The Super Set Technique You Need To Try If You Workout 3-5x Per Week

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Have you tried doing supersets like this??

Most people think super sets have to be done back to back.

They also think they have to be the same muscle.

That just isn’t true!

This type of superset is none of the above 😅

This is how you do them 👇

Pair exercises together that are of opposing muscle groups, like chest and back or quads and hamstrings, and have a bit of rest in between when bouncing between the exercises.

If you’re focusing on strength, you can also rest 2-3 mins between the exercises, there are no rules with supersets!

It really depends what you’re going for, but if you train 3-5x per week and are trying to build muscle, you can do so with anywhere between 30-90secs rest between exercises.

Have you tried doing supersets like this?

P.s. the last exercises in this workout were actually a superset with the same muscle group (lateral raises to prone lateral raises). I did this on purpose to really drive fatigue up and work on my lagging muscle group, which is my shoulders. These are called agonistic supersets.

#supersets #musclebuilding #hypertrophy #shorts
Рекомендации по теме

Literally everyone Ive ever spoken to in 10 years of going to gyms has referred to supersets as working antagonist muscles in back to back sets. It goes back to Arnold's days. He would do Pullovers and then flies and shit like that. Never seen someone work the same muscles in supersets. Like what? 😭


I think most people use antagonistic supersets. Usually isolation movements like bis and tris on cable or leg curls and extensions.


Does antagonistic not refer to the muscle that stretches when the active muscle contracts?
