Supplements: The health benefits of vitamin D

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Vitamin D is one of the few vitamins our bodies can make. However, a significant percentage of adults in this country are deficient in vitamin D. That is a key reason many doctors suggest regular vitamin D supplements. Should you consider taking it to gain some of the numerous potential health benefits of vitamin D?

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In this video, I discuss vitamin D and deficiencies in this nutrient and its effects on a number of health conditions, including our bones, depression, cancer, the flu, weight loss, diabetes and others.

Always talk to your doctor before taking any supplement or trying any health treatment. If you are interested in vitamin D, try it and see how it works for you.
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This information is really helpful for me, I really appreciate it. There is more information about Vitamin D in Health Conscious.


Hi! I have a fracture in my wrist, can I play a volleyball again after my fracture healed?


Do you recommend to take in supplements without food / empty stomach?


The background music is supposed to be in the background, Its drowning out your voice


What is the best to do to have a faster healing of fracture?


It's OK to drink even have acid reflux and hi blood pressure


Always remember to repent of your sins (sin is transgression of YAHUAH’S LAW: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy) And Have Belief On YAHUSHA HAMASHYACH. HE Died and Rose Again On The Third Day So that you can be forgiven of your sins!

HE Loves you! Come to HIM


4:45 600 mcg! Surely that's a mistake??


brother plz tell me something about it my vitamin d level is 10.1 I checked it on 10 feb’s beeen 3 weeks I have taken 200, 000 IU injection in these 3 weeks but there is no improvement at all!.How much time it will take to recover ??


it's ok to take vitamin D if you have diabetes?


Updated electronic health record stops orders that are not covered by insurers including vitamin D
for screening purposes.
 To assess screening for 25-hydroxyvitamin D versus no
screening, or treatment with vitamin D (with or without calcium) or no
treatment in nonpregnant adults, and to assess for mortality, fracture, fall,
diabetes, cardiovascular events, cancer, depression, physical function, and

 A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
(RCTs) was conducted in the usual fashion. Meta-analyses were conducted when at
least 3 similar studies were available. In the review, 3 questions were
addressed: (1) Does screening for vitamin D deficiency improve health outcomes?
(2) What are the harms for screening for vitamin D deficiency? (3) Does
treatment for vitamin D deficiency with vitamin D improve health outcomes?
 No studies directly evaluated the health benefits or harms
of screening for vitamin D among the 46 studies included. Treatment with
vitamin D in patients who were vitamin D deficient did not change the risk for
mortality, fracture, diabetes risk, cardiovascular disease, incidence of
cancer, or depression. No significant trend to protection for falls was
noted. Mixed results in 2 RCT for change in physical functioning were
recorded. Limited effect was seen in 1 RCT for prevention of infection. Adverse
events were similar between the treatment groups and controls.
 In asymptomatic community-dwelling people with low
vitamin D levels, treatment with vitamin D (with or without calcium) did not
change mortality or incidence of fracture, depression, falls, diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Studies were equivocal about vitamin D
treatment for physical function and infection prevention. No studies assessed
the direct benefit or harm of screening for vitamin D deficiency.
 In April 2021, U.S. Preventive Services Task
Force concluded that there was insufficient evidence to recommend screening for
vitamin D deficiencies. Researchers could not find one single study that looked
at the questions of vitamin D screening benefits and harms. We are left to
extrapolate that treatment of vitamin D deficiency does not clearly benefit
multiple health problems (fracture, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer,
or depression).
