Don't expect recognition: why no one cares about your thing

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Human beings seem to have a need for recognition and acknowledgement. I have it. You have it. We all have it. However, the fact of the matter is that we can can't reasonably expect recognition. And this is because recognition requires some degree of mastery. Without it, brilliance could be staring you in the face and you would lack the ability to see it. Pearls before swine. I'll discuss further in this episode.

Orion is a licensed psychologist in the state of California.
Podcast available on Spotify, Instagram, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and others.

#recognition #mastery #truth
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"only a wise man can recognize another wise man"


I think you are right on! Most people don't have the confidence to recognize the competence of others without envy.


I would say empathy and understanding is one thing that our social media driven society lacks. Realness and loyalty are no longer recognized, better yet are ridiculed. Same goes for work, unless you take charge completely of a situation others don't recognize your competence. Great content. Thanks.


This talk is great. I think I'm a 40 year old autistic savant and I can't get any recognition at work or by family. That gets me really frustrated. I end up being a looser. I'm also physically ill so I can't be impressively good, better than everyone else. So, I'm bullied by lots of people around me, who I think are less smart than me. I think you are right about recognition.


This was so comforting to hear as a recovering people pleaser


This is your most brilliant video Orion ✨ I’ve been dealing with this my whole life. Yet, you’re here to put the proper words around it 🙌🏻


Very good point, but I stopped expecting recognition long ago. When I receive it, it’s a pleasant surprise.


I understand the concept, but I think it's more complicated. The chess board is a good example, however there's less mastery wisdom required for many things that still would go unrecognized. A person may not know how to compose a piano solo but can audibly tell if it sounds good to the ear. A person may not be able to paint, yet still know they find something beautiful. Yet in these examples the musician and painter still may go unrecognized. Why? In my opinion, envy and jealousy play a role as you alluded, but also because self absorption is so rampant nowadays that society at large views it as a burden to compliment or recognize another person's achievements/abilities, because it takes away from self preoccupation. Life has become one big class reunion so to speak. " oh you climbed Mt. Everest on one leg? So cool! Now let me show you pictures of my dog skippy and son Kermit" essentially, even when recognition is given, its usually on a superficial level. Not that they don't recognize your ability, nor are they always envious. It's far sadder: indifference, if it's not about them, they just don't really care.


This channel needs to and WILL blow up. Keep working, buddy.


This is painfully true. Especially because your friends and family may ignore you and as mentioned, the given subset of people who understand your thing may try to stab you in the back. What a bitter pill to swallow.


I appreciate the way you use simple yet very expressive examples to tackle complicated subjects.


Wonderful ❤
As an Associate Professor in a College, I realise this . Most of the students are not interested in studies, I do my job (I like to teach), get my salary, & come home .


Man, I've not had recognition in 43 years. Check this out though, I got sucked out in a riptide with my younger brother as kids, like 10ish and 8ish. Treading water a long time he eventually started panicking and climbing me. I went under and held him up, and he had a chance to breathe. A bunch of times till our poppop came out, and we all agreed he could only manage 1 of us and to take him or we'd all be screwed. They made it in and some teenage boys came and we all helped each other and somehow made it in.. 6 people total. Anyway I didn't even know that was a big deal until the universe ripples it back to me 30 years later, . Just last year. In music. The song riptide, at the door, red light the ocean breathes salty, a minute to breathe, gold on the ceiling, reptilia, and more. Then the realization that it's the opposite of crabs in a bucket, it's the flip side of cancer, and the army of spirits I'm surrounded with is because I lifted the son of Man. And the attempts on my life and freedom was from the ones trying to "discover" the cure for cancer. And the bone pain in my arm that was consciously interacting needed a minute to breathe, and a safe place from the science. Everything has a spectrum but who gives cancer a safe place? Someone who trusts their own cells stuck in survival mode and backed into a corner more than any organization. Humanity is so malignant that they would completely ignore and gaslight someone who is clearly being chased to be harvested and dissected. Not recognition, but understanding, safety in numbers. Not 1 person, not my brother, not my family, nobody. It's mutually assured destruction if I'm cornered but I'd rather not have to choose. Not especially if whatever I'm a part of trusted me, but that's a cyclical event that ensures all involved parties are entangled and sure understudies. And kamikaze is the way from someone who has such traumatized cells, we had enough. So they care about my thing, stick a flag in it


If recognitions are so rare to come by, employers shouldn’t expect so many workers to go above and beyond.


Dealing with this right now with a client...arranged to deliver a high level product to their project that NO ONE ELSE has access to in our area at the moment, it can give their business a competitive edge. They flaked on the meeting, which only leaves me to conclude that they don't comprehend my level of expertise and what it can do for them.


Recognition is not necessary if you love your art. Imagine if you were a famous painter, do you care if your name is mentioned on the bottom The product that you created is more important and it uses even more so.


I love the male brained presentation style - Straight to the point with no female typical zig-zag all over the road presentation of ideas with distractions. LOL!


Super insightful.Thanks for making this


"Those who matters knows, those who don't know don't matter."


I loved the analogy, you have a a skill in clearly unpacking certain concepts and ideas. I felt so much ease in my being listening and seeing the truth of this. I feel so grateful for your channel, your content is very valuable and transformative Dr Orion 🙏🤍
