5 Simple Breathing Exercises For Seniors

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Join me (Mike - Physiotherapist) for this exercise video where we do 5 simple breathing exercises which you can do to help you improve your breathing.

SUBSCRIBE to this channel for regular exercise videos for seniors to help you improve your health and fitness.

In this video we cover:
Intro: 0:00
Breathing Exercise 1 - Relaxation: 0:57
Breathing Exercise 2 - Pursed Lip Breathing: 3:39
Breathing Exercise 3 - Abdominal Breathing: 5:29
Breathing Exercise 4 - Deep Breathing with Holds: 6:28
Breathing Exercise 5 - Quick Sniffles: 7:18
Outro: 8:18

Do your best and any questions ask below!

- Mike

More Life Health offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only.
All videos and information is not medical advice. Mike is a licensed Physiotherapist; however, he is not your Physiotherapist and cannot diagnose you over the internet.
You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor should it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a Doctor or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health-related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk
You should consult your Doctor or other health care professional before starting a More Life Health program or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs.
Do not start this fitness program if your doctor or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

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Рекомендации по теме

Hi Mike, I am so happy with the videos you have posted. I am 85 years old and when I started your exercises I was really battling, but as I went along = 6 weeks now - I have found that everything is easier and my strength, balance and endurance have improved tremendously. Thank you so much for your lovely videos and how you make everything so easy to understand.


Important to remember the correct breathing, very good Mike and thank you.
In my daily life I usually do this practice, if I feel a little stressed from work even in my car I practice consciously, I stop if I have a few minutes of rest, I usually stay near the forest or trees, I close my eyes and breathe, it helps me to get on with my day.

Thanks hugs!!


Rebecca, here ~
Thanks so much for reminding me to -- breathe. Does not cost anything to simply S T O P - and breathe. Letting my lungs do their job. Windows open. A gentle time to loosen the muscles in my neck, listen to Spirit, -- and breathe. Thank you, thank you, Mike!


I eagerly awaited this exercise and did it immediately. I don't have difficulty breathing, but felt as though I was doing Chair Yoga without moving. With this routine I'm able to solely engage in disciplined breathing without physical demands. I also belong to a chorus. This exercise will greatly help me to be more mindful of my breathing. I very much appreciated your rests which enabled me to reset. A great addition to the library, and please add this to it, perhaps in Miscellaneous??? Regards as always...Anastasia


On this day, after watching this video, the words 'Breathing/breathe/relax' have the highest priority, at this PHASE of my life. 77 in Jan. (Diagnosed with COPD with emphysema recently 80% lung capacity after spirometry). I am at Day 6 at 0530 still trialling a new CPAP machine, (wearing a nasal mask). My mouth is DRY (breathing pressurized air through my NOSE obviously with mouth OPEN. (Positive - less sleep apnoea episodes) Negative - I need to get a jaw strap, I think. I watch this new video of Mike's, and do the exercises. I ponder nose/mouth breathing ? good or bad/effects. I pick up my Symbicort and Spiriva (inhalers) - I have used these since 28th April, 2021 and always breathe the 'drugs' in through my MOUTH. It has become a daily routine and BD for one of them. So, it seems that NOSE breathing must again be my priority. I will continue to reduce STRESS and ANXIETY, and with that word 'relax', I will change it to 'breathe'. A huge shed fire in 2014 has caused all this damage. Mike, love your indigenous paintings on the screen, love when you say 'shoulders up and down' and your talk about BREATHING. I'm on a NEW journey, and will do Pulmonary Rehab in 2022. Question: Before this year, I loved walking but now after 10-15 mins, I am extremely short of breath. So I ask you, if I wanted to walk in a National Park, how do I pace myself knowing this new reality. Thanks again for ALL YOU DO. Enjoy your Christmas break. Sorry this is a long, reply but this video is on the pulse of my life and I forced into a new lifestyle (which I don't like, but have to!) . Maybe, I'll get back to singing.


Thank you Mike! Felt very relaxed after the exercises. Want to take this opportunity to wish all my More Life Health comrades and especially you Mike, a very, merry Christmas and a healthy, happy 2022.


Thank Mike, Help me a lot. You are the best


I am guilty of forgetting to breath properly every now and then. So glad you createdthis breathing exercises for the elderly. I also sing in our church choir and we do breathing exercises before we start. So your video reinforces what we we were advised to do. Again, many thanks.


I absolutely am so glad I found you! It will be a month on the 7-15! I haven’t done all of them but I will ! Thank you so much! You’re a wonderful coach! I’m 75 and don’t want to be feeble in hopefully my years to come! I only exercise with you cause you seem to cover all a senior needs! Thank again! 😊🙏🏻


Thanks Mike, As part of an entertainment group, breathing properly is huge and something I should do all the time, so thanks for making me slow down and do some intentional breathing!


I am immunocompromised thank to 12 rounds of chemo. My immune globulin counts were at 178. I was having so many issues with my allergies asthma was triggered. I ended up in the hospital 6 days receiving IVIG and antibiotics. I had trouble catching my breath. I will be taking these to my doctor to make sure it is ok to do them. I can't think of 1 reason why I shouldn't be able to. I am not 100% yet and know I need to get strong again. Thank you for this channel at age 58 I feel like an old lady.


I really enjoy this exercise it will help me improve my breathing and help strength my lungs and my heart will benefit also thank you Mike


I am so grateful for these exercises because you go through each one slowly so I can keep up thank you


Thank you 💕😊 Mike good luck and god bless you and your family


Thank you so much! it is the first time I get it right with the breathing exercises, thanks to you.I felt so much better in my body, more light and relaxed.


Once again thank you very much Mike, I found this very helpful as I sometimes have trouble relaxing.


Thank you for the wake-up call. I have neglected the breathing exercise except for the deep breathing in the normal exercise.


A crazy week, but finally got to these exercises. Time for me to concentrate on these as I've been a bit slack and with a reoccurrence of asthma I should have been doing these! I have my asthma under control but know these will help.


Thanks for this video. I found it very helpful and relaxing. Thanks again.


This video is sooo helpful. I enjoyed learning how to breath in different ways. I will be doing this as frequently as I can. Thank you Mike.
