I was working 30 days in a row as a security guard... [Manga Dub]

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Yuto had it rough. Kurota and Tanabe forced him to continually work while they slacked off. First, they criticized him for the accident. Then they tried to take credit for "training him". The security company would be violating labor laws due to Yuto having to work continuously without days off and privacy laws for having employees give out personal information without permission. In the end, Yuto got rewarded for his hard work and Kurota and Tanabe got their punishment for slacking off and falsifying information.


30 straight shifts? Dang, Yuto has a strong mentality there, with barely any rest, he could've died of mental exhaustion. Well.. I guess he had some rest in between but Dang.


Love that Masamune helps to clear up misunderstandings that can lead to false allegations. The good being rewarded and the bad punished

If only real life was like this.


It's horrible did they try to put this all on him and stuff but at least you got to work freely and clean without any bad things happening to him anymore


As a result: Since getting fired for slacking off and forced Yuto to work extra shifts causing him to fall in sleep that cause the traffic accident and give Renji and Tanajin Yuto's address to falsely sue him for the accident, both Kurota and Tanabe are now working at C-mani Salmon factory 🏭 to pay up their debts to Renji and Tanajin in damages.


Working for 30 days straight!? Is that sort of thing even possible!?


It's nice that Reiji and Tanajun were able to clear Yuto's name and it's great that Masamune was able to expose Kurota and Tanabe for the horrible seniors that they were leaving him with all their work and hopefully Yuto figures out that Ruri has feelings for him. ☺️


We really need a story about how keita met Mr Moroboshi, who's with me?


I came across this and it does catches my attention and there I am!🎉😊


Being a Security Guard is a full time job Antonio Lopez San here Mani Mani People And for my Original Julio Lopez Kun Thanks, Grãcias and ありがとう😉✨👍🏼👋🏼🙂


This channel really fell off with overused tropes and low views because KRAPMANI likes to use clickbaits as means of garnering views and still falls short. I hope youtube takes down all romcom manga channels 🤣🤡🗑️


Angelo Toledo and Trina Deuhart (AdmiralTrina) are the VAs for today's story


Haven't heard from Trina in a long time. I find it messed up that yuto's superiors would just give out someone's personal information like that and BLAME him for the accident. At least those 2 guys he saved him a good chunk of that money. yuto's gonna be living the high life now.... maybe with his childhood friend?


MC maybe be a millionaire now but even that amount of money won't last forever, so he should at least find some work. I suggest he starts opening a small business and let it grow over time, and if its successful and brought him more money, he can retire nicely once time comes.


Oh man Masa really got them good. Idk why they thought that they would become famous by being on Masa's ManiTube. I was rooting for Masa to get to the truth.


Great job Masamune, those horrible men git what they reserved.


Amazing story! Serves Kurota and Tanabe right! For framing Yuto and for lying too much. Theyd eserve to be fired. It felt satisfying seeing those 2 jerks being caught as culprits by Masamune and those 2 famous actors. Really great. And the way Yuto saved those 2 actors by waking them up was really something.


* sigh *
Title - 'security guard'
0:20 - He is working as a traffic controller, or whatever they want to call the people regulating traffic around road work.
0:27 - "I literally can't hold it..." - If that was true, he would literally have wet himself. His pants would be soaked, he would feel cold, and he'd be embarrassed. Literally means it has actually happened... not could happen, should happen, or might happen... it would mean it has happened. To literally not be able to hold it, he would already be failing, and his bladder would be emptier than a shatter cup.
1:20 - Guess they work for a company that can't see past it's own nose. If you are willing to work employees into the ground, don't complain when an over worked person causes you trouble... like crashing their car into your mansion due to falling to sleep, or filing your company for bankruptcy because it was just a digit off from a company that was actually going bankrupt.
.... and then through the whole thing, he keeps getting called security guard... when that wasn't his job position.


long ago I worked as Security Guard, I had many back-to-back 12, 16 and 20 hour shifts


I don't think running away from a crash would look good for you, Yuta. However, it's a miracle that both Reiji and Tanajun made it out of that crash with minor injuries.
