At Home Military Workout | Getting Ready for Basic Training | Basic Training Exercises, No Equipment

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Hello Messengers!

We're FINALLY back with another follow along fitness video.

This workout program/video was created for the new recruit who's getting ready to go off to the military to basic training OR for those of you who are interested in joining the military and want to start now to get into shape for that.

Don't get it twisted though, ANYBODY can get this work. From the average person who's just looking for a great at home, no equipment workout, to the fire breathers who's chosen the military as a career.

This video is 10 minutes long
We're doing 2 Rounds of
:45 WORK
:15 REST
In Order:
Sit Ups
Push Ups
Air Squats
Slow Tempo Mountain Climbers

Social Media:
IG: @_MastURpeace_
Facebook: MastURpeace

IG: @MastURfit
Facebook: MastURfit Training


Music Title : Still Into You
Prod By: Just LEE
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I played this video thinking it would be a normal workout and a good chart of my physical ability. I ended it with the realization that I am incredibly weak. I didn’t think I would struggle like I did, and I only did two rounds.

I need to do this, as I want to join the army, but lord is it a reality check.

Please like this comment so I can update y’all more and leave inspirational stuff so I keep working!

Day 1) Only did two rounds (played the video once) I am sweeting, and i really struggled on the burpees and the push-ups, I was okay with everything else.

Day 2) Still only did two rounds, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie so I’m really sweating, and workout was still difficult. If I physically couldn’t do anymore push-ups, I held a plank for the remainder of time. I cannot wait to see how much easier this gets over time.
^ Update! I did. this workout in the morning, it’s about 5pm and I’m sore as HELL

Day 3) (Only two rounds) Soreness is still there, especially in my thighs. I still struggle with burpees and push-ups, push-ups being my main struggle. Clearly no physical changes yet as in body image, however, I do feel like I wasn’t sweating as much. Done in the morning, update yall later!
^ UPDATE Not that sore yall!

Day 4) (Only 2 rounds) I’m still a bit out of breath and sweaty, not as much as before. My burpees actually went really well, I barely felt the first round of Them! Push-ups I still definitely struggle with! My soreness is basically gone now, maybe a bit when I squat but nothing 24/7

Day 5) Workout felt lowkey pretty easy, little to no physical changes, possible some toning in my legs tho it’s pretty soft. My soreness is basically gone, I think I’m gonna add another round to this workout tomorrow! See how I do with 3 instead of 2!

Day 6) so I only hit two rounds today, I woke up around 9am to do yard work, which was ALOT and just got this workout done at 4pm. I’m not that mad at myself for only hitting two rounds, I was lifetime stumps, climbing tree in order to tie ropes to chop them down, using a chainsaw, raking up roots. It was a lot, so I’m proud I can do that and this workout!

Day 7) it’s been one week! Now I’m going to update weekly instead of everyday, I’ll still be keeping track everyday, but y’all will be updated weekly! As of today it is: 12/23/2023. This workout wasn’t that hard like normal, just powered my way threw it. See y’all in a week!

Hey y’all, it’s been a minute. Guess I’m not great with time 😬! However I’ve stuck to the workout! I’ve started branching off, and doing/adding my own things. I noticed my arms looking more toned, along with more definition in my legs too. My physical strength is getting better to, went from struggling with one push-up to being able to do 20 in a row! Felt happier too, much more confident! Some days it’s hard to get up and workout, but please remember! Done is better then perfect! Some days I cut my workout in half, especially right now since I’m sick. Don’t make it a chore to workout, if you’re struggling with doing it, do short burst threw out the day. Enjoy it! See y’all in some time ❤

What’s up y’all!! Working out has definitely been a bit difficult, however I’ve managed to drop and keep off 15 lbs. I’m building my muscles and lifting more then I have in ages! Y’all stick to it! 💕

Hey y’all! I’m back again, I’m not going to lie I have been slacking this past week on my workouts due to heart break. However I decided I might as well give this workout video a redo! It’s been weeks since I last watched it and I’ve been on a different workout plan! But your girl is struggling with the want to workout in a time like this! However I played this and I breezed past it! So easy and so simple! I love seeing how much better my body is at these moves! New found passion is here to keep going! 💕


thank you very much, I am 14 years old and I want to go to the military academy and I hope to enter it <3


Idk why u don't have more followers. You get straight to the workout and it's effective and short with simple(but VERY EFFECTIVE) workouts you can do alone at home! Thank you so much!


