INSTANTLY Boost Your Strength (5 Easy Ways!)

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Want to get stronger TODAY? These 5 ways will 100% do that, especially when combined.

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0:00 Introduction
0:07 Alternating Push/Pull
2:22 Stop Excessively Warming Up
5:50 Always Increase Stability!
9:28 Embrace Reps In Reserve
11:28 Longer Rest Is Mandatory
14:05 Conclusion

Disclaimer: AlphaDestiny is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. AlphaDestiny will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

#Strength #Strengthtraining #Musclegain
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I insta clicked when I saw the WoW icon lol, trying to max out my stats like in a video game is one of my primary drivers for strength


Ik resting a minimum of 3 minutes on my exercises focused on building strength/hypertrophy has been a game changer. Also, adding stability to exercises such as seal rows has been huge as well. I plan on implementing this strategy on my OHP as well since my standing, strict press is beginning to stall due to lack of shoulder strength. Being able to overload and build that up in a seated, stable position should be allow me to bust through that plateau.


Glad the fitness space is embracing longer rest, finally. It's so much better for performance, even if I had trouble staying "zoned in" when I first started using it.


Excellent video Alex! Golden advices that everyone needs to hear. -Gabo


i've been doing all these things kinda without knowing lately on my workouts and i can absolutely confirm that my strength has EXPLODED recently, good video as always man keep it up!


The stability aspect is not something many fitness tubers mention. Great stuff!


Bald omni man's approach to giant sets has changed my training. Doing belt squat/pull-up/weighted situps or dips/DB rows/roman twists is such a fun way to train, builds work capacity and as long as I leave a rep or two in the tank on the compounds I feel any performance decrease is probably negligible. Totally agree about excessive warm ups too and they are one of the biggest plagues in the fitness community.


Damn you look hella strong bro keep going. Just recovered from low back injury let's hit those gains again


once I understood the principles of recovery and fatigue management my training went to the next level, so good to see content talking about this, preach brother


I superset back and chest for most of my upper body workouts. I like doing it for shoulder too with a vertical push supersetted with rear delt flies or face pulls. You can literally get in two full workouts in 50%-60% of the time that it would take if you didn't superset.


Love alternating push and pull in my workouts, saves so much time & energy!
On warming up - I wasted so much time and energy overly warming up in the past. Stay mobile and active in life and you won't need to waste 10+ minutes on mobility and activations prior to even starting my warm up sets...
On longer rest. I really struggle with this one, even while being aware that I'm wasting progress I have to force myself. Coming from more athletic and martial arts conditioning training styles, even 45 seconds feels like a long rest. Great tip, I need it!!


People really need to experiment more with super-setting or giant setting antagonistic muscle movements. Good video Alex!


finally haha. that's what i do "super set" (but with rest inbetween) back and chest; Bis and tris; Front, medial, and rear delt. If you're gym business level allows it you can do more and rest more. win win. Alex I hope you reach the teen age audience - this is great advice, would save so much wasted time.


The best advice ive heard in my entire life : "treat your pull-ups like a competition lift" - alpha destiny, really surprised with my back gains after treating pull-ups with all the variations seriously


The Paladin buff in the thumbnail is perfection


The last thing you said about rest is so accurare, i was doing bicep curls 25 kgs and got 12/10/8 with 3 min rest, the next session i rested more and got 12/12/12. Now even for isolatioms im doing 5 minutes, i dont care what people say, truth is you dont lose gains, in fact im gaining because there are more reps and the quality is way better!


boost? you mean buff? BUFF ME UP! KINGS ON ME PALLY!


Doing that for the torso/limbs split and it is working very well


For alternating I recommend combining the push and the pull movements. Say OHP, a minute or two rest, followed by weighted pullup, once again rest and then you go back to the OHP. This not only saves time (cuz we cut the warming up in half too), but also allows for greater rest period between the separate movements.


great video as always, ive been doing literally all the things you said in the video and I confirm the strength is on point, one more thing to add, I find out that starting with a pulling movement followed by a pressing one is way better for you joints, specially rowing variation, it make my pressing exercise feels way stable and smoother.
