds like the worst feature EVER. Nobody cares about Windows on Snapdragon, if they go all in on this fuck Microsoft.


this feature needs to be recalled. this joke it's not funny anymore microsoft
