6 Signs Someone Fakes Being OK

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When you hear the word "Depression", do you automatically think of a downturned face or a person sitting alone in the corner crying? If only it were that obvious all the time to see that something is seriously wrong. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. The mask may be well crafted… but it’s still a mask and they may well need your compassion and understanding. So here are a few common signs someone is faking it.

Writer: Syazwana Amirah
Script Editor: Denise Ding
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Thư Nguyễn Đoan (new animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


HUMOR, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 417-431.

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Elmer, J., &; Legg, T. J. (2018, November
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factors, test, treatments, and more.
Healthline. Retrieved from

Ghanean, H., Ceniti, A. K., &; Kennedy, S.
H. (2018, January 30). Fatigue in patients
with major depressive disorder: Prevalence,
burden and pharmacological approaches to

Labeaune, R. (2014, November 12). The
secret pain of “smiling” Depression.

Martin, R. A., Puhlik-Doris, P., Larsen,
G., Gray, J., &; Weir, K. (2003, January
23). Individual differences in uses of
humor and their relation to psychological
well-being: Development of the humor styles
questionnaire. Journal of Research in
Personality. Retrieved Nrom
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What does depression mean to you? Share your story here!


"Depression is like living in a body that fights to SURVIVE with a mind that tries to DIE."


Great insight. The references to Omori remind me of how great of a story that is that involves someone who is depressed.


"The mask may be well crafted
But its still a mask.. "
That hits harder


Just realise Sunny had the eye patch at the end of the video.

That's some extraordinary detail right there.


"Everything's a joke, and they see themselves as one too."

This one hit home way harder than it should've.


Loved the omori references, the deep lore in the game, the history and everything, that you don't understand anything until the end, the changes between reality and real life, that just one thing can break you... the more you hold it and don't let it free.


“If you are depressed,
if you are anxious.
You are not weak
You are not crazy
You’re not in the main, a machine of broken parts
You’re a human being with unmet needs”


"I'm tired" has always been my response when people asked me how I'm doing. Very few understood and took a minute to talk, which helps sometimes.


Hero: The "perfectionist"
Basil: The nervous reclusiveness
Kel: The "smiler"
Sunny: The cold reclusiveness
Aubrey: The person who believes nobody cares (this is it's own type (in my opinion) of depression that is very combative and blamepushing (basically tries to find someone to blame for a situation without being able to truly accept it as it is) honestly Aubrey as a whole is a very interesting character)
(Honestly Omori doesn't make the tragedy the spotlight point and rather focuses on the current mindset of a person faced with such a situation and how the reaction can differ from each person)


I love the Omori references, they connect so well with the topic, as mental illness is the main part of the game. 3:04 also could have been Aubrey, who was suffering not only from Mari’s death, but also her father and friends deserting her. She covered up her depression with outbursts towards other people and becoming a delinquent, which matches up with the aggressive humor and being a bully in general!


As someone who has depression, I can confirm that these are indeed mostly true, at least for me. Whenever someone asks me what's wrong, I simply fake a smile and murmur something like "I'm tired" or "I didn't get a lot of sleep last night". Every day, I go to school, fake my smiles and laughter, and then I get home and I have to do the same for my parents and neighbors. In the early mornings, at 12am-3:45am, I let myself sit there in my bed and numbly cry each night. All of my humor is self-deprecating, and my mother finds it slightly concerning. If you see someone with these signs, you don't have to do much. Just give them a smile and see if they need a hug.


I never realized I fake being okay all the time until I watched this and related to every one. Thank you for for teaching me more about myself


I always say to myself “just cause I’m smiling, doesn’t mean I’m happy”


I hope y'all know that someone out there loves you. Even if you dont know it, or they dont know it. Keep fighting, keep surviving. Y'all a good, real good. Maybe even the best.


I know it's not healthy to self-diagnose but I might have depression.
Most of masking types in the video are the same. I recently found Omori and it made me think a lot, about me, about people, about my feelings and my ways to cope. I'm thankful that you were able to help me open my eyes. People always said that the first step is to acknowledge the problem


My mask started crumbling a little more than two years ago. I used to be so good at hiding the pain, now it cracks in little ways everywhere and I hope the wrong people don't notice. But at the same time... I hope the right people do notice.


0:07 Sunny and Basil
0:38 Kel and Hero
1:14 Kel from Headspace and Kel from real world (Kel keeps appearing)
1:48 THAT'S ME!
1:53 Sunny
2:10 Acrophobia
2:13 White Space
2:17 Kel again (Hikikomori Route)
4:55 Hero
5:20 Mari
5:26 FEAR
5:35 Basil
5:41 it's me again
5:50 Free spoilers!


Its like an unrelenting gray cloud of fog.
Not fear or sadness, just a wave of numbness that pushes the fear, anger, or sadness to a place it doesnt belong, a level it should never reach. A walk through life becomes a slog, and a slog a death march.

You are not alone, even when you are. Try writing down the good and the bad, and find some outlet. I know its easier said than done but it worked for me.

Much love and all the best.


I had depression. Nobody really did anything. They asked, they knew, and nothing. They did nothing. I had to fix it with my own hands. From that period of my life, I pushed myself to feel better for myself.
Talking to myself in the mirror. Helping people so they don’t go through the same thing I have. I have gotten better. I feel great. I’m happy for moving on, and becoming happier everyday. :)
