Windows 11 24H2 Is Recall dead or is it Microsoft taking its time to make changes

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What is happening to the Recall feature?
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I hope this will be the last we see of Recall, but somehow I don't think so.


They'll spit polish it and throw it back on. The main problem was their disastrous presentation. They found the limit of what they could get away with without thinking things through.


I agree with the radio guy. Let’s recall recall. I think they’ll be something else. Maybe they meaning Microsoft good partner with open AI and share some technologies with each other? Come up with something like what Apple did? Making Siri more intelligent? Although I wouldn’t wanna call copilot and I wouldn’t necessarily want to call recall. Maybe I’m thinking of two different things here but how about a joint partnership. If there isn’t one already done. Maybe we can have some thing Caldwel I don’t know yet I just don’t know but whatever it is it needs to be something kinda like in between Copilot and recall or Cortana and recall. This is just my opinion. I think recall eventually will be fixed, but it may take a while. I think that getting the new PC with recall functionality could still be useful. I’m sure there’s something out there that will come out that’ll be compatible with that configuration. So I would say, those who bought the PCs use them, enjoy them, if you like arm based machines and these other processors great. I am still happy with 64 bit processors, and I use the machine for production and stuff like that. I don’t use much artificial intelligence related activities at this point. Yes I do use ChatGPT on occasion. But I am still happy using things the way they are. So we’ll see. When does 1124 H2, let’s watch the insider rings and stuff and we’ll go from there. But I think something will come maybe just not called recall well again I think recall, should be recalled ha ha. But I don’t know if this is the right analogy here. But if companies are getting their products ready for a service or a feature, and then Microsoft cancels it, that reminds me a little bit of back in the old days. Pittsburgh international airport was a hub for United. I’m sorry no US Airways. They built a nice new airport. It was great and guess what? US Airways decided to leave. So did they do that for nothing well kind of. Also, there’s a park in Arizona called Tucson electric park. Where the diamondbacks in a few people did some spring training. My understanding now is, that some of these teams moved to Phoenix. So we build a nice park or an airport for a team or an airline, and then they decide to move away. So these PCs are designed for recall and they may decide to say that recall has been recalled. So we’ll see. Do I trust Microsoft? Well I’m frustrated with them. But I use their products so I have to have some trust, but not all the trust I used to have. So we’ll see. I don’t know what’s happening with the baseball stuff, but I’m just using that as an example.


Maybe making all those changes to the security of Recall destroyed their whole purpose behind it, to gather intel on all of its users.


Horrible idea. Microsoft's track record on privacy is already not a good one. People don't want their computer recording what is on their monitors every few seconds. That is taking privacy concerns on a whole new level of 1984 type stuff, even if it really isn't sharing information back to Microsoft (which I have high doubts that it won't do). What if Microsoft decided that anything they consider is an unacceptable use of the computer, when recorded and determined to be unacceptable by Recall, would then prevent further use of the computer? Yes, I am aware that no one owns the copy of Windows running on their computer, it's only a license allowing you the use of Windows. But, this is plain idiocy. And I can see Microsoft doing that in the future. And it could happen to you or anyone. Having your data held at ransom by Recall would be going too far. Talk about Ransomware! Yes, I am aware that, as far as we know, it isn't doing this in the current version. But, Microsoft can easily slip that into future versions, if it isn't there already.

I also know you have a different viewpoint than I do about how Recall could be used by bad actors who could write malware to target Recall. You are correct that this type of thing has been happening for a while now without Recall. But Recall takes it to a whole new level of vulnerability. To have access of 3 months of screenshots, which was not there before, makes protecting the user that much more difficult. I think you too casually disregard how big of a problem this can be for a less-knowledgeable user. This could lead to HUGE class-action lawsuits. I don't think you are fully taking in the huge risks this thing poses.

In saying all that, I don't think Recall is going away. But it should.


I had 24H2 on my laptop release preview today


Why should we call it 25h1 it getting released later than usual.
