Did the Catholic Church Change the Bible?

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Why do Catholic Bibles have more books than Protestant Bibles?
Who changed the Bible? In this 3rd installment of the Do/Are Catholics...?
Former Protestant Pastor Keith Nester explores this often made charge against Catholics. What are we to make of it? Take a look!

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I'm one of those Protestants (about to be former Protestant) that was more Catholic than Protestant if you base it on beliefs. I never let my Presbyterian Church tell me how to believe. I read my Bible and let the Holy Spirit talk to me. The thought that the Bible converted me to Catholicism blew the minds of many Protestants or anti-Catholics on social media. The idea that the Bible would cause someone to consider joining a cult that worships statues, prays to Mary and cannibals!. (Excuse sarcasm). I've understood John 6 to always be the real blood and body of Jesus. It doesn't say anything about it being a symbol. As I began studying the Bible more, I see that the Apostle Paul believed in the real presence too. Otherwise he would not have said something about not to partake communion if you have serious sins or you will profane the body and blood of Jesus from 1 Corinthians 11:27. I never believed in faith alone. I guess my beliefs were 99.99% Catholic before I decided to see if Catholicism was right for me. Tonight would have been my confirmation. I'm anxiously waiting to receive the real body and blood of Jesus Christ!


I had the same reaction, I told my Protestant friends I was going to be a Catholic, most of them was so happy for me, that I was going to be part of Jesus, but one of my friends, said Catholic faith goes against the bible and that they corrupted the bible, but when I found out the opposite, I went back to him, and said brother it was the protestants, who corrupted the bible, I went through a little bit of the history, he was speechless 🙊 I don't think he really new what to say


Keith, thank you SO much! I am an interested lifelong Episcopalian that never did understand how that went down until I watched this!


Regarding Martin Luther's translation of the Bible and your question "did God need Luther to change the Bible after almost 1600 years?"--- A few years ago when I was singing in a choir in an Episcopalian Church I heard a sermon on Reformation Sunday, and the phrase "when Martin Luther rediscovered the gospel." leaped out at me. This occurred in a church named after St. Francis of Assisi, and I couldn't help but think--St. Francis didn't have the gospel? Really? Much as I loved the music in this church, I just couldn't stick it out any more. I had converted to Catholicism decades before, but for various personal reasons had wandered away to re-examine the church I had been brought up in. After that sermon I returned to the Catholic Church.


Keith, please keep up the good works. Catholics need you for the meaningful and educational discussion of the faith. And so do inquiring Protestants.


It is protestants who removed some books from original bible


You have a great vocation. I thank God for you.


Yeaaaah we change the Bible, we added a New Testament...thanks Catholic Church ⛪️...so right so funny 😂😅🙏🏽


The worst damage the Reformers (Deformers?) did to Christianity was to deny the Real Presence.


The Catholic Church gave us the Bible: Pope Damasus assembled the first list of books of the Bible at the Roman Council in 382 A.D. He commissioned St. Jerome to translate the original Greek and Hebrew texts into Latin, which became known as the Latin Vulgate Bible and was declared by the Church to be the only authentic and official version, in 1546. The Douay Rheims is the only English version translated directly from St. Jeromes Latin Vulgate, translated directly from the original Scripts.


How does this video only have 7700 views? This should be seen and heard by all. Thanks Keith.


That is why I love this brother of mine. Thank you Keith!


Pray GOD blessed Keith Nester and his family safe and strong in faith so he can continue delivering God’s words


There's a Scripture that reminds me of the Protestants. Matt 7:5.
"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."
Exactly. Stated another way Protestants are like the modern left. Constantly complaining and pointing the finger, and seemingly incapable of the faculty of self-criticism.
Protestants have gotten it wrong. Reading Scripture showed me the Catholic Church has gotten it all right.
I get both sad and sick of Protestant ignorance.All it does is create disbelief and confusion and division among society. So many souls are lost to condemnation as the result of the protestant chaos.


Keith, I'd like to commend you on your videos. The clarity with which you convey important information regarding these topics and questions is incredible!


The Roman Catholic Church
1. The Church is one.
2. The Church is Visible.
3. The Church is Forever
4. The Church is Truth
5. The Church is messy.
6. The Church is a Kingdom
7. The Church is teacher
8. The Church is mystery
9. The Church is hierarchal
10. The Church is Holy
11. The Church is Apostolic
12. The Church is sacramental
13. The Church is Catholic
14. The Church is dynastic
15. The Church is mother
16. The Church is real.
17. The Church is authoritative
18. The Church is the bride of Christ.
19 The Church is the mystical body of Christ.
20. The Church is unchangeable.


My favorite anti-Catholic bromide is the old argument which goes something like this:  "The Church wrote the Bible in Latin so ordinary people couldn't understand it."  The opposite is in fact true:  Latin WAS the "vulgar" i.e. everyday language people spoke in the Roman empire and most all scholarly works were published in Latin.  If you were literate centuries ago -- and few were -- you learned to read Latin because that was the universal language of publication at the time.  In the first few centuries Anno Domini -- that's what "AD" is -- only four well known written languages with strict grammar and syntax rules existed:  Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Phoenician.  English wasn't even a thing until a thousand years after Christ ascended.


So blessed to be one of your subscriber. It keeps reminding me for being a Catholic. 🙏


So good Keith!! Once I finally looked into this for myself not long ago, the reasoning for our 73 book Bible makes so much sense. I love it


I came to listen to this video after the Rosary Live this afternoon. I really appreciate how you explain things so we cradle Catholics who were ignorant to their own religion. I don't mean "ignorant" in a derogatory way, but some of us just really had no idea. Of course as a kid growing up, I went to catechism but beyond that, never really delved into my religion. I appreciate all I have learned from you since the time I caught you for the first time on The Journey Home. God Bless
