6 Signs You Have Emotional Trauma But Don't Know It

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You may be experiencing signs of unresolved emotional trauma if often wonder why you feel broken while others seem to easily enjoy the simpler things in life. In this video, we will cover additional signs that were not included in Part 1. We hope to help you gain insight into some of your thoughts and behaviors, and offer some steps you can take towards healing.

Script Writer: Stela Kosic
Script Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Aury
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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What's one thing you would like to manifest for 2023?


I much prefer to just ignore all “trauma” related events until it manifests into cancer and kills me.


"Trauma is personal, it does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated, the silent screams continue internally, heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams, healing can begin." - Danielle Bernock


"If others are allowed to be imperfect, so are you."
As an empath this hit hard


I resonate a little bit with all of these. I grew up with a family who loved me, but they could be (and still are) somewhat toxic. Self love is helping a lot with these issues, but I probably will need therapy eventually, when I'm ready.


When I go through emotions I feel like I can't process them because it's hard to express how I am feeling


I've had emotional trauma ever since I was a kid, but I used to not know it or where it REALLY came from. I only have been knowing in recent years, but just can't do anything against it as of now, and that is the problem.


I feel like this channel knows a lot of people better than they know themselves. So I wanna say thanks for the tips and helping me learn more about myself :)


Being in therapy has taught me to heal by practicing self love. It’s as simple as speaking to yourself like you’re the adult you needed in your life. It builds self validation. You can also write to yourself. Think of what you would say to someone you love and redirect it to yourself.


I have suffered a lot of trauma, I have been bullied and have been the victim of discrimination, colourism and racism during my employment and education at drama school and it’s been so hard to overcome that.

I feel isolated and lonely because I feel I can’t turn to anyone for help unless it’s a counsellor.

Thank you for making us all aware. I can completely relate to everything in this video and I still feel it now.


I knew I had trauma but I couldn't identify it until now. Thanks for the video.


1). Conditional love 0:22
2). Boundaries 1:14
3). Conflict 2:16
4). Validation 3:16
5). Avoidance 4:14
6). Isolation 5:00

Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


#4 : seeking validation isn't always a bad thing. My step-father was born in the 50's, his father was a prisonner of war from WWII, and he came home with PTSD. He married a woman, they had their son, but the father couldn't have a family life. He took the bus every morning to go to the city and came home late. So my step-dad was raised by his mother, grand-mother and uncle. As an adult, he was always insecure about the love of others. He always ask if we are happy, if we feel good, etc... He often says to my mom "I love you, darling", out of nowhere, without reason. My mother told me : when you are in couple with a woman, always remind her that you love her, sometimes, we really need that.


I had a traumatic experience last year and I felt some of these, especially the avoidance, validation and isolation, I was in a relationship with someone who had a toxic friend group, instead of a standard break up, their friends started spreading rumors about me and harassed me, this on top of my life of being bullied shut me away from everyone, and while I’ve recovered a bit, I still start shaking whenever I get a notification on my phone, I still can hardly go somewhere publicly without thinking “what if they are here and see me, ” I hope no one else has to endure what I have, and I hope that anyone else who does can find comfort and recover in any way possible


I connected with a lot of these but the last one hit me the most. As a kid I would self withdraw and play by myself a lot and I never knew why I did. That kinda stuck to me and It is very hard for me to be around others sometimes because of that. Thank you for this video. ❤


This is supposed to be kind of sad, but I smile everything they post a video


And again. This does sound exactly like me. I already know that I am suffering from childhood trauma, but I don't know how deep does it go. Heating about this gives me a sense of being understood. And I need that so, so much. Even despite being in therapy. I started abusing substances when I was 12. And I know that was me self medicating to escape from trauma and depression. Needless to say I am suffering from addiction. Haven't had any alcohol for around 20 months and I going to therapy. I feel I'm bumbling at this point. Just thank you for this. Sending love.


Hey! I am here to share my story about my childhood trauma I was too young I am 12 now but when this happend I was like 6-7 so it was like a double attack so my dad had a really bad burnout and had a bad depression, he was not able to sleep for days and he was done with it so he tried to harm himself he had 7 meds at once and he slept so bad that he was taken to the clinic even after this he tried to harm himself many times...I can totally understand he didn't do that purposely but he changed from the happiest to the saddest+rudest person on the earth i used to cry almost everyday and I had a really bad trauma but thanks to you I understand about a lot I learnt many things from it and the video was worth it
I related to every point but I am on a healing moment (+my dad i guess)and in this event I found out that I lack self-love and I found myself I still am trying my best and I know if the sun dips it will rise again for sure my shine would come back... Lots of love sis you made my day with those caring words and soft voice have a great day/night ahead💕💕


I still struggle with my emotional trauma, sometimes it’s very dark that I’d feel negative the whole day, even weeks


Our system still doesn't have a full understanding of our childhood experiences or how we even came to be and what we are. Seeing things like this that help click these bits of information together is super helpful, thank you a lot.