Thank you I'm 19 and even though I'm not overweight I'm definitely out of shape and this workout really made me realize I have a lot of work to do before I get shipped out lol


I’m a 15 year old girl hoping to join the army at some point in my life, and this workout was a great place to start. It is easy to follow, and was not too difficult to pick up the first time I tried it. In about two weeks, I have gone from barely being able to keep up, to being able to follow it pretty well. 👍👍


I’m really happy to see those young people who are planning on joining the military already. Good for you!


17 here, didn’t realize just how out of shape I actually was until I tried this. As I am seriously considering getting into Armor in a year or two, this is really good. Ta very much! 🇺🇸🇮🇪


Bro, I love how sweet you are to everyone in the comments. I myself, are 13 and plan on making my way to the Marine section once I'm older. Family is totally against it, but I want too. I always feel unmotivated to exercise, then I do it for my career. Thank you for this!!


The work out made me realize how out of shape I am! >< Been working out for a few months too, so it is a bit dissapoint. But I'm not willing to give up because if you can do it then I can too! You are a blessing for giving this workout for free. Thank you.


joining the army after i graduate(senior), been doing cardio and weightlifting to prepare myself.thought i was ready until i saw the workout plan for basic training😭😭 tysm for this video


I’m in Canada and just got my letter about preparing for Basic Training. I’m so not ready and decided to check out your video. I have to log my workouts everyday and I’m so nervous because I wasn’t that good about working out. Please pray for me as I’m going to start this workout along with some running as it’s a big part of it


I'm 39. Been out of the military for 14 years. Just lost about 65 pounds and am below bootcamp weight! Have 9 more pounds to go to ideal. When I was in the military I'd already be too skinny because I had a lot more muscle. Now I want to start toneing up again. Trying to remember all the floor exercises that got me as fit as I was back in the day. Thanks for the video!


I really needed this video. I have almost a year to get ready for basic, but I had no idea how to start working out. Definitely going to be using this video almost every day!


thank you so much for this i am 14 years old and want to be in the military and prove i am worth it and working out makes me happy and it heals me from my past abuse when i was just a child, my abuser has died which was my mom and she died from suicide so my dad remarried and i am happier then ever and i just want to say thank you .


11 y/o female here, hoping to become a U.S soldier when I turn 16/17. I am doing whatever I can to reach my goal! ❤😁


i got 5 months before BCT, was stuck on workouts since a lot of videos involve equipment and i don’t live near/can’t afford to go to the gym. super simple workout i’m gonna incorporate this into my current routine :)


i'm 14 and looking to enlist in the marines when im older. At first this was hard for me, but over time i'm coming to see that i can keep up more the more that i do it. Before i started this i was not the most athletic person, but doing these every night, lifting, and running have made me more confident in my strength. thank you so much!! <3


I’m 32 and after a foot injury I ended up gaining a lot of weight. I’ve always been active and never had this issue before so I’m excited to try this workout so I can get back in shape. Thanks for sharing 🙏🏽 ❤


Hey! I’m a 16 year old female, and I want to join the army (albeit currently in a bit of a crisis). Instead of doing a levels, I joined a military prep college and my god is it a reality check to my fitness. In efforts to catch up my fitness levels in comparison to the others in the college, I found this video. Thinking it would be straight forward, I genuinely struggled to keep up (bearing in mind I can’t even do 1 push up, currently doing knee pushups). This past year my fitness has drastically changed; if someone told me 2 months ago I’d be able to do knee pushups and I’d be able to run 2kms without stopping, I would’ve dismissed them. Thanks for the great video!! I will defo try to do atleast the full 10 minutes once a day, ontop of the hour of excersize a day with college and cycling 30 minutes per day.


Thank you for all of the support! We have another military workout video about to drop!
Please comment below if you're heading to BMT and the date! Thank you for your future service!
