2023 Mathews Phase 4- 29 Inch with MFJJ!! Giveaway

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Happy Launch Day Mathews Fans!!
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Mathew’s new stabilizer is like a Mohawk it’s not a necessity, but man is it sweet!!


Around and round there she goes when she stops at 50000 nobody knows but the place to be is in a tree with a Matthew's bow that was free!


Dear Josh Jones,

Please just take a moment - Time is slipping away
I need you to hear me out before views hit 50k

I’m sitting here dreaming of winning that Phase 4 29
My own thoughts consuming me - How to make it mine?

How do I get your attention? What can one humble man say?
I’m past the point of short comments and to just sit back and pray

Do I rave about your mohawk like others have already?
Maybe I just speak from the heart – Man you’ve been helping me steady

Your knowledge has been invaluable from the Podium Archer show
I now tie in peeps just like you and even retuned my wife’s bow

As far as archery is concerned, you’re like the Wizard of Oz
Dan is the Wicked Witch of the West with that big ol’ schnoz!

Just kidding man! – I meant it all in good humor and jokes
Figured why not send a shameless plug back at the Elk Shape folks

The unbiased opinions, your humor, and ability to self-deprecate
These are all things I enjoy and really do appreciate

“At the end of the day all we have is the work that we do”
Not to mention your mottos – What a fresh point of view

I have something to ask when we conclude this archery rhyme
But first a few more quick thoughts, we’ll get there all in due time

A little summary about me now then it’ll be time to go
I love late season archery – Nothing beats hunting in snow!

I’m from the Land of 10, 000 Lakes - Yea its cold, but not all just water and ice
You Betcha! We’ve got some cool slogans here too – It’s all part of “Minnesota Nice”

I’m not new to the game - Been shooting Mathews since 2006
Remember the old catch phrase - Speed without the Kicks!

Now let’s close this up and get back to the issue at hand
Just two more short lines then you decide where I stand

With this comment engineered like Mathews, so innovative
MFJJ – What do you say? – Is this the most creative? 😉🦌


Even a blind 1 armed beginner archer could hit what they are aiming at with this.


Mathews really took the age old, "always have a rubber on you.." very seriously this year and gave you 2😂


From dead in the hand to dead in the freezer!! Awesome bow really trying to get one


“Catch us if you can” -Mathew’s new stabilizer talking to my wallet.

Can’t tell what’s slicker Mathew’s new bow, MFJJ’s Mohawk, the stabilizer or man cave! To much awesome in one video! Keep up the killer work MFJJ & Mathew’s! On a serious note, as with anything else Mathew's you get what you pay for.


The man with the Mohawk. Knows his shit 🏹. It’s not just an informative video but I managed to learn something new every time I watch this channel.


With 8 limbs Mathews really passed up the opportunity to call this bow “The Kraken”!


If Russia keeps getting crazy decides to use nukes on Ukraine, this bow isn't the only thing that's getting extra limbs.


Thanks for the videos Josh. I’m coming back to archery after more than a 20 yr hiatus and I have a lot of catching up to do. Your videos are bringing me up to speed. Thanks for helping me come back to this sport!


Your Mohawk is like a Mathews the longer the riser the more impressive it is


How many limbs do you want?
Mathews: YES

I seriously want this bow so bad


Mathews is the Billy Mays of the archery world! Just when you think they couldn’t come up with anything better, Billy comes out the back and says, “But wait there’s more!”


The best comment is to win, A bow told... to have gods within!
It shoots so straight and so far, the Deer Must fear!
I could really use that bow since i JUST got a job its almost been a year!!

I have watched you with great Awe and Respect
I want to shoot that bow and watch the arrows eject
long story short i sold mine in tough times to get by.
But hunting season is coming quick, and i would like some meat to fry!

If you pick this comment know im grateful and sincere
If not, than to the winner congrats lets CHEER!
And to everyone i wish you a great, happy, successful, amazing year.


Thanks for all the great videos. I’m ready to go all red dawn when it hits the fan. Just made my first visit to your shop this week. Was up from Kennewick, your employees were awesome and very knowledgeable. You’ve got a great set up. Cant wait to come again and spend a little more time there shooting.


When I first started watching you on elk shape I wondered if you were going to Have your own channel I think your man cave is one of the best I've ever seen Thank you for doing such honest videos About products and accessories and showing Tim how to shoot I'm in the same boat as Dan 27" draw 5' 7 And that new phase 4 29 would fit me to a T. Thanks for all you do


Mathews Phase 4: Deader than all the stuff on the walls combined, and nearly as quiet.


Clean bow… Clean review. Love the fact that you just point blank say. “It’s quieter and It has less vibration”.…. You don’t go out if your way like other videos I’ve seen and “address the haters”…. You call it like it is. Hope it sells for you just as well if not better than the last one!!!


Beautiful bow. Beautiful man. Thanks for all you do
